I. Opening of Meeting a. Call to Order

OCTOBER 23, 2014
I. Opening of Meeting
a. Call to Order
i. Vice President Bryson called the meeting to order at 5:00PM in the
Cascade Room of the Atwood Memorial Center at St. Cloud State
b. Pledge of Allegiance
c. First Roll Call [x for present, o for absent]
President Gunnerson x
Vice President Bryson x
Executive Assistant Gunnerson X
Chief Justice Smith x
Chair Dyer x
Chair Gutschx
Chair Hagemeier x
Chair High o
Chair Muzammil x
Chair Pegg x
Chair Pradhan o
Chair Robinson x
Chair Vogl x
Chair Johnson x
Coordinator Swenson o
Senator Aurand Weisman x
Senator Blosser x
Senator Fisher x
Senator Gross x
Senator Hocum x
Senator Hwang x
Senator Le x
Senator Manning x
Senator Meyer x
Senator Pexa x
Senator Phillips o
Senator Ronning x
Senator Schnoor x
Senator Scofield x
Senator Uecker x
Senator Witthuhn x
Senator Young x
Senator Drinkwine x
Senator Wething x
Senator Kollie x
d. Approval of Agenda
i. Moved to approve by [Senator Meyer]
ii. Seconded by… [Senator Meyer]
a. Agenda Approved…[Vice President Bryson]
e. Approval of Minutes
i. Moved to approve by...[Senator Fisher]
ii. Seconded by…[Senator Le]
a. Minutes Approved –Vice President Bryson
II. Hearings
a. Open Gallery I :
Husky Compact:
-Tri chairs of steering committee, here to talk about the husky compact, 10
year cycle, necessary to receive funds, student loans, last was in 2006 and
the way it used to work was once every 10 years a group of experts would
be presented with giant document and they’d say we agree see you in 10
years, lots of work done to make sure met the standards.
- Projects across campus and were successfully credited in 2007, in the
meantime the higher education landscape has changed of increased roll in
online, in the news institutions may not deliver what they say they do.
-The higher learning commission has changed its rules on how it works,
they have the quality initiative project, years 6-9 in cycle. We can say what
it is and we can be unsuccessful in the project.
-In 2012 new standards were released and we had to implement, strategic
planning committee, started implementing in the spring to form a steering
committee of 30 people with 2 students.
- We were charged by the president to design set of institution learning
outcomes, some may be aware that programs you study may have outcomes
or unit outcomes, SCSU doesn’t have the top level of outcomes, so the
president charged us to determine what they were, we decided that we
needed to use active language, we came to a middle ground of following
some work out there and combined it with 2500 individual program
outcomes and we got it down to 6 dimensions to resonate with students and
external community members, so we could all understand, measure and
-A promise that we make to you, and that you make to your education. We
have produced two drafts, plan to do two more by December and will send
out to faculty.
-Interested in student input, to help track and help students. We sent out to
4000 plus students, generating ways to get feedback.
-Some new ways to get feedback, are that we could have the dimensions
and bullets and asking students for their feedback. Pointed out that
technology said integrate and adapt, we are sensitive to our wording.
Question: Chair Robinson: in regards to what other schools have done and
how that has influenced actions?
Answer: I led a group that looked at what other institutions are doing,
increasing student success, oddly when you look at others more often then
not they bury their version of this very deep in their website and students
aren’t usually engaged in a fundamental way, projects like this that address
broad visions, in IUPI have the RISE program and the students only know
the letters and they don’t know why they have to participate, led us to
active language and tie things what happen on campus into the compact,
like the common read and may be framed in the compact, also the
institutional level outcomes roughly half have these at this level but very
few are using this active language to embrace our relationship with
students, we are getting strong kudos on the process already, and have a lot
of positive side effects, I can give you a very specific example
MSUMoorhead challenge you to find them on their website.
Question Chair Robinson: how will we ingrain it in student’s minds?
Answer: To be determined, needs a lot of help, in spring we will
implementing it, snazzy visual element and getting the word out, trying to
get feedback back but in spring it’ll be going on more official website, part
of our everyday conversation so we can talk to students and when we work
with you these are the dimensions you can develop, do hope to ask a big
question every year, lot of programming
Feedback: President Gunnerson: Understand technologies, wording is a
little off
Answer: we agree wording will not be the same
Question: Senator Uecker: Continue to implement it in other regards?
Answer: Hard to say, we come up with data that shows what we are doing
in certain areas, will have to go to institution level, some committee that’s
not just faculty that comes up with ideas on how to keep it going, if done
properly hopefully there’s a lot of energy we can capture, another point of
assessment there will be a subset of our committee, ongoing yearly process
Question: Senator Uecker: best way to contact?
Answer: The boards, email, D2L course, also share point
Question: Senator Pexa: The logo for this is very colorful, one thing being
husky colors to catch the eye, and are there documents for each point here?
