Chapter 14 Review Quiz

Chapter 14 Review Quiz
1. Protestants were more likely than Catholics to:
a. Advocate religious tolerance.
b. Permit premarital sex
c. Permit divorce
d. Advocate religious violence
e. Advocate gender equality
7. Ignatius of Loyola was the founder of the:
a. Brotherhood of Christ
b. Dominicans
c. Quakers
d. Franciscans
e. Jesuits
2. Between 1500 and 1800, European men married
in their
a. Forties
b. Mid- to late-teens
c. Mid- to late-twenties
d. Mid to late-thirties
e. Early teens
8. Which of the following occurred first?
a. Diet of Worms
b. Marburg Colloquy
c. Diet of Augsburg
d. Council of Trent
e. Peace of Westphalia
3. Cervantes’ most famous work is:
a. Moll Flanders
b. Valencia
c. Under a Spanish Sky
d. The Tale of Thomas Gatito
e. Don Quixote
9. Which of the following practices did Zwingli NOT
question and repudiate in the course of his
a. Worship of saints
b. Transubstantiation
c. Pilgrimages
d. Clerical celibacy
e. Church attendance
4. The Modern Devotion was a religious movement
a. Northern Europe
b. Southern Europe
c. England
d. Spain
e. Italy
5. Pope Leo X’s Jubilee Indulgence was meant to
raise funds to:
a. Assemble an army to defend the papal states
b. Combat the reformation
c. Launch a new crusade
d. Rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome
e. Increase pay for clergy
6. The Marburg Colloquy sought to:
a. Unite Spanish and Italian Catholics
b. Unite Swiss and German Protestants
c. Establish a new Catholic council system
d. Establish religious tolerance throughout
e. Outlaw Calvinism in Britain
10. Reform efforts of the Council of Trent included all
of the following EXCEPT:
a. Several doctrinal concessions to the
b. Creation of new seminaries
c. Reform of the office of bishop
d. Machinery to control the morality of the
e. Steps to curtail the selling of church offices
11. The Reformation broke out first in:
a. The prosperous ports of Holland
b. London and other important English cities
c. The French countryside
d. Austria
e. The free imperial cities of Germany and
Chapter 14 Review Quiz
12. All of the following undermined the authority of
the medieval church EXCEPT:
a. Its “exile” in Avignon
b. The Great Schism
c. The Conciliar period
d. Its laxity towards heretical movements
e. The excesses of the Renaissance papacy
13. In the houses of the Modern Dominance:
a. Clerics developed a sense of their
separateness from the laity
b. Clerics and laity shared a common religious
c. The authority of the pop was rejected
d. The laity refused to admit clerics as members
e. The papacy trained young men to fight heresy
14. The benefice system:
a. Allowed important ecclesiastical posts to be
sold to the highest bidder
b. Distributed charity throughout Europe
c. Allowed poor men and women to become
nuns and monks
d. Was first developed in houses of the Modern
e. Was supported by most lay Catholics
15. The medieval church taught that salvation was
the result of:
a. Good works
b. Faith
c. Faith and good works
d. Church attendance
e. Veneration of the saints
16. Luther believed in all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Salvation by faith alone
b. The priesthood of all believers
c. The sovereign authority of scripture
d. The unimportance of good works
e. The need for a social and political hierarchy
17. The Anabaptists were:
a. Embraced by the Lutherans
b. Embraced by Zwinglians
c. Convinced that all babies should be baptized
at birth
d. Convinced that they had not really broken
from the Catholic church
e. Seen as a threat to good order by the political
18. According to the doctrine of predestination:
a. God has foreordained who will be saved and
who will be damned
b. Christians must set salvation as their only goal
before it can be achieved
c. Theological doctrine must begin with ends
and then work back to means
d. Only men are capable of salvation
e. Divorce is a mortal sin
19. Protestant reformers:
a. Implemented many of the educational
reforms of humanism
b. Rejected humanism
c. Were unwilling to allow divorce
d. Believed only men should be taught to read
e. Generally supported Scholasticism
20. Protestant reformers tended to do all of the
following EXCEPT:
a. Favor clerical marriage
b. Encourage basic education
c. Oppose monasticism
d. See marriage as a degraded state
e. Oppose the celibate life