Murrieta Valley Unified School District REQUEST FOR TEXTBOOK/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ADOPTION This form is to be used to request School Board approval of instructional materials, after field testing has been completed (if applicable). TITLE OF TEXT: _______________________________________________________ New Course Other: Rationale for request: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ PROCESS: In order to eliminate course duplication and to ensure full district communication, signatures from each school site are required (Textbook Recommendation Form) before a new course proposal can be submitted to the appropriate Curriculum Committees (if applicable). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The department wishing to add or change a textbook/instructional materials first contacted their site administrator who approved the requested text. The site administrator then contacted the Educational Services Department for initial district approval to move forward in the process. A district adoption committee was formed, composed of teachers from all sites who would use the materials, with a liaison from the Educational Services Department. Publishers were contacted and examination copies/digital resources of appropriate course materials requested. The attached standards based rubric was used to evaluate materials/resources and select two programs to field test. Programs must match the standards to be considered for adoption. Meetings of field test teachers were held, and materials and forms routed to site adoption committee members so that all materials were reviewed at all sites. The Instructional Materials Evaluation Rubric was used to assess the materials/resources being field tested. The attached forms show the names of teachers involved in the evaluation and selection process, and how they rated the materials/resources they reviewed. For Office Use Only Status of Request: Approved Not Approved ____________________________________________ Signature Asst Superintendent of Educational Services _____________________ Date _______________________________________________________ Signature Exec Dir Curriculum & Instruction (Elem or Sec) ______________________ Date Board Approval Date: _______________________________________________________________ Comments: TEXTBOOK/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS RECOMMENDATION FORM (AFTER COMPLETION OF FIELD TESTING) MATERIALS/RESOURCES REVIEWED/FIELD TESTED: TITLE PUBLISHER COPYRIGHT PERSONS WHO HAVE REVIEWED/FIELD TESTED TEXTS/MATERIALS: SITE NAME TITLE (Use back of form for additional names) RECOMMENDATION: (Number needed reflects: Class set ISBN # Recommended Title Publisher/Vendor 1 text per student) Cost Per Item # Needed APPROVAL SIGNATURES: In order to ensure full district communication, all signatures below are required before the text is submitted to the Curriculum Committees. If the course for which the text is being adopted does not fit neatly into a specific department, please assign it to the most appropriate related department. Signature Principal Dept. Chair MMHS MVHS VMHS CHS/TCA Please note that approval of materials does not constitute a commitment to provide funding ATTACH TO REQUEST FOR TEXTBOOK/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ADOPTION, WITH COMPLETED RUBRICS Murrieta Valley Unified School District TEXT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS EVALUATION RUBRIC Content and Processes Content/Processes – 5 pts. Content/Processes – 3 pts. Content/Processes – 1 pt. STANDARDS - BASED Addresses all of the standards at the specific grade level. (A separate rubric in which all standards are listed and page identification listed from recommended text must be attached to validate this score.) Address most of the standards at the specific grade level. Text Readability and Considerate Text ratings are appropriate to specific grade level. Text Readability and Considerate Text ratings are somewhat appropriate to specific grade level. Content is accurate with very few errors of fact or interpretation. Content is accurate with few errors of fact or interpretation. Key concepts and process skills are developed in depth for conceptual understanding. Students are expected to apply this understanding to new situations. Student investigations are prominent and integral to the instructional program. The investigations enable the student to develop robust inquiry and process skills. The overall program has an internal conceptual coherence within and between its instructional units. Text and investigations support conceptual understanding. Addresses few or none of the standards at the specific grade level. Text readability and Considerate Text ratings are inappropriate to specific grade level. Content has many errors of fact or interpretation. Few concepts or process skills are developed in depth for conceptual understanding. Facts are expected to be memorized for recall without understanding. There are few or no student investigations. Those present are not integral to the instructional program. The overall program lacks an internal conceptual coherence within and between its instructional units with few investigations that support conceptual understanding. READABILITY ACCURACY DEPTH VS. BREADTH Some concepts and process skills are developed in depth for conceptual understanding. There are some expectations that students apply this understanding to new situations. THINKING PROCESS Student investigations are present but the instructional program is only somewhat dependent on doing the investigations. PROGRAM ORGANIZATION The overall program has some explicit links within and between its instructional units. Investigations tend to be structured with a predictable and defined outcome. TOTAL POINTS Total Murrieta Valley Unified School District TEXT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS EVALUATION RUBRIC Work Students Do Work Students Do – 5 pts. Work Students Do – 3 pts. INQUIRY/REASONING Most learning experiences include the opportunity to use inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated with inquiry. Students consistently use a variety of resources, tools and technologies to explore ideas and solve problems. Student writing strategies are consistently embedded throughout the curriculum. Student integrated reading strategies are consistently embedded