COMMON MARKET STUDENT TEACHING REQUEST MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED LEGIBLY From: To: Bemidji State University Saint Cloud State University Minnesota State University-Mankato Minnesota State University-Moorhead Southwest State University Winona State University Bemidji State University Saint Cloud State University Minnesota State University-Mankato Minnesota State University-Moorhead Southwest State University Winona State University VERIFICATION OF EDUCATION MINNESOTA LIABILITY INSURANCE MUST BE PROVIDED TO HOST UNIVERSITY SIGNATURE Name Local Address Permanent Address Major(s) License DATE ID# Student Teaching Sem. & Yr. Credits Desired Date Phone Phone Minor(s) Choice of grades / subjects, in order of preference: (What do you want to student teach?) 1. 2. 3. Choice of 3 towns, in order of preference: (Consult Director for site availability.) 1. 2. 3. Schools Attended: Elementary School / Town/State Year Middle J.H. School / Town/State Year Sr. High School / Town/State Year List any special considerations: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I, (Director of Student Teaching) certify that he/she is eligible for this assignment and meets all standards required by this institution. COPIES TO: HOME UNIVERSITY AND HOST UNIVERSITY COMMON MARKET INFORMATION FORM Name Date Student ID # Local Address Phone Home Address Phone REQUIRED COURSES AND CREDITS IN MAJOR AND FIELD OF EMPHASIS/MINOR Star (*) courses that will not be completed before Student Teaching Major: Course Title Copies to: Credits Home University Host University Cooperating Teachers Emphasis/Minor: Course Title Credits Suggestions for Common Market Autobiography (Maximum length 2-3 pages) The autobiography should emphasize hoe your life experiences have contributed to your decision to become a teacher and should be an example of your very best written communication skills. It will be reviewed by field experience directors, cooperating teachers, university supervisors and others involved in the placement process. Be sure to type your name in the upper right hand corner of the first page of the autobiography. Proofread your autobiography prior to submitting it. It is important to have another person or two proof it again for spelling and/or grammatical errors. Your autobiography must be typed. Submit 3 copies when complete. A poorly completed autobiography may cause a delay or reflect on your application for a student teaching assignment. This autobiography should be written in narrative style. It does not need to be written in chronological order. Some suggestions for content are as follows: Introduction: Introduce yourself. Elementary School: This might include the schools you attended and things which you considered important. For example, did you have any outstanding teachers? (Please do not use names.) Secondary School: Where did you go to school? What subjects did you like? In what extra-curricular activities did you participate? What things impressed you? Indicate an outstanding teacher you had and what made you like him/her. (Please do not use names.) Work Experience, Skills, Hobbies, Interests, and Travel Were you in the service? If so, where? Have you had jobs? If so, what kind? If you have traveled, indicate where to and why. College: What colleges have you attended? What types of activities have you taken part in during your college life? Career Goals: What goals do you have for the near future? What do you expect to be doing ten years from now? Sample Resume for Common Market Resume PETER C. JOHNSON Present Address: 5800 Bemidji Avenue Bemidji, MN 56601 218-751-1234 Permanent Address: 4301 Taylor Avenue St. Paul, MN 55123 616-644-7890 EDUCATION Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN Bachelor of Science Degree, 1991 Major: Elementary Education Specialty: Mathematics Licensure Sought: 1-6, Emphasis/Minor: Middle School Coaching Bemidji High School, Bemidji, MN (Year Graduated) ACTIVITIES AND RECOGNITION College Dean’s List (Sem/Qtr & Yrs) Overseas Student Teaching Intramural Sports High School Honor Roll Varsity Baseball Varsity Wrestling Band Speech Choir EXPERIENCE RELATED TO TEACHING Math Practicum Science Practicum Pre-Student Teaching Coaching Practicum Scout Leader Special Olympics Volunteer 5th Grade, Solway, Fall 1990 2nd Grade, Bemidji Central, Winter 1990 5th Grade, Bemidji Northern, Fall 1990 Varsity Volleyball, Bemidji High School, 1990 Ages 10-12, St. Paul, 1986-87 All ages, St. Paul, 1984 OTHER WORKING EXPERIENCE School Bus Driver Vending Service Cook, Host School District No. 31, Bemidji, 1984-88 Yellowstone National Park, WY, Summers 86-87 Bonanza Steak House, Bemidji, MN 1982-84 INTERESTS Hunting, Health Fitness, Reading, Cooking, Music, Fishing, Traveling, Hiking, Needlework