Chapter 19 Practice Quiz Rationale B: C:

Chapter 19 Practice Quiz Rationale
1. B: The term refers to the transformation of the household labor, particularly that of women and children,
toward production for the market and being paid in wages in the cottage system.
2. C: It is the British who end up on top in Asia at the end of the eighteenth century.
3. D: Mercantilism benefits manufactures and merchants by protecting them from competition and providing
them with guaranteed markets. Consumers, ordinary people who buy goods, would benefit the most from
economically liberal policies.
4. A: With this requirement, the British shipbuilding and shipping industry boomed and outcompeted its
nearest rival, the Dutch.
5. D: Women were terribly paid; their wages were a small fraction of what men earned.
6. C: The guilds found ways to incorporate new technology and methods of production, and some new guilds
were formed, for example, of seamstresses. Historians now say the guilds’ highpoint was the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries, not the High Middle Ages.
7. C: Mestizos were about 30 percent of the population, Creoles about 20 percent. The percentage of black
was much smaller in the Spanish colonies.
8. E: In Argentina, Chile, and Peru, the most important Spanish colonies, most of the laborers were native
people. There was relatively little African slavery there or in New England, where there was little plantation
9. A: By ending the practice of leaving the land fallow, agricultural productivity went up substantially. Although
enclosure and the other options also were important and helped make increased productivity possible, crop
rotation and planting all fields every year were the definitive elements.
10. C: Only in England was there inoculation against smallpox. There was relatively little rise in birthrates, and
illegitimacy was not significant for population growth at the growth at that time.
11. B: The result of the enclosure movement in England was that smaller farmers sold out to larger ones,
leading to concentration of ownership. Parliament passed many acts of enclosure. Enclosure the common
fields helped increase productivity.
12. A: The height of the slave trade was the 1780s; it was abolished in 1807 in Britain.
13. E: Dahomey became wealthy, but in general the impact was to increase warfare in the competition t
acquire slaves to sell to Europeans
14. D: France gave up its outpost in India in the treaty that ended the Seven Years’ War. Spain had ceded the
asiento and France Nova Scotia at the Peace of Utrecht in 1713. Spain acquired, not ceded, Louisiana and did
not cede its Caribbean colonies at that time.
15. B: London became the largest city in Europe. It rebuilt itself after the Great Fire of 1666, moving west with
townhouses built around squares.