WORKSHEET FOR CALCULATING STUDY ABROAD UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA de MADRID ACADEMIC YEAR *FALL 2012 / **SPRING 2013 Please Note: Fees below are based on a semester term. For students planning to study for an academic year, please double tuition, housing, food, travel expenses, insurance, and personal expenses. Program fees (tuition) are based on Coastal Carolina University In-State rate. Housing costs assessed by UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA de MADRID are based on many factors not under Coastal Carolina University’s control, and can change significantly from one offering of the program to the next. Projected costs are estimates and may change; check often for updates. Upon OIPS admission to the program, you will receive finalized program costs along with other OIPS admissions materials. EXPENSES Per Term Expenses: - Regular CCU In-State Tuition Exchange Student Yes NOTES Exchange Students billed by CCU Student Accounts Services; Fall 2012 fees are $4895 InState Rate. - OIPS Administrative Fee U.S. $175 - Host School Tuition No - Housing Deposit Yes- US$1900 - On-Campus Housing US$ 1600 per month - Off-Campus Housing US$ 400 – $900 per month Estimated; Paid Prior to Departure Contract Required - Food (groceries) US$300 per month Estimated; Paid onsite. Will vary - Books/Other Academic Supplies US$500 Estimated US $1500 Estimated; Myrtle Beach-Madrid US $160 For new U.S. passport fee One-Time Expenses: - Round-trip Airfare - Passport Application (if applicable) Collected by the OIPS Estimated; Paid Prior to Departure Estimated; Paid Prior to Departure Contract Required - Visa (Required) US $400 - Medical Needs (e.g., shots, meds) Personal Spending Money: - Personal Expenses (Entertainment) Varies based on need US $100 per month - Extra Travel - Daily Transportation US$ 90 per month Calculate individually *Fall Semester 5 months in length **Spring Semester 6 months in length TOTAL PROGRAM COSTS Amounts are subject to change based on currency exchange rate fluctuations. For the latest Exchange Rate: Estimated per term. Paid on-site. Varies by individual Varies by individual Miscellaneous Expenses: - Medical Insurance US $195 for 5 months (Fall) US $234 for 6 months (Spring) Financial Aid (if applicable) Estimated Calculate individually Estimated; based on local bus/metro fees Mandatory; Payment to the OIPS for CISI coverage for months.