Need for Curriculum Forms to Reflect UDWR

Need for Curriculum Forms to Reflect UDWR
New Program: Add #11: Does the program description include explicit information on
how majors meet the Upper Division Writing Requirement? (This must include a listing
of all courses that satisfy the requirement.) Y N Explain as needed.
Program Change: Add #14: Does the program description include explicit information
on how majors meet the Upper Division Writing Requirement? (This must include a
listing of all courses that satisfy the requirement.) Y N Explain as needed.
New Course: Add #16: Does this course satisfy the Upper Division Writing
Requirement? Y N .
If yes, what course grade is required to satisfy this requirement? ____
Routine Editorial Change: Insert after #12: Does this course satisfy the Upper Division
Writing Requirement? Y N
If yes, what course grade is required to satisfy this requirement? ____
From 11/30/2006 UDWR Committee Minutes:
Curriculum Forms (Offered by Phil Keith, Chair of COFAH Curriculum
Committee and member of UDWR Committee)