Chelsie Cragin

Chelsie Cragin
While interning at the Roosevelt Boys and Girls Club my main task and focus was working with the teen
members, which is grades seventh through twelfth. While working with these individuals I ran an arrangement
of different programs that taught the teens valuable lessons. Job Ready, Career Launch, and Goals for
Graduation were three co-ed programs that focused on teaching members how to fill out job applications, write
resumes and cover letters, search for future career interest, interview edict, and goals they would like to set to
successfully graduate from high school. Another program I ran was with female teens called Date SMART; this
program is to help young women have healthy happy relationships. When I ran the group I focused on the topic
of domestic violence to help these young women recognize the warnings signs and the different forms of
violence. Because most of my internship was spent over the summer my goal was to keep teen members
engaged and involved with the club and programs to keep them off the streets and out of trouble during the
summer months.
My final project was a two month process of organizing and planning. In June of 2012, I began
planning and organizing to take a group of Boys and Girls Club and Kidstop members to an event called “Take
a Day Off”. It was my job to get all the information on the event and bring in as many Clubs and Kidstops
together as possible. I began by recruiting other interns and staff to commit to the event as chaperones, and then
I needed to make flyers and permission slips and personally bring them to six different sites. Over the course of
two months I was planning and tracking how many members would be attending the event and how many
individuals would be in the bus. It was a daylong event on a Saturday in Sartell, MN. While planning and
organizing this event I was able to accomplish and improve on all my Learning Goals. I stood out to
management as a leader and gain respect in the process.
 Job Description:
Youth Guidance Worker- Plan and lead programs and activities with children ages six to eighteen.
Build relationships and become mentors for underprivileged and at risk youth; adult supervision and safety for
all members.
Buddy King- Unit Director/Direct Supervisor,
Tom Wicks- Director of Programs,
Leah Dhein
I spent 4 months interning as a women’s advocate and criminal justice intervention advocate at Anna Marie’s
Alliance. I worked at the battered women’s shelter providing direct services to the victims and residents.
Throughout the duration of my time at Anna Marie’s I accomplished many things. I learned about domestic
violence, about victims as well as abusers. I learned about the criminal justice system by observing court. I
attended arraignments, domestic violence court, as well as individual trials. I also rode along with two patrol
officers on two different shifts and two different beats with the St. Cloud Police department. I attended
meetings with my supervisor and assisted in training local law enforcement on a new on-scene advocacy
This internship was an invaluable learning experience for me.
For my final project I helped organize a successful community event. The event was “Domestic Violence:
Through a Child’s Eyes”. We invited community organizations who could provide services for victims. We had a
great turn out for service providers as well as community members. I also directed, filmed and edited a short
video for my organization and for the domestic violence partnership. This video as well as the website for the
event can be seen at:
Elizabeth Dirks
I spent ten months interning for the City of Rogers and working with their newly
established senior citizen programs. I had the opportunity to develop and oversee several
senior programs and minor projects throughout this time. I learned how to work alongside
and manage all volunteers that participate with the senior programs in Rogers. I gained
valuable computer, communication, managerial, and organizational skills. I completed
several minor projects during my internship but the project I am most proud of is the
Volunteer Recognition and Training Session I led. I organized for all senior programming
volunteers to come together to gain recognition for their hard work and to gain more
training as a group. This volunteer session is now something that is expected to occur on a
yearly basis. I have committed myself to the wellbeing of this community for ten months and I
have seen so many wonderful results from it.
The picture I uploaded is from the Volunteer Recognition and Training Session that occurred
on November 27th 2012!
Job Description: Senior Services Intern
As a part time intern responsibilities include developing and managing new senior activities,
supervising senior volunteers, overseeing the Senior Dining Program, attending meetings
relevant to senior programs, and assisting the Recreation and Facilities Manager.
Contact: The City of Rogers: Recreation and Facilities Manager, 763-428-0974
I think my portfolio is a great showcase of all my hard work at my internship! It provides
several examples the work I completed at the City of Rogers.
