St. Cloud State University College Panhellenic Council
We, as undergraduate members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.
We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.
Article I.
The name of this organization shall be the St. Cloud State University College Panhellenic
Council (henceforth known as CPC).
Article II.
The object of the CPC shall be to develop and maintain sorority life and inter-women’s fraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and, in doing so:
(a) Consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life.
(b) Promote superior scholarship as basic to intellectual achievement.
(c) Cooperate with member fraternities and the university administration in concern for and maintenance of high social and moral standards.
(d) Act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference UNANIMOUS
AGREEMENTS and policies.
(e) Act in accordance with such rules established by the National Panhellenic Association as to not violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member women’s fraternities.
Article III.
Section 3.01
Membership Classes
There shall be three classes of membership: Regular, Provisional and Associate.
(a) The REGULAR membership of the CPC shall be composed of all chapter members in good standing of National Panhellenic Conference Woman’s fraternities at St Cloud State
(b) The PROVISIONAL membership of the CPC shall be composed of all chapter members in good standing of National Panhellenic Conference colonies and pledged chapters at St
Cloud State University.
(c) The ASSOCIATE membership of the CPC shall be composed of all members in good standing of local sororities or interest groups, or national or regional non-National
Panhellenic Conference member groups that have met the requirement for membership in the CPC. i.
Criteria for Associate Member Status a.
Women belonging to an associate or regular member group must not be members of any regular member group currently represented in the
College Panhellenic b.
The group must be in existence for 1 year in order to be considered for associate membership of the CPC. c.
A 2/3 vote is required to approve applications for Associate membership to the CPC.
Section 3.02
Duty of Compliance
All members, without regard to membership class, shall comply with all NPC Unanimous
Agreements and be subject to these CPC bylaws, code of ethics and any additional rules this
CPC may adopt unless otherwise prescribed in these bylaws. Any rules adopted by this CPC in conflict with the NPC Unanimous Agreements shall be void. All members must also comply with the CPC Constitution, Bylaws, and policies, as well as MnSCU and St. Cloud State
University’s Policies and government laws, local, state and federal laws, policies and procedures and Manual of Information.
Article IV.
The officers of the CPC shall be President, Vice President of Administration, Vice
President of Programming, Vice President of Membership and Growth, Vice President of
Networking and Communication, and Recruitment Assistant.
(a) The officers shall be representatives from the sororities’ holding regular, provisional, and associate membership in the CPC.
(b) There is a minimum of having a 2.5 GPA. Officers must also be financially, socially and academically in good standing with their chapter.
(c) The officers shall attend the regular meetings and special meetings of the CPC. If an officer misses two regular meetings without being previously excused, she must be removed from her position by the instructions in the impeachment clause. This includes executive board meetings as well. In order to be excused the Panhellenic President must be notified within 24 hours of the meeting.
(d) The officers shall serve for one full term or until next formal election period. A standard term runs from November- December of the subsequent year.
(e) Any officer failing to perform her duties as outlined shall resign and a successor must be designated by election.
(f) If an officer is unable to complete her term her successor shall be designated by election.
(g) The Officer will sign and abide by the CPC Officer contract and the CPC charter as facilitated through the Greek Life Adviser.
Article V.
(a) Regular; The CPC shall hold at least one regular meeting monthly, at a minimum.
(b) Special. A special meeting of the CPC may be called by the Panhellenic President when deemed necessary and shall be called by her upon the written request of any regular or associate member at SCSU.
(c) The delegate from each regular, provisional or associate member sorority shall be responsible for notifying her chapter members of all regular and special meetings of the
Article VI.
(a) The administrative body of the CPC shall be titled as the CPC Executive Board.
(b) It shall be the duty of the CPC to administer all business related overall welfare of the
CPC and to compile policies governing the CPC, including recruitment and new member
period, which do not violate the rights, sovereignty and privileges of member women’s fraternities. i.
MEMBERSHIP: The CPC shall be composed of a delegate from each member groups. ii.
SELECTION OF DELEGATES: Delegates of CPC shall be selected by their respective sorority chapters to serve for a term of one year. At least one of the delegates from each chapter must be an initiated member. iii.
DELEGATE VACANCIES: When a delegate vacancy occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the sorority concerned to select a replacement within two weeks and to notify the Vice President of Administration of her name, address, email, and telephone number. When a meeting of the CPC occurs while a delegate vacancy exists, the alternate delegate of the sorority concerned shall fulfill the duties of the delegate in all cases. iv.