throughout the curriculum. Students are consistently asked to interact with others in various groups to communicate exploration and findings. The work students do is consistently designed with strategies for access by diverse learners. The work students do is designed with some strategies for diverse learners. The work students do is consistently designed with strategies for access by second language learners. The work students do is designed with some strategies for access by second language learners. The overall program provides a variety of instructional resources (e.g., hands-on activities, text, original source material, media, technology) which are integral to the program and support the conceptual design of the unit. Some learning experiences include the opportunity to use inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated with inquiry. Students often use a variety of resources, tools and technologies to explore ideas and solve problems. Work Students Do – 1 pt. Few learning experiences include the opportunity to use inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated with inquiry. Students rarely use a variety of resources, tools and technologies to explore ideas and solve problems. Student writing strategies are rarely or never evident in the curriculum. STUDENT WRITING Student writing strategies are evident in the curriculum. STUDENT INTEGRATED READING STRATEGIES Student integrated reading strategies are evident in the curriculum. Student integrated reading strategies are rarely or never evident in the curriculum. Students are rarely asked to interact with others to communicate explorations and findings. INTERACTIVE LEARNING Students are sometimes asked to interact with others in various groups to communicate explorations and findings. ACCESS FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS The work students do has few strategies for diverse learners. The work students do has few strategies for access by second language learners. The program provides a limited variety of instructional resources. ESL ACCESS PROGRAM ORGANIZATION The program provides a variety of instructional resources; however, these materials are supplemental to the program. TOTAL POINTS Total Murrieta Valley Unified School District TEXT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS EVALUATION RUBRIC Assessment Assessment – 5 pts. Assessment – 3 pts. MULTIPLE MEASURES Materials contain multiple assessment measures (e.g., performance, openended, project, objective assessments, student work) that are used at regular intervals to assess student progress. Materials contain some variety of assessment measures that are used at regular intervals to assess student progress. Assessment measures are aligned with the mode of instruction and consistently ask students to demonstrate knowledge and application of concepts. Assessment measures are somewhat aligned with the mode of instruction and sometimes ask students to demonstrate knowledge and application of concepts. Rubric scoring used by teachers and/or developed by students emphasizes conceptual understanding and causes students to be reflective learners. Rubric scoring used by teachers or developed by students may address conceptual understanding as well as appearance or work and group interactions. Assessments are consistently embedded throughout the unit with specific suggestions of ways to modify the program/teaching sequence based on the results of student work. The materials provide strategies to address student misconceptions. Assessment – 1 pt. Assessments are limited to a few different types and may or may not be provided at regular intervals. Assessment measures are rarely aligned to the mode of instruction and rarely ask students to demonstrate knowledge and application of concepts. Rubric scoring used by teachers or developed by students only addresses appearance of work and/or group interactions. Assessments are rarely embedded with few suggestions of ways to modify the program/teaching sequence. The materials do not provide strategies to address student misconceptions. QUALITY RUBRICS PROGRAM ORGANIZATION Assessments are embedded throughout most of the unit with general suggestions of ways to modify the program/teaching sequence based on the results of student work. The materials provide some strategies to address student misconceptions. TOTAL POINTS Total Murrieta Valley Unified School District TEXT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS EVALUATION RUBRIC Teacher Support Assessment – 5 pts. Assessment – 3 pts. VARIETY OF STRATEGIES Materials provide a variety of instructional strategies that allow all students to learn content in greater depth. Background information is accurate and provides explanations that assist the teacher in providing depth of understanding for students. The background information is accurate and provides some assistance to the teachers in providing depth of understanding for students. A list of required equipment/supplies and alternative suggestions is provided. Maintenance, safe use and organization of materials/resources is addressed. A list of required equipment/supplies and some alternatives are provided. Maintenance, safe use and organization of materials/resources may be addressed. Teacher materials adequately provide for review, re-teaching, extension, and enrichment. Materials include indepth technical support for the use of equipment, multi-media, and technology resources. Materials provide some instructional strategies that allow all students to learn content in greater depth. Assessment – 1 pt. Materials provide few, if any, instructional strategies that allow all students to learn content in greater depth. TEACHER CONTENT BACKGROUND The background information is sketchy and provides little or no assistance to the teacher. Equipment/supply lists are incomplete, with little references for alternatives. Maintenance, safe use and organization is briefly addressed or not at all. EQUIPMENT EXTENDED LEARNING RESOURCES Some teacher materials are available for review, re-teaching, extension, and enrichment. Teacher materials for review, re-teaching, extension, and enrichment are minimal or ineffective. Technical support is limited or non-existent. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Materials include adequate technical support for the use of equipment, multimedia, and technology. TOTAL POINTS Total