Mike Fabre internship
DESCRIPTION: The Advanced Preparation program is a summer bridge program for incoming first year students who
have been admitted to SCSU. The students enroll in college classes; attend informational seminars and workshops to
get the full experience of college life. The students in the program will take 2 courses; introduction to literature
English 184 and Community Studies 111 race in America. At the end of the program students should come away
with an in-depth experience of college classes and assessment taking.
During the internship I served as an undergraduate advisor on specific advising days, helping new incoming
students with useful information so they can make the right decisions about their social life and personal choices.
Offering new students to become successful in their college careers is the main goal. In App there are tutoring hours as
well where the expectation is to provide students with onsite one-on-one help in their classes help them have the
confidence to step up their motivation and discipline their habits. The bar is set high, this summer for everyone involved.
what is supposed to be accomplished
*skills learned, knowledge gained, sociological applications
*daily and/or weekly learning objectives
*assist Angie with APP help
*research project
* tasks/responsibilities (Included below)
office hours
planning events
tutoring program
working on advising for new incoming students
mentoring program
Angie Witte
Program Coordinator
Multicultural Student Services
CH 221
This is a picture of me and some students from the program advocating for the women’s billion strong
movement. Being a part of Multicultural student services and the Advanced preparation program allows
students to become leaders on campus and advocate on social issues.
Hello my name is Molly Fitzgerald and I interned at Opportunity Matters for the Multiple Sclerosis group but I also
got a chance to help out at one of the houses. I did a presentation at one of the staff meetings about how to deal
with change and conflict. I left a binder of the things I talked about at the presentation, so future employees can
look at it or current employees can look at it so when they have an issue or stressing they can look at it and know
what to do. In the presentation I gave examples of how not to just speak your mind when you are confronting the
person because this could bring more tension I talked about how you need to positive and make it a conversation
not an attack at the person. As a sociologist I know that there is always going to be conflict but I wanted to help
them be able to work through conflict to help resolve it so they can focus on their job of helping the clients. If they
focused on the conflict and didn’t resolve it, it could affect how the clients react and they may feel like it is their
fault or etc. It was a rewarding project because I got to help the house out, I was able to come out of my comfort
zone, and I learned things that will help me in any career I pursue.
Anna Harren
1. A brief description of your final project and/or internship (think selling yourself to future employer on what you
can do)
My final project included implementing the new program that at The St. Cloud Group Home. I explained the new
structure and made boards for each room the explained what the new system would be and how it was a level
system and not a percentage system. The next step was to actually do the new system with the residents. After
explaining it we reminded them of the pros to being on a higher level and the cons of being on a lower level. It
gave the residents a chance to see how their behavior could impact their day and how good behavior leads to
rewards. The system basically took an incentive method, and applauded good behavior, instead of giving out
consequences for faulty behavior. Overall the residents responded well. A week after implementing it the whole
team met again and we discussed areas that needed to be looked at it and the small things we may have
overlooked. The clients responded very well to the new system and they enjoy the fact that their good behavior
is rewarded!
2. A picture(s) of you at your internship or doing the project (no pictures that include people who don't want their
photo publicized or whose confidentiality you should be protecting)
I am not able to upload anymore pictures because of client confidentiality reasons, but this was a picture of the boards
each got. It also had the rules, house expectations, clothing expectations, and behavior expectations along with the level
3. A job description with contact information (not necessarily name, but title of person they should contact) for
future sociology interns who may want to intern at the same place
Interning at 180 was a great experience! Interns get the chance to see all the different levels of the company.
Interns will see how the money is managed, who makes final decisions, how a decision is reached, being on the
floor with the kids, and helping them which their daily chores, their daily goals and working with them
throughout the day.
For more information contact the House Director at: 320-259-6764
Molly Holder
My internship with Promise Neighborhood of Central Minnesota gave me the opportunity
to engage in one-on-one surveys with residents to conduct a needs assessment. This
evaluation had a target group and methodology which would be used to collect unbiased
quantitative and qualitative data for analysis.
Title: Community organizer, Lunch Program assistant, interviewer.
Sociology students can work with any human subject in an area that intrigues the individual most.
Empathy and dedication are two crucial components when working with any vulnerable
population or social situation. Interns are recognized and greatly appreciated in new and
struggling non-profit organizations. This rewarding experience provides an opportunity for skills
to progress and knowledge to be gained.