OFFICERS: The officers of the CPC shall serve as the Executive Board of the
CPC and shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed in the Bylaws of the CPC. One Sorority is allowed to have up to 80% of offices. v.
MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the CPC shall be held at a time and place established at the beginning of each college term. vi.
QUORUM: 2/3 of the member chapters shall constitute a quorum for the calling of a meeting. vii.
The voting members of the CPC shall be the delegates of each sorority holding regular and associate membership. If a delegate is absent, the vote of her sorority shall be cast by the alternate delegate. All business concerning the National Panhellenic Conference policy and procedure will be voted on by regular membership. b.
2/3 of the voting members of the CPC shall be required to approve recruitment policies, and extension. A majority vote shall be required to carry all other questions. c.
2/3 of voting members of CPC shall be required to approve amendments to the CPC constitution and bylaws.
Article VII.
The Panhellenic Adviser shall be chosen by the administration of SCSU. She/ he shall serve in an advisory capacity of the CPC and SCSU Panhellenic Executive Board.
Article VIII.
The CPC Executive Board shall appoint standing committees to carry out the work of the
Article IX.
(a) All members of the CPC shall act in accordance with fundamental Panhellenic policies established by National Panhellenic Conference in the UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS
(the Panhellenic Compact, Standards of Ethical Conduct, College Panhellenic
Agreements, Agreement on Questionnaires and Constitutions, The Jurisdiction of a
College Panhellenic, and NPC Declaration for Freedom.)
(b) All CPC rules and policies shall be in harmony with those currently established by
National Panhellenic Conference.
Article X.
Violations of the National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements, any regulations of this constitution or its related bylaws, of membership recruitment rules, of rules concerning matters other than membership recruitment, shall be adjusted through the NPC
Judicial Procedure as presented in the NPC Manual of Information.
Article XI.
(a) Attendance at all regular meetings is required for one delegate from each sorority.
(b) All mandatory events will be announced at least four weeks in advance, and will be announced as a mandatory event. In order to have the chapter recorded as in attendance, they must have 90% of their chapter present as per DCI policy. i.
This 90% will include all new members and active members if given enough notice. ii.
If new members are not able to do, then they have to attend the next event that is offered, otherwise a fee will be charge to the chapter. The fee amount to be determined by the event type by the Panhellenic Executive Board.
Article XII.
This constitution may be amended by a 3/4 vote of the voting members of the CPC, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing at the preceding regular meeting.
Article I.
(a) FISCAL YEAR: The fiscal year of the CPC shall be from July 1, 20__, to June 30, 20__, inclusive.
(b) CONTRACTS: The signature of the President and Vice President of Administration and the Panhellenic Adviser, shall be required to bind the CPC.
(c) PAYMENTS: All payments due to the CPC shall be given to the Vice President of
Administration, who shall record them. Checks for payments shall be made payable to the CPC.
Amount: The dues of each CPC member shall be set by the CPC. The amount shall be the budget amount needed divided by the number of active women on each roster submitted by each sorority to the Department of Campus
Involvement. A budget will be presented by the Vice President of
Administration and the dues proposed to meet the budget. If the delegates believe the dues are too high, then they have the right to ask for budget amendments in order to get dues where they want and to cover the cost of doing business. ii.
Time of Payment: The dues of each CPC member sorority shall be payable on a date set by the Vice President of Administration at the beginning of each semester. iii.
Late Dues: For each week that dues are late, there will be 15% added for each week.
(e) FUNDRAISING POLICY: There will be a predetermined policy set by VP
Administration and Programming for each fundraising project.
Article II.
Section 2.01
(a) The office of President of the CPC shall be held by any member of a sorority who has: i.
Held a CPC Executive Board or delegate position for at least one full term OR ii.
Has served on her sorority’s Executive Board for at least one full term.
(b) The office of Recruitment Assistant of the CPC shall be held by any member of a sorority who has: i.
Served in the Fall Recruitment of their chapter as an active member.
(c) It is strongly encouraged that each chapter to have at least one member on the CPC
Executive Board each term.
Section 2.02
Election Process
(a) Election process will follow this format: i.
Elections shall consist of nominations, applications, speeches, discussion, and voting. ii.
Nominations will be made two weeks prior to elections. a.
Nominated individuals are eligible to submit an application. iii.
