I. Opening of Meeting a. Call to Order

APRIL 16TH, 2015
I. Opening of Meeting
a. Call to Order
i. President Vice President Bryson called the meeting to order at 5:00
PM in the Cascade Room of the Atwood Memorial Center at St.
Cloud State University.
b. Pledge of Allegiance
c. First Roll Call [x for present, o for absent]
President Gunnerson x
Vice President Bryson x
Executive Assistant Gunnerson X
Chief Justice Rivera x
Chair Gutsch x
Chair Muzammil x
Chair Pegg o
Chair Pradhan x
Chair Vogl x
Chair Drinkwine x
Chair Blosser x
Chair Schnoor x
Chair Ronning x
Chair Jackson x
Senator Enstrom x
Senator Fisher x
Senator Gross x
Senator Hwang x
Senator Johnson x
Senator Manning x
Senator Meyer x
Senator Scofield o
Senator Uecker x
Senator Gnahn x
Senator Choi x
Senator Commers x
Senator O’Neil-como x
Senator Niraula x
Senator Tsyangyang o
Coordinator Johnson x
Appointee Onen
d. Approval of Agenda
i. Moved to approve by [Senator Fisher] approved by…Senator
ii. Seconded by senator Meyer
a. Agenda Approved…Vice President Bryson
e. Approval of Minutes
i. Moved to approve by.. Senator Meyer
ii. Seconded by…Senator Fisher
a. Minutes Approved –Vice President Bryson
II. Hearings
a. Open Gallery I :
i. Election Results: Presentation
-lowest voter turn out
- things to keep in mind for next year
-make some fixes
ii. Tech Fee Budget: 6.67 increase for FY16
-spendable budget of 2,000,000
-really working on maintaining and not cutting
- 5 year replacement cycle for the computers
- Location, age
- our cuts align with strategic planning committee
- still partnering with academic deans
- shifting to the cloud
-250 more times storage
Question: President Gunnerson: might be considering 3 year replacement?
Answer: we think it may not be the best, we don’t want to shock the
Senator Gnahn: when will be switching to the cloud?
Answer: October
iii. Matthew Hatle: I’m here to speak about my candidacy, I am a social
science major at metro. Reason why I am running for vice chair is I feel
like this is a position that fits me, the role has duties that I can do,
coordinating all campus coordinators, working with adhoc committees etc.
I’m not sure how many of you looked at my resume or goals, I feel like
there are not enough students at the staff meetings, I feel like it is missing.
Make sure to hold weekly coordinator meetings. Put 10 office hours a week
in, being in there of course. Visit every campus before my term is over.
Attend Mnscu board meetings, my job is to know what is going on. I think
that this is on everyone’s mind, create an Ad-hoc committee, HR work.
Performance review of staff. Creating a committee to go over the code of
conduct policy. How is our first amendment right violated or not violated.
I’m not even sure if a non-profit can create a judicial committee. I have
delegated a timeline, you will have 7 different universities having 7
different opinions. Through board member use or campus coordinators,
once the committee is formed you would work all through the fall. There
are too much leniency in this. November delegates the presentations would
be presented. Just to give ideas. I am hoping to have an official vote by
February. I created a timeline to start on day one by asking chair or board
of directors for this.
President Gunnerson: thank you for coming, thank you for coming with a
planned timeline.
Appointee Onen: can you explain why you have not kept a job for more
than one year?
Answer: I actually have, at the YMCA, I finished hours early, then I was
jobless and then did boy scouts. It was stressing me out more.
Senator Uecker: in your opinion why do you think people should vote for
Answer: been in it for a long time, know how everything works, really
intune with my school. I don’t like putting myself out there that much, I’m
all about just working. I just want to get in there and work, do what is
required of me, what the board wants.
Senator Enstrom: what do you intend to do differently, since you are now
Answer: i haven’t thought about it, I visited 4 of the 7. I will have to cut
some things from my schedule.
Coordinator Johnson: why should a student body or students going to
MSUSA elect someone who has attacked them on numerous occasions?
Answer: I can’t, I can’t make anyone vote for me. I’m just trying. What’s
happened has happened I cant change that. I can try and not make those
mistakes again. I didn’t have to come here, but I think that its important
that its here. I’m here to make sure you guys will come back. I don’t want
this division to stay.
Chair Blosser: we thank you, but what will you do to help fix the problems
that were created?
Answer: I think creating this committee to look into our procedures, it
needs to be lead by one of these two schools. You have been left out, it’s not
fair. Not excluding you from day one is the right step. We felt like the black
sheep. There seems to be a big issue, and an issue with communication and
with excluding people.
Coordinator Johnson: how will you properly represent all 7 schools?
Answer: I think one of the things is that meeting with the coordinators
weekly, and director. With a performance review and meetings we can get
the staff better connected with the campus. Need to break down this
barrier. Clearly it’s a mnscu problem. Problem is on every campus and it
needs to be solved. One of the things I have to do is bring the future
campus coordinator to another campus who has these similar problems.
b. Finance Hearings: none
c. Internal Elections: none
Plenary Session I
d. Unfinished Business
i. SG 022
Senator Enstrom: is this where we figured out the certain amount of women and
Answer: leave that to public safety
Chair Ronning: do you have a timeline
Answer: no, implemented and working by next year
President Gunnerson: does anyone want to add a date or deadline?
Answer: I’d like to propose a friendly amendment where this program is
implemented by move in weekend of fall 2015
Call to question
All in favor please say I
Resolution passes
ii. SG 023: retract resolution for further editing
d. New Business
i. motion to scratch 20 minute recess
All in favor please say I
ii. Campus Affairs Resolution
III. Recess – [10 minute recess]- move to scratch recess
IV. Officer Reports
President [type reports for all]
b. Vice President
MSUSA Campus Coordinator :
d. Chief Justice:
Executive Assistant
Academic Affairs:
Campus Affairs:
h. Communications:
Executive Board:
Fee Allocation:
k. Legislative Affairs:
Senate Finance:
m. Student Constitution:
n. Student Services
Technology Fee:
p. Urban Affairs:
q. University Committees :
V. Plenary Session II
a. Last Call for Business :
Closing of Meeting
Open Gallery II: none
Open Statements:
Last Roll Call
President Gunnerson x
Vice President Bryson x
Executive Assistant Gunnerson X
Chief Justice Rivera x
Chair Gutsch x
Chair Muzammil x
Chair Pegg o
Chair Pradhan x
Chair Vogl x
Chair Drinkwine x
Chair Blosser x
Chair Schnoor x
Chair Ronning x
Chair Jackson x
Senator Enstrom x
Senator Fisher x
Senator Gross x
Senator Hwang x
Senator Johnson x
Senator Manning x
Senator Meyer x
Senator Scofield x
Senator Uecker x
Senator Ganan x
Senator Commers x
Senator O’Neil-Como x
Senator Niraula x
Senator Tsangyang o
d. Adjournment – [6:35 p.m.]