Instead of taking another class, think about the benefits of having an internship and how it
can prepare you for the future!
Jennifer Howland
My final project for my internship with United Way was to collect data on homelessness so that they
could establish community measures and outcomes within their Community Solutions Teams.
Homelessness is a serious problem that we have in society. Awareness requires an understanding of
the related social issues such as: poverty, affordable housing, and disabilities. In addition, it is
important to realize the ways in which the criminal justice system perpetuates this problem. The data
is also an important source of information for St. Cloud State University because homelessness does
affect college students. Unfortunately, the stigma of being homeless may prevent many students
from not reporting their status; therefore the problem is not fully understood. In addition, it is the lack
of funding for programs that does not allow for the total number of homeless people to receive
assistance. Much more must be done to eliminate homelessness in society.
The mission of United Way of Central Minnesota is: To improve people's lives by mobilizing the caring
power of Central Minnesota. Their motto is: “Live United”. This motto is included in many of their
branding promotions. The photo that I have attached is of me with all of the other staff wearing our
“Live United” shirts. Alone we can only do a small amount of good, but by working together we can
accomplish so much more; unique apart, powerful together!
If anyone is interested in an internship with United Way of Central Minnesota they should contact the
Vice President of Community Impact. The website address is
Internship Web Blurb for Future Students & Employers.
My internship was that of the volunteer coordinator position for Hands Across the World. As it turned out I was the first
and only volunteer coordinator the organization ever had in the office. My final project, because of that circumstance,
was to write out the volunteer coordinator training manual. This is particularly important because the information I
needed for my position was not readily available and needed to be organized. In the non-profit field efficiency and clear
channels of communication are absolutely vital. For the final project I literally wrote the book on how to do the job, I
assembled the information and presented it in a way that anyone could fall into the position and “hit the ground
running.” This proved to be true when I was tasked to train in my successor, who after only a few hours of training was
left with the manual and performed her job successfully. I learned a number of things in that internship such as the
communication and organization skills required to manage volunteers and resources in the non-profit office. I also
organized a very substantial backpack and school supplies donation project. The organized chaos that is non-profit
environment in itself can be daunting to the uninitiated and I feel that I am fully able to operate in the best interest of
the organization.
Max Johnson
My task was to recruit and manage volunteers as well as manage student records for the organization. There are other
volunteer and internship opportunities available.
To contact the organization to arrange a formal internship you should contact:
Brianda Cediel, Executive Director.
Phone: 320-260-1072
The office is open weekdays from 8AM to 1PM.
The school site is Mary Center, 823 1st St. South, St. Cloud, MN 56301 next to the church downtown.
This internship was without a doubt the most challenging year of my entire life. It was also the most rewarding
and human experience of my life. I would not change it for anything. The experience I gained with HAW
allowed me to enter into a career in the non-profit field. To say I had experience working with 501(c)3
organizations found me a position with another non-profit in central Minnesota.
Bikal Kafle
Place of Internship: Boys and Girls Club, Roosevelt Unit
Date of Internship: Spring 2013
Brief Introduction of Organization
Boys and Girls club is one of the non-profit organizations that is established to work for the youth of the community. Its
main mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as
productive, caring, responsible citizens. It provides a safe place for kids to learn and grow, creates ongoing relationship
with caring, adult supervision, provides life-enhancing programs and character development experience and gives hopes
and opportunity to kids.
Task at my Internship
I did my internship at Boys and Girls Club at Roosevelt unit. It was my first experience in my life working with kids from
kindergarten to high school seniors. During my course of internship my main task was to supervise the kids at learning
center, games rooms, and cafeteria and run a grant funded program. On learning center I assisted kids with their
homework, school projects and learning materials. In games room my task was to supervise kids while they play various
kinds of indoor games and also play with them. In cafeteria I used to supervise them during the snack time and dinner
period (only for junior kids during dinner). Every Monday of the week I had to supervise kids at the Boys scout.
