English 3 Class Syllabus 14/15 This class will utilize the core curriculum for 11th grade English Literature and supplementary materials in order to provide students opportunities to make progress on IEP goals within the instruction of: reading comprehension and fluency written expression and writing as a process, including research listening and speaking skills grammar, punctuation, and spelling reinforcement vocabulary building reading, writing and analyzing of short stories, novels, and poetry The Rules are Simple 1. Respect Yourself, Others, this Classroom, and the Things in it 2. Make Good Choices 3. Do your Best—don’t just try to get by 4. Act your Age—you are in high school 5. Keep your language, behavior, and assignments school appropriate—do not use profanity, refer to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, gangs, etc 6. All school policies as outlined in your student handbook will be followed Attendance, Participation and Cooperative Groups As in the world of work, attendance, being on time and the ability to work with others are critical for success in this class. Organization Being prepared is critical to school success. plenty of lined paper blue or black ink pens and pencils Make-up Work, Late Work, and Extra Credit When students are absent, missing work will be on my website or on Haiku. o It is the student’s responsibility to find out about and make-up missing work. There will be various opportunities for extra credit, take advantage of them. Grading Your grade will be based on the following: Participation Classwork Homework Projects (to be explained as assigned) Tests/Quizzes The traditional A, B, C, D, and F scale will be used. Vista Murrieta High School Students are always expected to act with CLASS 28251 Clinton Keith Road, Murrieta, CA 92563 Mr. Files jfiles@murrieta.k12.ca.us I have read and understand the requirements of Mr. Files class. Student Signature __________________________________ Date ________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________________ Date ________________________ Parents, Email can be an effective way for us to communicate. Please provide an email address below that you can be contacted at regarding student behavior, assignments, and/or other important information. Please print your email address clearly. Thank you. Parent email address: ___________________________________ Name __________________________ Vista Murrieta High School Students are always expected to act with CLASS 28251 Clinton Keith Road, Murrieta, CA 92563 Mr. Files jfiles@murrieta.k12.ca.us