Application will be available for those that are interested in applying for a position upon request to the VP of Administration. a.
Application will be turned into the VP of Administration and released to member groups to review after being reviewed by the CPC. iv.
Speeches will occur the week following the first week of nominations. a.
Speeches are not to extend beyond two minutes. b.
Nominees competing for the same position cannot be in the room during their opponent’s speech, questioning, or discussion. v.
Following speeches, chapters are able to each ask one question of the nominee. a.
Questions must be consistent within the position. vi.
After questions, the nominee is asked to leave the room for discussion not to exceed five minutes. a.
Following discussion, nominees can return to the room. vii.
Elections will then take place within a week of speeches.
Section 2.03
Office-Holding Limitations
No more than 3 members from the same women’s fraternity shall hold office during the same term.
Section 2.04
(a) The officers shall serve from the November of their elected term to the following
December, or until their successors are selected and transitioned.
Section 2.05
(a) Any officer may be removed for cause by a vote of three-fourths of the CPC.
Section 2.06
(a) Vacancies shall be filled through the Election Process procedure.
Section 2.07
Officer Duties
(a) President: i.
Have overall responsibility for the operation of the CPC. ii.
Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the CPC. iii.
Serve as ex-officio of all CPC Committees with a voice but not a vote. iv.
Report as required to the National Panhellenic Conference Area Advisor v.
Maintain a complete up-to-date President’s file which will include a copy of the current CPC Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules; Policies; the current Panhellenic Budget, the current NPC Manual of Information; her copies of the CPC Reports to Area Advisor and other pertinent materials. vi.
Attend a personal development activity a.
For the conference, the amount that the CPC will budget and pay for is, at minimum, $750.
Sign an officer agreement, stating that they understand and will perform all duties outlined in the by-laws. This contract shall be signed no later than 24 hours after Officer Installation. viii.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. ix.
Keep an updated master action items list for all positions x.
Maintain open and regular communication with Greek Advisor, Vice
President of Student Life and Development and the President of St. Cloud
State University. xi.
We strongly encourage that she hold no other positions within her own sorority. xii.
Hold a biweekly Presidents Forum with the Presidents of each Sorority and
Fraternity. xiii.
Help in the process of Recruitment in correspondence with the Vice President of Membership and Growth.
Assist with the Recruitment Infraction process with the Vice President of
Membership and Growth. xv.
Oversee Judicial Board. xvi.
Develop goals and ideas for the successor of the position.
(b) Vice President for Administration: i.
Perform the duties of the President in her absence, inability to serve or at her call. ii.
Call and preside at all regular meetings of the CPC Executive Board. iii.
Review and approve all CPC checks and contracts involving CPC Executive
Board. iv.
Keep an up-to-date roll of the sororities of the CPC and call it at all council meetings. v.
Keep an up-to-date roster of all chapter memberships. vi.
Keep full minutes of all meetings of the CPC and a record of all action taken by the Executive Board. vii.
Make agendas for all CPC and Executive Board meetings. viii.
Be responsible for the general supervision of the finances of the CPC. ix.
Be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget and following its approval by the CPC, for providing a copy to each CPC member sorority. x.
Be responsible for submitting the budget to Student Government annually as well as attending all Budget Reserve Request meetings. xi.
Receive all payments due to the CPC, collect all dues, and give receipts. xii.
Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of the CPC. xiii.
Maintain an up-to-date financial record; give a financial report at each meeting of CPC and an annual report at the close of her term of office. xiv.
Plan and implement fundraisers xv.
n. Develop goals and ideas for the successor of the position.
(c) Vice President of Membership and Growth: i.
a. Hold and operate an active committee and manage meetings, as needed, with all chapter Recruitment Chairs and chapter advisors concerning matters pertaining to recruitment and growth. ii.
b. Be associated and involved in all matters pertaining to recruitment. iii.
c. Focus, promote, facilitate, and educate an on-going recruitment. iv.
d. Provide and organize opportunities for recruitment education. v.
e. Provide direction and guidance to the Vice President of Networking and
Communications in order to publicize any recruitment event. vi.
f. Will provide Recruitment Policies/Rules to be voted on by members of
CPC before completion of the university calendar year. vii.
g. Keep current statistics of recruitment numbers. viii.
j. Develop goals and ideas for the successor of the position.
(d) Vice President Programming: i.
Combined Programming and Membership development. ii.
