1. A boy played the balls on the board of the spacecraft moving toward the Earth with velocity v = 0.6c. (i) In his first game he threw the balls toward the wall of the spacecraft so that they moved by the same line with equal velocities u = (3/4)c (in the spacecraft reference frame). The first ball collided with the wall 50 ns earlier than the second ball (in the spacecraft reference frame). Find the proper distance between the balls before their collision with the wall. (ii) In the second game the boy put an explosive into the balls and again threw them one after another with equal velocities u = 0.99c so that the distance between the balls in the spacecraft reference frame was l= 120 m. At some moment the balls exploded simultaneously in their reference frame. What was the time interval between the explosions of the balls in the spacecraft reference frame? (iii) During the explosion the balls emitted the light of the wavelength ' 500nm (in the spacecraft reference frame) what is the wavelength of the light observed on the Earth. (iv) The boy took another two balls with equal rest mass m and threw one of them so that its kinetic energy was T. Find the momentum of the ball. (v) The ball from the item (iv) collided with the second ball which was initially at rest (in the spacecraft reference frame). Find the rest mass and velocity of the balls (moving together) after collision. Solution: (i) The distance in the spacecraft r. f. is x ut , hence l 0 x / 1 (v / c) 2 ut / 1 (v / c) 2 17m (ii) t t '(v / c 2 )x' 1 2 , hencefort ' 0, t (v / c 2 )x' / 1 2 , butx' l / 1 2 , hencet (v / c 2 )l /(1 2 ) 20s (iii) ' 1 v / c ' / 2 250nm 1 v / c (iv) E T mc 2 m 2 c 4 pc pc T mc 2 2 2 mc 2 2 2 T (T 2mc 2 ) p T (T 2mc 2 ) / c (v) E T 2mc 2 , E 2 p 2 c 2 M 2 c 4 , where M is the rest mass of the two balls. pc T (T 2mc 2 ) hence M 2 c 4 (T 2mc 2 ) 2 T (T 2mc 2 ) (T 2mc 2 )2mc 2 2 M (T 2mc 2 )2m c Momentum of the new particle is equal to the momentum of the first particle: p T (T 2mc 2 ) / c V pc 2 / E E V c2 T c T 2mc 2 2. As a result of the Compton scattering with an electron at rest the wavelength of the photon with energy 0.3 MeV changed by 20%. i) Find the kinetic energy of the electron after scattering. ii)What is the momentum of the electron. iii) What are the scattering angles of the photon and electron? iv) The same photon is scattered by the electron moving in the opposite direction. After scattering, the photon propagates in the opposite direction (180 degrees scattering). What is the velocity of the electron if the frequency of the photon does not change? Solution: i) mc 2 h h ' E => T E mc 2 h h ' , ' c / ' c /(1.2 ) / 1.2 , hence T h (1 1 / 1.2) 0.05MeV ii) p 2 c 2 E 2 m 2 c 4 (T mc 2 ) 2 m 2 c 4 T 2 2Tmc 2 T (T 2mc 2 ) => pc T (T 2mc 2 ) 0.23MeV iii) For the photon: ' (h / mc)(1 cos ) , hence cos 1 ( ' ) /( h / mc) 1 (h 0.2) / mc 2 0.88 For the electron from the momentum conservation in the x direction we get h / h / 'cos p cos => cos h h ' cos 0.3 0.3 * 0.88 / 1.2 0.35 pc 0.23 iv) Since the photon energy does not change, it's momentum also does not change by value, hence the electron momentum also does not change by value and pe= h / c me v / 1 v 2 / c 2 => v c[1 (m e c 2 / h ) 2 ]1/ 2 1.54 x1010 cm / s