Final Exam Study Guide Directions:

U.S. Government
Mr. Partin
Final Exam Study Guide
Directions: To earn extra credit, you must explain each term or concept below. Use
Cornell format, number the concepts as below, and complete all of them in order. If you
do not follow all directions, there will be no credit given.
1. Characteristics of a state
2. Social Contract Theory
3. Unitary Government
4. Federal Government
5. Confederate Government
6. Ideas in the Declaration of Independence
7. Virginia Plan
8. New Jersey Plan
9. Connecticut Compromise
10. Three-Fifth’s Compromise
11. Purpose of the Federalist Papers
12. The Anti-Federalist position
13. Bill of Rights
14. Examples of Check and Balance
15. Definition of Separation of Powers
16. Formal Methods of changing the Constitution
17. Definition of Federalism
18. Expressed Powers
19. Implied Powers
20. Inherent Powers
21. Legislative power
22. Reapportionment
23. Redistricting
24. Reynolds v. Sims
25. Necessary and Proper Clause
26. Commerce Power
27. Implied Powers Doctrine
28. McCulloch v. Maryland
29. Gibbons v. Ogden
30. Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States
31. Filibuster
32. Cloture
33. Provisions of 22nd Amendment
34. Provisions of 25th Amendment
35. Presidential Succession Act
36. Criticisms of the Electoral College
37. Plans for reforming Electoral College
38. President’s military powers
39. President’s legislative powers
40. Actions President may take on a bill
U.S. Government
Mr. Partin
41. Largest source of federal revenue from taxes
42. U.S. Foreign Policy before World War I
43. U.S. Foreign Policy during the Cold War
44. Structure of the Federal Court System
45. Purpose of the Federal Courts of Appeals
46. Marbury v. Madison
47. How judges are selected for federal courts
48. Writ of certiorari
49. Majority Opinions
50. Dissenting Opinions
51. Civil Rights
52. Civil Liberties
53. Free exercise clause
54. Due Process Clause
55. When laws against seditious speech have been upheld by the Courts
56. In what ways has the government encouraged religion in the U.S.?
57. Writ of Habeas Corpus
58. Exclusionary Rule
59. Substantive Due Process
60. Procedural Due Process
61. 5th Amendment Rights
62. 6th Amendment Rights
63. Historical equality of minority groups
64. Equal Protection Clause
65. Affirmative Action
66. Definition of citizenship
67. De Facto Segregation
68. De Jure Segregation
69. Civil Rights Act of 1964
70. Naturalization process