Assessment Steering Committee Meeting MINUTES 11:00–11:50 AMC- Granite Room WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2011 TYPE OF MEETING Assessment Steering Committee FACILITATOR Joe Melcher, Interim University Assessment Director NOTE TAKER Holly Evers HCOB: Vacant COE: Frances Kayona COFAH: Wendy Bjorklund CETL: Lalita Subrahmanyan COSS: Vacant LRTS: Chris Inkster Gen Ed: Vacant Student: Vacant ATTENDEES Cont. Studies: Michael Penrod Academic Affairs: Vacant COSE: Vacant Graduate Studies: Melanie Guentzel Student L&D: Rob Reff Institutional Research: Kim Oren Institutional Effectiveness: Lisa Foss Guest: Judy Dorn, Rekha APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 2010 Motion to approve as amended- Chris Inkster Second- Wendy Bjorklund Motion passed unanimously. AGENDA There were no additional items Motion to approve- Wendy Bjorklund Second- Lalita Subrahmanyan Motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE BUSINESS DISCUSS Faculty Senate Motion Dr. Melcher reaffirmed that the entire meeting would be a discussion of the motion brought forth by Jim Robinson on behalf of Judy Dorn. He asked Dr. Dorn to begin the meeting with a brief statement of the concerns over the implementation of the liberal education plan. The committee had a fruitful discussion with her and will continue to collaborate with her until all of the issues are addressed. The committee has until the February 8, 2011 Faculty Senate to discuss and report back to Senate on Dr. Dorn’s motion. MOTION n/a OLD NEW Institutional Learning Outcomes Spring Newsletter