Chairs Wisdom Collaborative Please suggest a different icon if you don’t like that one!! Meeting Friday, September 10, 2010 Noon – 1:00 p.m. Notes: Present: Orn Bodvarsson (Management), Tony Hansen (EAS), Patricia Hughes (Economics), Chris Inkster (LRTS), Steve Wagner (Political Science), Gary Whitford (Social Work), Vicky Williams (Academic Learning Center ), Dan Gregory (Interim Associate Provost, Sponsored Programs and Graduate Studies), Lalita Subrahmanyan (CETL). Discussion ensued around meeting with Provost and reorganization. o The Chairs Wisdom Collaborative can help update each other about proactive actions being taken by faculty to address the models and give input. o The Chairs, as a group, with several groups of faculty behind them, can be instrumental in moving the conversation forward. o Chairs can help define what functions need to be performed regardless of the particular model and the organizational structure needed for those functions to be successful. Consensus emerged regarding the need to continue the conversation along two lines: o Reorganization: Raise questions about process, about the models, provide feedback to the Provost. o Chair Functions: What chairs do, how they can do them best, what advise can we give to new chairs, what is the nature of the unique role played by chairs at SCSU. Need for another meeting with the Provost: Lalita will arrange this with the Provost’s office. Announcement of an important CETL Workshop: o Date and Time: Wednesday, October 13th, 2010 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. o Topic: Policies and procedures for optimal departmental functioning and the Role of the Chair including clarification of Article 20 of the IFO Contract. o Facilitators: Todd DeVriese and Tom Hergert o Location: Voyageurs South, Atwood Memorial Center Respectfully Submitted, Lalita Subrahmanyan