Assessment Steering Committee Meeting MINUTES TYPE OF MEETING FACILITATOR NOTE TAKER ATTENDEES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 11:00–11:50 AMC Mississippi Room Assessment Steering Committee Lisa Foss, Convener Holly Evers HBS: Kerry Marrer SOE: Kathy Dahlberg, Frances Kayona COLA: Wendy Bjorklund CETL: Lalita Subrahmanyan SCEE: Vacant SPA: David Switzer Special Services: Robin Ewing Liberal Ed: Vacant Assessment GA: Sam Gaikwad Cont. Studies: Michael Penrod Academic Affairs: Lisa Foss COSE: Sandra Johnson Graduate Studies: Melanie Guentzel SHHS: Jill Snippen Student L&D: Vacant UC: Adam Klepetar Student: Dixie Johnson Guest: MINUTES Motion to approve – Adam Klepetar moved to approve the minutes Second- Wendy Bjorklund Motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS DISCUSS TK20 Training Server—Lisa had a conversation with our Tk20 salesperson and discovered the possibility of a permanent training server for campus use. It could act as a playground/staging area, as well as, serve for training. TK20 On Sight Training—Lisa also discovered that we have paid for several days of on sight training from Tk20. Holly discussed the process with our Tk20 product consultants. Discussion of topics and planning the training will be discussed at a later ASC meeting. HLC QI Presentation during April 4—members were encouraged to attend. HLC QI Communication- to Assessment leaders on campus. Members were asked to send Holly a list of their unit assessment committees, which has been requested by the HLC QI Communications committee. Assessment Peer Consultants (APCs) CETL Faculty Learning Community Application. The committee opted to have a sub-committee of volunteers work on the conception and actualization of the FLC rather than using committee time. The previously established volunteers: Joyce, Lalita, Sandy, and Wendy will form the sub committee. Holly will set up their meetings. Brainstorming. Committee members were asked to brainstorm ideas for using, engaging and growing the APC program. o Creation of a D2L assessment course—interactive with resources and space for questions and discourse. The discussion began to sound very much like the assessment handbook that already exists online. There was no particular interest in its creation nor the running of an ongoing assessment course with rotating readings and materials modeled after the WASC assessment leadership school. Wendy suggested that APCs could be asked to monitor the course or possibly run it. o Guideblog-- Lalita and Robin mentioned the “guideblog” project. People will create paragraphs on a given topic along with several questions for discussion. They mentioned it in conjunction with the Assessment Update reviews done by Holly. Holly stressed that she did not want it to turn into the Assessment Newsletter, which everyone loved in principal but not in practice; No one wanted to create content for the newsletter. If, however, we could use materials that already exist, then that would be easy to parlay into guideblog materials. Robin mentioned we could do regular assessment installments that could be searchable. It might be possible to link to the aforementioned D2L course. o APC hybrid training—F2F + D2L. It could be a semester long course with periodic face-to-face (F2F) training. Holly suggested it might be easier for faculty to follow an online course, which would require less scheduling. Wendy stressed the amount of time it took to create the original APC training. Lalita suggested that Friday during January workshops is free; we could do initial F2F training at that time. It would give training creators the fall semester to create the training. o Probationary Faculty—Lalita mentioned the CETL sessions for new faculty. Wendy mentioned Jim Sherohman’s belief that we need to get to new faculty quickly, before they become convinced that assessment is extra work. We need to convince them that assessment is easily incorporated into their course planning. Lalita stressed that many of these individuals are focused on very basic elements of their course planning, ie. How to create a syllabus. She thinks any time spent on assessment needs to be immediately applicable. She mentioned several sessions that had fallen flat, including one on dealing with difficult students. o Use of students—Holly mentioned the Assessment Update article that talked about using students to help with the assessment process. Lalita mentioned that MSU Mankato has students that perform teaching evaluations. She also mentioned having students send out surveys. Melanie mentioned using students to do focus groups. There was a fair amount of enthusiasm about the idea—committee members believed that many grad students would be interested in the training as potential professional development. Liberal Education Assessment Holly Evers invited Joe Melcher to the April 9 meeting to tell committee members about the history and process of LE assessment. Next Meeting: Liberal Education Assessment