Answer: Yes, so far you can see what has changed first to second and the
background information on outcomes, and for the colors you are right
Feedback Senator Drinkwine: The name should be more relatable, our
husky future
Answer: not wed to it, we will talk about it, suggestions are appreciated
Feedback Senator Uecker: would you come to our meeting?
Answer: Yes, that would be great
Senator Aurand Weisman: no section related to real world
Answer: No way is it intentionally out, we got feedback that the university
is part of the real world too, we hear the same thing about professionalism
and the notion you are talking about it extremely important, looked at
employer surveys, not just about classroom, how you handle your
interpersonal life, etc. We hope to capture them
Question: Senator Pexa: Have you got any input form alumni?
Answer: think forward, wanted to get students, faculty and etc. on board,
we started hearing more about that but want to get a percentage on campus
engaged, met with head coaches, student athletes, and alumni officer who
is going to meet with others
Constitution Update: senate will approve constitution no later than 6th of
November, and President on 21st of November, Adopted on the first of
January. We will be working on implementation and smoothing out things
that don’t work very well. We adjusted a few things, first changed wording
on who’s eligible to vote, executive committee changed it to open and will
move back to closed meetings, senators can ask,
President Gunnerson: wanted to implement it is that we will do all elections
in spring
Question: Chair Robinson: when they designate who runs do they have to
Answer: No
Bryson: current president has a lot of knowledge on who will be a good
Finance Hearings:
African Student Association: Former VP of African student association, we
want to educate the St. Cloud community about the African continent, and
a bit about African night it is the biggest event and where we showcase our
culture, and have the largest event number wise of every cultural
organization on this campus so we would use these funds for since we did
not get a budget this year
Senator Le: How many countries represent your organization?
Answer: we have Togo, Liberia, Nigeria, Somalia, and Ethiopia, try our
best to include everyone
Question: Chair Vogl: are you advertising this event as blackout?
Answer: Already had it to raise funds, and raised supplies for Ebola relief
Question: Senator Drinkwine: any costs?
Answer:10 per student, 12 for nonstudent
SFC recommends 505 dollars for their request
Senator Kollie: so you are saying you did not receive any funds?
Answer: Yup
Senator Meyer:I have been to Nepal night, was a great event, worth
showing our support for
Chair Johnson: its apart of our schools cultural nights, once a month, on
Fridays they are great, they cook food, highly recommend voting in favor
this funding request
Senator Aurand Weisman: great food, great opportunity to reach out to the
community and get that cultural diversity out there, we should support
Senator Fisher: call to question
Second: Senator Meyer
Finance request has been approved!
CSSA: promote understandings, provide service to Chinese students, to
community, we are asking for funding for China night, community culture
event help students know more Chinese culture and improve culture
Question Senator Drinkwine: when is the event?
Answer: October 25th
Seek a statement from the chair
Taking into account their 900 account balance, allocate 1000 dollars for
their event
Discussion: Senator Drinkwine: Chinese food is pretty awesome,
completely support
Senator Fisher: call to question
Second: Meyer
Finance request has been approved!
India Heritage club: have a big event coming up, India night, couldn’t get
the budget last year, showing our culture, make new students comfortable
and feel at home, it is on November 22nd
Question: Chair Robinson: event ticket sales?
Answer: yes 7 dollars
Question: Senator Drinkwine: what kind of food?
Answer: Tasty food
Taking into account their 900 account balance we suggest 1000 dollars for
their night
Usually that is uncommon to have 10000 in their account, they gain
through fund raising and other purposes as well
Chair Hagemeier: how much was approved?
Answer: 1000
Senator Le: I think this is a great opportunity
Senator Meyer: call to question
Second: Senator Pexa
Finance Request has passed!
Internal Elections :
i. Judicial Council:
ii. Fee Allocation :
iii. Senate finance
iv. Senator At-Large
Mitchell: grew up in Wisconsin, counselor at a camp, vice
president last year, president of concert choir, help build
character and leadership within groups of people, wanted to
understand student government personally, learn more about
myself as well
Question Chair Vogl: are you accepted into your major?
Answer: music yes
Question: Senator Le: why did you pick SCSU?
Answer: love the campus get a bit of everything, liked the size
Question: Senator Gross: what school did you go to?