Besides the regular activities that I mentioned above, I had to conduct one grant funded program called ‘Goals for
Graduation’ and I was also given a task of organizing Cinco De Mayo Coin Fest at the end of my internship. Cinco De
Mayo Coin Fest was given as my Final Project, where my supervisor, professor and I agreed upon during our initial
meeting. The main task for my final project was to organize, plan, and conduct the event.
Contact Information:
Buddy King
Unit Director
Roosevelt Unit
Contact : 320-257-5125
345 30th Avenue North, St Cloud, MN 56304
Boys and Girls club is the great place for working as an job holder or intern. It would be one of the most interesting
career in your life if you plan to work for kids in the society, I believe, observing and working with kids will helps us learn
about where our society is heading towards and what changes can we make on them, if it is going on wrong direction.
Personally, it was my very first time working with kids in my life. Overall, it was a great experience for me and I have
learned lots from my mistakes that I committed at my internship.
Robbie Paul C.A.R.E
C.A.R.E is excited to announce that as of Sept.2012 we have initiated, developed, and are now in the beginning
stages of our St. Cloud State University wide research project. The first objective is to engage two distinct
representative populations e.g., international students, and immigrant students. The purpose is to evaluate the
effectiveness of the CARE workshops concerning the two representative populations and their unique
experiences on the St. Cloud University Campus and community environments. We will be utilizing an online
survey questionnaire, as well as 3 types of focus groups e.g., homogeneous groups, heterogeneous groups, and
online focus groups that includes a double blind representative.
1. I have successfully created a new post workshop survey that will be used to self-assess the progress of CARE
2. I have completed the development of a data base of collective data spanning 9 years –prior to my internship.
This will be used in conjunction with the new post survey, in addition to it being an historical document.
3. I have assisted in the development and success of an internal university grant that will allow the group to
conduct continues research and pay for external costs.
4. I have created a survey questionnaire that will be distributed to all active students, administrators, and faculty.
5. I have co-created a survey, and focus group design that will encompass multiple layers of analysis that will be
used for publication and potential NSF grant regarding a longitudinal study.
For the Final project regarding my internship agreement I developed an in-depth User Manuel that will
assist the C.A.R.E office, replacement interns, research team members, and the director of the department.
There are several significant reasons for the creation of such a manual. The first, is that the acting director of the
C.A.R.E. program will be absent on sabbatical for the next year; which will place interim director in a perilous
situation with concerns to the research and contacts that will need to be nurtured during the process. Secondly,
the replacement intern and or graduate assistant will need to know how to access the files that I have created, as
well as continue the ongoing work of tracking and trending the C.A.R.E workshop analysis. Lastly, as we have
worked in a collaborative effort to create and conduct the research, there is an obvious disconnection in
communication concerning the actual material, data, technology used, and over all functionality of the office.
Hence, it is not only critical, but essential to have such an item at hand to ensure the fluidity, accuracy, and
overall health of the research project as it moves forward. In conclusion, I would highly recommend the
internship program for anyone who is interested in immersing themselves in their craft. I have found this to be
an invaluable and reusable asset that has armed with some of the critical skills and experience to succeed in my
future career. For more information concerning C.A.R.E and the potential to be involved in future internship
positions please visit: , or contact Debra Leigh and Geoffrey
Tabakin at (320) 308-2214
Arju Rana
Web Blurb for Future Students & Employers
Engaging in new challenges where there is a need for professional social intervention to assist and
support underprivileged children, individuals, families, veterans and helpless elderly people with their social
difficulties are my objectives for my career plan. As a sociologist, my area of interest is family, health, and aging
where I wish to work with elderly people at assistant living or homes. I have done an internship at St. Benedicts
Senior Community Center in spring 2013. I worked in Therapist Recreation (TR) department by taking care of
elder’s needs and wants, provide therapeutic intervention services to elders as individual, and group treatment.
Additional, I performed as group activities like sensory group, exercise group, music group, happy hour
activities, hand massage activity, and game times. Beside these, I have worked in the departmental services in
volunteer office, and nursing department whereas, provided care in housing center of St. Benedicts Senior
Community Center. I was part of the care conference member between community services of St. Cloud.
My Internship: St. Benedicts Senior Community Center
Volunteer coordinator: Jo Ellen Johnson
Contact: P: (320) 252-0010