Unit 7: Chapter 23 – Revolutions of 1848 Name: ______________________________ Period: ___

Unit 7: Chapter 23 – Revolutions of 1848
Name: ______________________________
Period: ___
Using the text (pg. 777-782) & class handout, match the following events to the country in which they took place:
Prussia (German States)
Italy (Rome, Piedmont)
1. _________________
The monarchy in Vienna exploited the fears of minority groups in Hungary and
Bohemia causing conflicting national aspirations within the empire, allowing the
monarchy to play one group against the other.
2. _________________
The Second Republic is established giving universal suffrage to all adult males,
freeing all slaves in colonies, abolition of the death penalty, and the establishment of
a 10-hour work day.
3. _________________
Frederick VII tried to integrate the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein into
the kingdom of Denmark which resulted in a declaration of war by the
Frankfurt Assembly.
4. _________________
The Constituent Assembly created a new Constitution which featured a strong
executive, allowing Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, to win the
election of December 1848.
5. _________________
Ferdinand I abdicated his throne to his son Francis Joseph I.
6. _________________
Frederick William IV gave into the middle-class liberals who were joined by
the artisans and factory workers in Berlin, promising a liberal constitution and
the merging of a new national state.
7. _________________
Louis Philippe abdicated his throne to his grandson.
8. _________________
Delegates met in Frankfurt to form a democratic constitution which established the
Frankfurt Assembly.
9. _________________
The Piedmont declared war on Austria & is defeated.
10. ________________
The National Assembly drafted a liberal constitution and elected King Frederick
William emperor of the national state. Frederick William refused the crown
reasserting that he ruled by divine right.
11. ________________
Neopolitan armies retake Sicily & the Roman Republic surrenders to France
restoring the pope as ruler.
12. ________________
Nationalistic Hungarians demanded national autonomy, full civil liberties, and
universal suffrage, which led to the capitulation of Emperor Ferdinand I, who
promised reforms and a liberal Constitution.
13. ________________
Revolution broke out in Venice and the Venetian Republic was reestablished.
14. ________________
Nicholas I of Russia sent 130,000 troops into Hungary to crush the revolt in
favor of conservatism.
15. ________________
The Pan-Slav congress met in Prague after the Czechs refused to send
representatives to the Frankfurt Assembly.
16. ________________
The Roman Republic is declared when the Pope flees to Genoa following the
assassination of his prime minister.
17. ________________
The Venetian Republic falls to disease & starvation.
18. ________________
The government dissolved the national workshops triggering a lower class
revolt which resulted in the conflict known as June Days.