Answer: Memorial
Discussion: Chair Dyer: wanted to be involved, was here for a
bit, nice person, people person
Senator Young: move to white ballot
WE have two elections!
v. College Senator
III. Plenary Session I :
Unfinished Business :
i. New Business: SG resolution 002
Motion has been seconded
Chair Deyer: up to president and vice president
Senator Manning: strike to appeal to vice president and
Senator Drinkwine: already denied it why repeat
Chair Gutsch: can appeal
Will vote on motion to strike vice president and president and
replacing it with senate from claus 2.E
I’m going to ask for a hand vote
Motion Fails
Senator Young: Call to Question
Second: Chair Pegg
We will go into a vote over the
All in favor of SG resolution 002
The resolution passes
ii. SG resolution 003
Discussion: Chair Robinson: Think the purpose is to get more
feedback on students
Chair Pradhan: international students
Senator Drinkwine: call to question
Seeking a motion to add two representatives from ISA to be
added to the first further resolved resolution
Senator Young: So moved
Second: Senator Le
Senator Le: Call to Question
Seconded: Senator Meyer
All in favor say I
Motion passes
Back into discussion of original
Senator Meyer: Call to question
Second: Senator Le
All in favor of SG resolution 003
Please stick out your right hand and say I
Resolution passes
New Business: SG resolution 004
Will be tabled for one week
SG bill 001
Will be tabled for one week
SG bill 002
Will be tabled for one week
iii. Executive Board Appointments
IV. Recess – 20 Minutes [shortening recess to 10 mins]
V. Officer Reports
President [type reports for all]
b. Vice President
MSUSA Campus Coordinator :
d. Chief Justice:
Executive Assistant
Academic Affairs:
Campus Affairs:
h. Communications:
Executive Board:
Fee Allocation:
k. Legislative Affairs:
Senate Finance:
m. Student Constitution:
n. Student Services
Technology Fee:
p. Urban Affairs:
q. University Committees :
VI. Plenary Session II
a. Last Call for Business :
Senator Pexa: motion to prove all student organization
Second: Le
All in favor of approving this list of the student organizations this year
please stick out your right hand and say I
Motion Carries
2 posters for $189.99
Seeking a motion to approve funding for these posters
Senator Drinkwine: motion to approve
All in favor for funding these postures
Motion carries
Discussion: Chair Gutsch: to address toughness, trying to send message to
MSUSA, they can’t push us around anymore that is why there is such a
tough stance
VP Bryson: faculty member was a member of the IFO and he was angry
because we weren’t doing what he wanted and as he lectured me on how it
was wrong that we were doing what someone else wanted us to do, I hope
no one is feeling uneasy, we can amend the resolution, I think it is our duty
to rep our students and the resolution in front of us does that
Senator Blosser: things that I’ve picked up on is our student government is
extremely different, you don’t hear many voices stuff about MSUSA, I
don’t know how I feel about it anymore, I do think the harsh stance is
important but could be shooting ourselves in the foot, lastly I would urge
all senators to look at a bunch of different sources
President Gunnerson: I think that a previous speaker brought up a good
point about Winona, but I also showed you MSCSA and it is the same as
ours, ultimately up to you did suspend to vote on it
Chair Gutsch: 25 something schools in favor, we aren’t alone in the
process, three maybe four schools, it is a toss up to say where it is going to
go, certain members against it the entire time, no politics involved just the
students, you have to look at the pass between the chancellor and other
bargaining units in the past, just a way to attack them take it how you want
Senator Fisher: Call to Question
Second: Myer
Objection Senator Drinkwine
Discussion: Senator Drinkwine: first school to take a stance, we are both
taking the first step in different directions, we can back out a later day,
want to see what’s going to happen
Senator Myer: Call to question
Senator Phillips: I want to second what Chair Gutsch said, don’t feel
awkward, if you feel uninformed ask me, some students may love it some
Senator Fisher: move to limit debate
Second Philips
Call for a vote on the objection
Now in a vote over this resolution
All in favor of student government resolution 004 please stick out your
right hand and say I
Resolution Passes
Move to cut open statements from agenda
Motion carries open statements stricken from agendas
VII. Closing of Meeting
a. Open Gallery II:
VP Bryson: as a group we will not discuss legality, what we are discussing,
oppose the correct question to the students, remain level headed
Chair Pegg: what we just voted on was the exact same thing we voted on
last week, stance on MSUSA is not the stance on other universities, reps all
Senator Drinkwine: Saturday night from 5-8:30 china night
Senator Withuhn: survey, good news it’s over with, bad news we did not
reach the number of completes second time in like history we might now
make public data
Senator Schnoor: working on green initiative
b. Open Statements:
c. Last Roll Call
President Gunnerson x
Vice President Bryson x
Executive Assistant Gunnerson X
Chief Justice Smith x
Chair Dyer x
Chair Gutschx
Chair Hagemeier x
Chair High o
Chair Muzammil x
Chair Pegg x
Chair Pradhan x
Chair Robinson x
Chair Vogl x
Chair Johnson x
Coordinator Swenson o
Senator Aurand Weisman x
Senator Blosser x
Senator Fisher x
Senator Gross x
Senator Hocum x
Senator Hwang o
Senator Le x
Senator Manning x
Senator Meyer x
Senator Pexa x
Senator Phillips x
Senator Ronning x
Senator Schnoor x
Senator Scofield x
Senator Uecker x
Senator Witthuhn x
Senator Young x
Senator Drinkwine x
d. Adjournment – [8:18 pm]