g-lab 1. Data Table 3-15

Final Requirements for the g-lab
No Title Sheet Necessary (This lab only!!!)
1. Data Table 3-15
Distance (cm & m) & Time (s) for the falling ball on the video.
Ignore the precision of our time and displacement data. THIS LAB
ONLY!!!! Example: If your displacement was 15 cm then convert to
.15 m
2. Excel dt- Graph 3-15
printout with the equation for the “Best-fit” line included. (polynomial-quadratic)
3. Graphical Analysis notes for Graph 3-15
4. Calculation - % error (in TSF)
gexperimental – m x 2
gactual – 9.81 m/s/s
(y = mx2)
5. Data Table 3-16 (Analysis of Error –AOE)