Will organize National Hazing Prevention and Awareness Week. iii.
Plan and run the annual Greek Gala. iv.
Plan a semesterly All-Greek Mixer and All-Sorority Mixer. v.
Plan and facilitate Greek Week with the IFC Programming and Greek
Programming Board. vi.
Help facilitate and set-up the Student Research Colloquium. vii.
Co-preside over Greek Programming Board viii.
Act as a bridge between CPC and Greek Programming Board. ix.
Stays in constant contact with IFC programing. x.
Develop goals and ideas for the successor of the position. xi.
Help plan and focus on Academic Excellence.
(e) Vice President of Networking and Communications: i.
Be responsible for all matters pertaining to the networking and communications of the CPC. ii.
Be responsible for all forms of publicity dealing with the CPC. iii.
Shall protect and safeguard the women’s sororities’ image and brand. iv.
Inform the news media of favorable publicity about the CPC and its member fraternities. This is to include the keeping of a press release action items list to be reported on at each Panhellenic meeting. v.
Shall update the Greek Board as deemed necessary. vi.
Work with the Panhellenic Executive Board to maintain publicity for the CPC as well as the Greek Community. vii.
Shall work to maintain the Greek Calendar constantly. viii.
Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. ix.
Develop goals and ideas for the successor of the position.
(f) Recruitment Assistant i.
Will facilitate a Rho Gamma training workshop every semester for all members of the Women’s community as well as for the executive board officers. ii.
Recruit and train Rho Gammas. iii.
Work with the Vice President of Networking and Communications to create
Rho Gamma application promotions. iv.
Plan and run retention activities for Potential New Members with the Rho
Gammas. v.
Run recruitment meetings if the Vice President of Membership and Growth cannot attend due to an emergency. vi.
Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. vii.
Develop goals and ideas for the successor of the position.
Article III.
The Executive Board shall:
(a) Appoint standing and special committees and their chairs, and in making these appointments, recognize representation from all member sororities.
(b) Administer routine business meetings of CPC when advisable and such other business that has been approved for action by the CPC vote.
(c) Report all action taken by the Executive Board at the next regular meeting of the CPC through the Vice President of Administration and record the action in the minutes of that meeting.
(d) Host a CPC Officer Orientation at each term.
(e) Executive members are only allowed to have two unexcused mandatory/ expected meetings before being asked to be excused from the executive board.
Article IV.
The standing committees of the CPC shall be Judicial, Membership Recruitment, Greek
Programming Board, and any other committees depending on the size and needs of the CPC.
The standing committees shall serve for a term of one year. Immediately following the selection of officers for the ensuing year, the president-elect shall call a meeting of the executive board to appoint committee chairmen and members.
(a) Judicial Board i.
Membership. Consist of the College Panhellenic President, the Vice President of Administration, Standards Chairs of each sorority, and the Panhellenic
Advisor. In case of recruitment infractions, the College Panhellenic Vice
President of Membership and Growth. ii.
Duties. It shall be the judicial board’s duty to adjudicate violations of the NPC
Unanimous Agreements, constitution, bylaws, standing rules and membership recruitment regulations of the SCSU College Panhellenic Council.
(b) Membership Recruitment Committee i.
Membership. The Membership Recruitment Committee shall consist of a chairman and no fewer than the member responsible for recruitment from the
CPC chapters. ii.
Duties. This committee shall be responsible for all CPC matters related to membership recruitment. This committee shall review and develop
membership recruitment rules, submit them for discussion and approval to the
CPC (before the end of the term preceding the formal membership recruitment), and distribute copies of them when approved to the delegates of the member’s sororities. Following each membership recruitment period, the chairman of this committee shall present a full report, including recommendations, to the CPC based on an analysis of the recruitment statistics and recruitment evaluations.
(c) Greek Programming Board i.
Membership. GPB will consist of the VP of Programming and Social chairs of all sororities and fraternities. If a chapter’s social chair cannot be in attendance, they must send a consistent delegate previously disclosed to the
Vice President of Programming. ii.
Duties. Will plan all Greek events including, but not limited to, semesterly
All-Greek Mixers, Greek Week, Greek Gala, National Anti-Hazing
Prevention Week, and semesterly Sorority Mixers.
Article V.
(a) A woman must be a regularly matriculated student to be eligible for membership recruitment and pledging.
