Responsibility Unit: To What Extent Are We Responsible for Others?

Responsibility Unit: To What Extent Are
We Responsible for Others?
To better help you understand the research
paper’s topic, we will examine the role of
individual and societal responsibility towards
other individuals, specifically those who seem
to be in a great state of harm or distress.
As you watch each video, you must address the
following questions in Cornell-Style Notes:
1) what does the researcher or documentary CLAIM?
(what are they saying or alleging in the video)
2) What evidence do they use to support their claim? (it
may be a news story or case study) provide as much
information about the event as possible.
3) Conclusion: To what extent were the individuals or
society responsible for others? Did anyone act? What
made people act? What made them stay silent?
The Bystander Effect
The Milgram Experiment
The Kitty Genovese Story