[Type text] Unit 2 Time Line Name: ______________________________ Per: ____ 1453 _________________________________ Bohemian Phase of 30 Yrs’ War 1487 _________________________________ Confession of Augsburg 1512 _________________________________ Knox est. Presbyterian Church 1517 _________________________________ St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 1519 _________________________________ Spanish Armada 1520 _________________________________ Peace of Westphalia 1521 _________________________________ Defenstration of Prague 1523 _________________________________ Ottoman’s capture Constantinople 1525 _________________________________ Luther translated New Testament to German 1525 _________________________________ Pilgrimage of Grace 1527 _________________________________ Peace of Augsburg 1529 _________________________________ Treaty of Cateau Cambresis 1529 _________________________________ Death of Gustavus Adolphus 1530 _________________________________ Danish Phase of the 30 Yrs’ War 1533 _________________________________ Ninety-Five Theses 1535 _________________________________ Bartholomew Diaz rounded Cape of Good Hope 1536 _________________________________ Swedish Phase of the 30 Yrs’ War 1536 _________________________________ Diet at Worms 1540 _________________________________ Jesuits secured papal approval 1542 _________________________________ General History of the Indies 1545 to 1563 _________________________________ “Council of Blood” 1547 _________________________________ Institutes of the Christian Religion 1555 _________________________________ Ecumenical Council 1559 _________________________________ French or International Phase of the 30 Yrs’ War 1560 _________________________________ Swabian Peasants The Twelve Articles 1560-1660 _________________________________ Charles V became the Holy Roman Emperor 1568 _________________________________ Appeal to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation 1572 _________________________________ Colloquy of Marburg 1581 _________________________________ Council of Trent 1588 _________________________________ Edict of Nantes 1598 _________________________________ Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office 1618 _________________________________ Luther’s marriage to Katharina von Bora 1618 – 1625 _________________________________ Ursuline Order of Nuns founded by Angelina Merici 1625 – 1629 _________________________________ Union of Utrecht declared independence from Spain 1629 _________________________________ Witch-hunts 1630 – 1635 _________________________________ Diet of Speyer 1632 _________________________________ Edict of Restitution 1635 – 1648 _________________________________ The Act of Restraint of Appeals 1648 _________________________________ Sack of Rome by Charles V