E L T ngaging the

Engaging the Learner with the Text
Instructions: After pre-viewing the chapter, read sections and complete a variety
of interactions with the textual material. This activity invites students to
investigate and read more closely the details. Read a chunk of the text or section
of the chapter. First summarize the main point or idea. Next, complete one of
the following engaging situations. For example, you will summarize and might
write a question about the section.
Turn titles, headings, and subheadings into questions
Create new titles, headings, and subheadings for each section
Prepare graph, table, chart from the reading
Create a timeline from the events you read about in that section
Keep a running timeline from the events as we study them
Write a poem about a key idea, term, or character
Provide new examples or make connections to another time in history
Create illustrations, symbols or drawings about the reading
Develop “What If” statements from the reading, pictures, or data
Relate the text to your experience or to another example
Compose metaphors or similes
Create an analogy