Assessment Steering Committee Meeting 11:00–11:50 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014

Assessment Steering Committee Meeting
AMC Oak Room
Assessment Steering Committee
Lisa Foss, Convener
Holly Evers
HBS: Kerry Marrer
SOE: Kathy Dahlberg, Frances Kayona
COLA: Wendy Bjorklund
CETL: Lalita Subrahmanyan
SCEE: Vacant
SPA: David Switzer
Special Services: Robin Ewing
Liberal Ed: Vacant
Assessment GA: Sam Lehman
Cont. Studies: Michael Penrod
Academic Affairs: Lisa Foss
COSE: Sandra Johnson
Graduate Studies: Melanie Guentzel
SHHS: Jill Snippen
Student L&D: Vacant
UC: Adam Klepetar
Student: Dixie Johnson
Motion to approve – Robin Ewing moved to approve the minutes with changes.
Second- Sandy Johnson
Motion passed unanimously.
The committee congratulated Sampada Lehman, the Assessment and
Accreditation GA, who passed the oral exams for her master’s degree, and will
be graduating with her MS in Higher Education.
Assessment Director Position: President Potter sent a letter to Steve
Hornstien, President of the FA, regarding the new Assessment Director
position. It will be vetted at Meet and Confer on Thursday, May 1. The letter
details their agreed compromise. The position will be called the “Faculty
Assessment Fellow”. It will be a faculty position with 50% reassignment plus
an additional 20 duty days to use either during the year or over the summer.
The individual’s home department will be granted funds to cover courses with
a fixed term faculty member. The primary goal of the position will be engaging
faculty and increasing participation. The position will potentially begin the first
duty day in August. After one year, the individual will be assessed relative to
the progress made on HLC Criteria 4B. The position could be extended
through the HLC visit in AY 2017.
Project: The Multi State Collaborative (MSC): Lisa Foss described this 9-state
consortium and its function to the group. Additional information can be found
SCSU is one of a few institutions participating as part of the overall
State of Minnesota. We will be assessing the following 3 goals/outcomes
using AAC&U VALUE rubrics:
1. Written Communication
2. Quantitative Reasoning
3. Critical Thinking
SCSU must provide 70-100 artifacts for each and the samples must
include artifacts from different courses and subject areas. With the
help of CETL, Communities of Practice (CoPs) are being built around each of
the three outcomes. Leaders for two of the three areas have been established.
There is funding available to members of the CoPs for duty days and
conference presentations. Members of the ASC are encouraged to apply to
join one of the CoPs and encourage others to do so, as well. Finally, the
organizational leadership is partnering with CETL to bring Wabash College
speakers in for Convocation to speak about assessment and run hands-on
workshops around impactful, course-level assessment.
Faculty Learning Community: Meta-Assessment
Lalita Subrahmanyan asked those present to consider how best to recruit for the
Meta-assessment FLC. It was agreed that Joyce Simones, as facilitator, should take
the lead and be included in the letter and advertising process. The committee agreed
that the announcements should come out in stages—first to the Assessment Steering
Committee, then Assessment Peer Consultants, then college/department level
committees, etc. The last stage would be to send the announcement out to facultystaff-all. The review of applications was set for the 21 st of May.
Next Meeting: Fall 2014