How to Write A DANCE Review

How to Write A DANCE Review
Give title, choreographer, and dance genre.
Give time and date of production, place, and name of performing group.
Have the Dance director sign the program or ticket.
Dance Staff will only sign programs or tickets at the conclusion of each
performance in the theater lobby. No signature—No credit!
Staple the program and ticket to the dance review. All dance critique must be
turned in within one week of closing night.
As you write this review, include a discussion of each of the following areas. Read your review
aloud, edit, and revise the review to remove all factual and spelling or grammar errors. Always
be specific. You may consider taking notes during the show or at intermission.
IDENTIFY THE THEME of dance, main subject matter or message of the dance.
DESCRIBE THE ATMOSPHERE. Tell how it was expressed. In the scenery?
Lighting? Sound effects/music? Give details!
WRITE A BRIEF SUMMARY of story, or movement.
TECHNICAL EVALUATION. Did the setting, lighting, costuming, make-up, sound
effects, etc., fit the dance? Did they help communicate the choreographer’s
message or detract from the dance in some way?
PROVIDE A DANCE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Were the dancers convincing in
their movement? Did all dancers do their share, or did some detract by not
doing as well as they should? What about their technique and movement
quality? Were there any outstanding performances? Be specific: give details.
GIVE A CHOREOGRAPHIC EVALUATION. Did the stage stay comfortably balanced or
asymmetric or? Did all aspects of the dance communicate the same idea or
feeling, or were some things not harmonious? In your opinion did this work to
your satisfaction? Do you think it was true to what you think the
choreographer had in mind in choreographing this dance? Were any aspects
of the dance confusing? Be specific: give details.
OFFER A PERSONAL OPINION. Discuss any aspect(s) of the dance you wish, but
give reasons with specifics to justify or explain your opinions.