ADVANCED ENGLISH II SEMESTER VOCABULARY REQUIREMENTS Three SEPARATE vocabulary assignments are DUE THE DAY OF THE QUIZ/TEST (see below) 1. Definitions and Drawings – USE COMPUTER PAPER 2. Vocabulary Handout – FROM WEBSITE 3. Vocabulary Story – HANDWRITTEN OR TYPED Quizzes/Tests are CUMULATIVE (each quiz includes words from all preceding units) There is NO WORD BANK DEFINITIONS AND DRAWINGS – USE COMPUTER PAPER Copy the definition EXACTLY include the part of speech Write the definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS Create a DRAWING to represent the definition (NO STICK FIGURES) COLOR your drawings if the picture is not colored, then the highest grade possible is a “C” VOCABULARY UNIT HANDOUT Print out from teacher website and complete the Vocabulary Handout for assigned unit Hint: The fill-in-the-blank questions are similar in format to the test VOCABULARY STORY Write a story that MAKES SENSE using all of the words from the assigned unit Use only ONE WORD PER SENTENCE UNDERLINE OR HIGHLIGHT each vocabulary word Be sure to USE THE CORRECT PART OF SPEECH for each word Each sentence should have CONTEXT CLUES/SYNONYMS that help EXPLAIN what the word means