Chairs Wisdom Collaborative January 27, 2011, 12:30-1:30 Granite Room Attendance = 13 Notes: I. Discussion of team building, communication, and conflict resolution led by members of Mediation Coordination Committee and Chairs, Roseanna Ross, and Bob Inkster. Some of the participants each filled out a notecard. One one side of the card, they were to write something that went well (+); on the other, a question or concern (?). Cards were submitted and transcribed. See below for transcription. II. Discussion led to various issues of concern with reactions from others including ideas for resolving, coping, etc. See below for notes taken on flip charts. Respectfully submitted, Lalita Subrahmanyan Next meeting: Tentatively, Monday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:00. I will send out an email with a possible evening meeting time for continued discussion on team building, conflict resolution and communication. Note Cards: Card 1: Concerns – How do we keep the lines of communication open between members of the department given a large range of perspectives? Possible Solutions – Retreats Focused meetings Informal “get togethers” with no agenda Strong personalities Differing perceptions of process (Formal and Informal) Card 2 Concerns – Possible Solutions – Communicating Individually Spending time walking with each faculty member Keeping agenda/meeting open to all voices Card 3: Concerns – Uncertainty about next year Hiring, Replacements Hard to talk about planning with the uncertainty Possible Solutions – Be direct, clear, and open Try to communicate directly, not via e-mail How can we involve dept. members beyond personal blame to work on issues of concern to the entire dept? Card 4: Concerns – Possible Solutions – ??? How can we keep discussions/recommendations transparent to all members? Information changes daily – How do we keep people informed but not overloaded? Card 5: Concerns – Possible Solutions – We use paper ballots for contentions issues We are starting small discussion groups to work together in something not related to work Our department functions well and collaboratively, but would like to increase communication with other areas on campus Card 6: Concerns – Possible Solutions – ??? Flip Chart Notes: (Page 1) o o o o o Discussions of issues of student learning derailed by personal issues/university concerns Boundary Confusion – Alliances, Muddy Waters How do we move dept. forward? Uncertainty/Vulnerability – Challenge to plan without information All the above items create tension (Page 2) o o o o o o Chairs can be seen as “co-opted” by administration Faculty not reading what is shared How do we get immediate response? – Email discussions don’t work Balancing voices – some are stronger Fall into trap that the whole dept. should respond “my” way When chair speaks first – others feel they can’t speak o o o o o Book – “Team of Rivals” By: Doris Kearn Book – “Conflict Book for Chairs” By: Susan Hatfield Tune into the department’s agenda – Deal with where the dept. is at go get somewhere Article 20, App. G helps with role and responsibilities of chairs. Acknowledge “Elephant in the room” o o o o o o Use “formal” processes to move on issues Use “informal” processes to address stressors – one on one conversations, etc. Strategize around the “Givens” – what we do know Share information from meetings, keep communication open Be transparent Send reminders – “I will respond X” unless I hear from others o o D2L for dept. documents – SharePoint Speaking as chair Avoid: “I think we should” or “Here’s what I see and how I’d respond” Lay out several alternatives Invite other alternatives Listen to Commitment – what is the faculty member or group committed to that drives action or attitude? Bring in someone who has the person’s trust (Page 3) (Page 4) (Page 5) o o