Welcome! QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. FINAL, FINAL Review Jeopardy #4 Nation Building Responsive State Imperialism Responses to Imperialism Peeps 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 FINAL Nation Building Which of the following is NOT true? A. Northern German states united following the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 B. The Third Republic was established in France following the Franco-Prussian War C. Venetia was added to Italy because of the Franco-Prussian War C. Venetia was added to Italy because of the Franco-Prussian War Nation Building Which of the following matches are incorrect? A. Garibaldi – defeat of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies B. Mazzini – establishment of the democratic Italian Republic in 1848 C. Adolph Thiers – President of the 2nd Republic in France D. Alexander II – the assassinated Tsar of Russia in 1881 C. Adolph Thiers – President of the 2nd Republic in France Nation Building Ethnic group who demanded autonomy from Austria following the Austro-Prussian War? Magyars Nation Building Put the following events in the order they occurred: A. Central states of Italy vote to join the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont B. Sardinia captures Lombardy from Austria C. Rome is united with the new Italian nation D. Sardinia grants Nice & Savoy to France E. Garibaldi surrenders the Kingdom of Two Sicilies to King Victor Emmanuel B–D–A–E–C Nation Building Which of the following was NOT true about German unification: A. Prussia instituted lenient conditions on Austria following the Austro-Prussian War B. Bismarck enacted a policy of “Blood & Iron” to unify Germany C. Germany took Alsace-Lorraine from France as a result of the Franco Prussian War D. Kaiser William II became the first emperor of the German Empire in 1871 Responsive State All of the following were parts of the Great Reforms under Tsar Alexander II Except? A. B. C. D. Abolition of serfdom Establishment of a national assembly Modernization of the legal system Establishment of local governments, Zemstvos B. est. of a national assembly Responsive State In the late 19th and early 20th century, the modern states in Western Europe did all of the following for their citizens EXCEPT? A. B. C. D. Increased the availability of public education Extended the right to vote to most adult males Provided life and health insurance to all citizens Legalized trade unions C. Provided life and health insurance to all citizens Responsive State France during the 3rd Republic included all of the following EXCEPT? A. Dreyfus Affair B. female teachers in public schools C. Paris Commune D. The election of Napoleon III D. The election of Napoleon III Responsive State All of the following had negative effects on Jewish people, EXCEPT? A. The Stock market crash of 1873 B. The Zionist movement under Theodore Herzl C. The Russian Pogroms D. anti-Semitic ideology B. The Zionist movement under Theodore Herzl Responsive State All of the following were true about the Home Rule movement in Ireland EXCEPT A. Protestants in Northern Ireland opposed the movement B. Prime minister William Gladstone supported Home Rule C. Catholics were the minority religion in Ireland D. The question of Home Rule was put off due to the outbreak of WWI B. Catholics were the minority religion in Ireland Imperialism Which of the following was NOT an impact of industrialization on the world economy? A. standard of living gap b/w Europeans and the world B. West used its superior power to take from the rest of the world C. Prior to 1750, European standard of living was far below that of non-Europeans C Imperialism Which of the following was NOT true about the new world economy? A. France and Germany invested far more in foreign markets than any other nation B. Railroads, steamships, and the Suez and Panama Canals helped expand trade C. Britain led the world in manufacturing and as a market for goods from other countries A Imperialism Which of the following was NOT a cause of New Imperialism? A. B. C. D. tariff barriers limited imports to Europe importance of military bases and coaling stations the perceived national prestige ideology of racial and cultural equality A Imperialism The Berlin Conference established this principle for the European colonization of Africa effective occupation Imperialism Which is incorrect? A. Great Britain – Boer Wars B. Belgium – Congo Republic C. France – Fachoda incident D. Japan – Treaty of Nanking E. China – Opium Wars D Responses The Boxer Rebellion was A. a rebellion of traditional Chinese patriots against westerners. B. a Japanese civil war to end the rule of the Shogun C. a war between the British and Qing dynasty over the illegal importation of opium A Responses The Great Rebellion of 1857-58 in India was also known as? The Sepoy Mutiny Responses The non-European nation that was forced to open its shores by the U.S. Navy in 1853 Japan Responses All of the following were true about India Except? A. British women played a significant role in managing their estates B. All social classes within the caste system were given equal opportunities under British rule C. Modern irrigation and railroad systems were developed under British rule B Responses Migration during the age of Imperialism included all of the following EXCEPT? A. Italian immigrants were commonly known as “Swallows” B. Most European immigrants were small farmers or craftsmen C. Asian immigrants were able to make a better life for themselves C Peeps 200 His book, Heart of Darkness, criticized Imperialism Joseph Conrad Peeps Henry Laboucheres’ poem, The Brown Man’s Burden, was in response to Rudyard Kipling’s, White Mans Burden” Peeps He joined Bismarck in leading the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 Jules Ferry Peeps He agreed to establish a national assembly, the Duma, following the Revolution of 1905. Tsar Nicholas II Peeps He was a major figure in the political liberalization of France and in the exoneration of the falsely accused and convicted army officer Alfred Dreyfus Emile Zola FINAL JEOPARDY! The Two African nations not imperialized during the late 19th century Liberia & Ethiopia