University of South Africa
Pretoria, South Africa
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa
John Lloyd Delport, Ph.D.
2305 East Harrison Street, USA, Seattle WA 98112
(c) 206 229 2593, (h) 206 726 7611
Degree and Date
B.A., 1999
H.D.E, 2000
M.A, 2005
Psychology and
Social Studies,
Guidance & Counseling
Special Education Seattle University,
Seattle Washington
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Ph. D. 2007-Present
Complete 2/7/13
Special Education
Professional Experience
September 2012-March 2013 Teaching Associate , College of Education, University of
Washington, 102 Miller Hall, Box 353600 Seattle, WA
September 2011 – June 2012
September 2010 – Sept. 2011
September 2007 – Sept. 2010
September 2008 – June 2009
Teaching Associate and Field Supervisor, Secondary Special
Education Endorsement Program, College of Education,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Teaching Associate, Foundations of Special Education,
College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle,
Research Assistant, Alliance of Community Teachers,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Teaching Associate, College of Education, University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington (Field supervision EBD
September 2007 – June 2008
September 2006 – June 2007
September 2003 – June 2006
June 2001-June 2003
Teaching Associate, Teacher Education Program, College of
Education, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
Classroom Management, Assessment, Differentiated
Special Education Teacher, Sammamish High School, E/BD
Self-Contained, District Coordinator and Trainer, Crisis
Management and Behavior Intervention Program, Bellevue
School District, Special Education P.O. Box
90010 Bellevue, Washington, 98009 .
Special Education Teacher, Robinswood Alterative Middle
& High School, E/BD Self-Contained, District Coordinator and Trainer, Crisis Management and Behavior Intervention
Program, Bellevue School District, Department of Special
Education P.O. Box 90010 Bellevue, WA 98009.
Special Education Teacher, North Shore Academy
Elementary School, Therapeutic School, E/BD self- contained, 760 Red Oak Lane, Highland Park, Illinois
January 2001 – May 2001
January 1999 – December 2000 House Master and Coach, Wynberg Boys High School,
Lovers Walk, Cape Town Wynberg, 7800, South Africa.
January 1998-December 1998
Drama Teacher, Carter High School, 22 Carter
Drive, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, South Africa.
House Master, St Christopher’s and Newton High School,
Special Needs Boarding School, Private Bag 9080,
Pietermartizburg, 3200, South Africa.
Courses Taught
EDSPE 563 Families and Collaboration
EDSPE 501 Foundations of Special Education
EDSPE 404 Exceptional Children
EDTEP 544 Differentiated Instruction
Editorial Activities:
Autumn 2012, Winter 2013
Autumn 2010
Winter 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2012
& 2011
Summer 2010
Guest Editor, The Routledge International Companion to Multicultural Education. Banks, James
(200 9)
Professional Memberships:
Council for Exceptional Children, CCBD, DISES, DDEL, LGBTQ Caucus 2008-Present.
American Educational Research Association, 2009-Present.
Crisis Prevention Institute, 2003-2007.
2011 Nominated for Graduate Student Leadership Award, College of Education,
University of Washington.
2012 Financial and Equipment Sponsorship, Ben Cohen Stand up Foundation, Atlanta
Georgia, $1000
2010 & 2012 Awarded Travel grant, College of Education, University of Washington, $750
Outstanding Faculty Recognition Banquet, Winter 2010, Sigma Kappa Sorority,
Seattle Washington.
Awarded Teacher Enrichment & Innovation Grant, Bellevue Schools Foundation,
Bellevue, Washington, $1000
McDonald, M., Tyson, K., Brayko, K., Bowman, M., Delport, J., & Shimomura, F. (2011).
Innovation and impact in teacher education: Community-based organizations as field placements for preservice teachers. Teachers College Record , 113 (8).
Cook C. R., Volpe, R. J., & Delport, J. L. (in Press). Systematic performance monitoring in EBD using change sensitive behavioral criteria. In Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices for
Students Having Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. In Walker, H. M, & Gresham, F. M.
Cook, C; Delport, J; Daikos, C. (in Press). Preliminary Study of the Confined, Collateral, and
Combined Effects of Reading and Behavioral Interventions: Evidence for a
Transactional Relationship. Behavioral Disorders .
Under Review:
Delport, J. (in review). Community Mentor Teachers and the Preparation of Special Education
Teachers to work with Historically Underserved Groups
Works in Progress
Delport, J (in progress). Characteristics of Successful Teachers’ of Students with Emotional
Behavioral Disabilities: Teacher and Expert Perceptions. Dissertation.
Delport, J. (complete, pending submission). Preservice Teachers Backgrounds Experiences with and knowledge of Diversity: A pilot study.
Delport, J., Daikos, C; & Cook, C (in progress). Teacher Preparation in the area of Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities: A National Review.
Daikos, C., Cook, C., & Delport, J (in Progress). Albanian Educators Perception of Student
Mental Health.
Conference Presentations:
November 2008 Preparing Preservice Teachers to work with CLD learners and their
Families. Delport, J. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Teacher
Education Division, Poster. Dallas TX.
October 2008
April 2009
February 2009
Alliance of Community Teachers. McDonald, M., Bowman, M., Brayko,
K., Delport, J., Shimomura, F., & Tyson, K. Bridges, After School conference, Vancouver WA,
Reinventing what it Takes to Prepare Teachers for High Needs Schools:
Community Based Organizations as Placements for Preservice teachers.
Poster. Brayko, K., Delport, J., Shimomura, F., & Tyson, K. CEC. Seattle,
Innovation and Impact: Preparing Teachers for High Needs Schools by
Engaging in Community Based Organizations as partners. McDonald, M.,
Bowman, M., Brayko, K., Delport, J., Shimomura, F., & Tyson, K.
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE),
Chicago IL. (Discussant, Dr Ken Zeichner)
April 2010
February 2010
November 2011
April 2011
April 2012
Trying to Close the Local Knowledge Gap: ‘Community Teachers’ and the expansion of Participation in the Activity of a Teacher Education program.
Bowman, M., Brayko, K., Delport, J., Shimomura, F., & Tyson, K.
American Education Research Association, Panel Presentation (AERA).
Denver CO. (Discussant, Dr Peter Murrell)
Continuity of Community Based Field Experiences in Teacher Education.
McDonald, M., Bowman, M., Brayko, K., Delport, J., Shimomura, F., &
Tyson, K. AACTE. Atlanta, GA. (Discussant, Dr Marilyn Cochran-Smith)
Community Based Organization Staff as Partners in Preparing Culturally
Responsive. Delport, J. CEC Teacher Education Division. St Lois MO.
Preparing Social Just Special Education teachers: Modeling Multicultural and Social Justice Education Principles. Delport, J. National Harbor, MD.
Backgrounds and Experiences with Diversity: SPED Preservice Teachers potential. Delport, J. CEC. Denver, CO.
Professional and Community Service:
2007-Present International Gay Rugby Association and Board, 2007-
April 2011- April 2012
September 2011 - Present
CEC, LGBTQ CAUCUS Newsletter Editor
Program Director/Head Coach, Tremors Rookie Rugby
Program, Seattle, Washington.