(b) A CPC member sorority may not issue an invitation to membership or formally pledge a woman during any school recess
(c) A new member may be initiated whenever she has met the requirements of the sorority to which she is pledged.
Article VI.
All forms of hazing, new member day, and/or pre-initiation activities, which are defined as hazing, shall be banned. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether or on or off sorority premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities and situations include creation or excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shocks; wearing, publicly, apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and jokes morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; late night sessions which interfere with scholastic activities, and any other activities which are not consistent with the regulations and policies of
Article VII.
EXTENSION refer to the NPC Manual of Information (MOI)
(a) When the CPC considers extension, such a chapter shall be organized through colonization by a National Panhellenic Conference sorority or through organization of an interest group on the CPC, which may petition a National Panhellenic Conference sorority for a chapter.
(b) Consideration should be given to National Panhellenic Conference fraternities that have previously had chapters on the campus and to those National Panhellenic Conference fraternities and/or which filed letters expressing interest in the campus.
(c) When all NPC chapters at St Cloud State University are close to or over Total, the CPC shall consider raising Total or adding another chapter.
(d) Regular and Associate members of the CPC shall vote on extension matters in the “spirit” of community. NPC requires that the votes of regular membership can only be officially counted for extension purposes.
Article VIII.
Any dispute arising out of the violation of the NPC Unanimous Agreements, the
Panhellenic constitution and bylaws, standing rules and membership recruitment rules and regulations shall be addressed through the NPC Judicial Procedure as included in the SCSU
Panhellenic bylaws as adopted on [when approved by CPC].
Violation procedure must be reviewed every term.
Section 8.01
(a) Chapters shall be held accountable for the conduct of their individual collegiate and alumnae members. Conduct contrary to the NPC Unanimous Agreements, these bylaws, the Panhellenic code of ethics, standing rules and/or membership recruitment regulations of the CPC shall be considered a violation.
Section 8.02
Informal resolution
(a) Members are encouraged to resolve alleged violations through informal discussion with the involved parties.
Section 8.03
Judicial process
(a) If informal discussions are unsuccessful, the judicial process will be set in motion by filing a report of the alleged violation. The CPC shall follow all mediation guidelines found in the NPC Manual of Information. iii.
Mediation. Mediation is the first step of the judicial process. The CPC shall follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements concerning the judicial process found in the NPC Manual of Information. iv.
Judicial board hearing. When a violation is not settled informally or through mediation, the judicial board shall resolve the issue in a judicial board hearing.
The CPC shall adopt procedures in the standing rules for this purpose that is consistent with the NPC Unanimous Agreements. v.
Appeal of judicial board decision. A decision of the judicial board may be appealed by any involved party to the NPC College Panhellenic Judicial
Appeal Committee. The CPC shall follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements concerning the appeals process found in the Manual of Information.
Article IX.
The CPC shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order: Newly Revised, except in matters specifically provided for in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules.
Article X.
These Bylaws may be amended by 3/4 vote of the voting members of the CPC provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing at the preceding regular meeting.
Article XI.
Section 11.01
Statement of Nondiscrimination
St. Cloud State University will provide equal education and employment opportunities to all persons as required by MnSCU Policy 1B.1. It prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Federal law also prohibits discrimination based on age, disability, pregnancy and certain Veteran status. The State of
Minnesota further prohibits discrimination based on membership on a human rights commission.
To carry out this commitment, SCSU not only prohibits discrimination in policy and process, but takes affirmative steps to prevent sexual and discriminatory harassment in the workplace and classroom. SCSU students or employees with concerns or uncertainty about possible harassment or discrimination are encouraged to contact Ellyn L. Bartges, who is the university Designated
Officer, Title IX Coordinator/Officer and the Equity & Affirmative Action Officer (phone 308-
5123 or via email at At, you will find SCSU policies and procedures pertaining to discrimination, harassment and sexual assault, as well as information on resources available to you.
Article XII.
Upon the dissolution of the SCSU CPC, the funds that belong to the council shall be distributed evenly among the member organizations, both associate members and regular members.
Article XIII.
If an officer’s performance is not as stated in the constitution, and she is not fulfilling her duties as an officer, then a motion from the Executive Board or the general assembly to impeach her will be accepted. The officer will be given the opportunity to defend her position before the motion is brought to a vote. The vote will then go back to the chapters that are members of the
SCSU CPC, and 3/4of the votes will need to be in support of the motion in order to remove the person from office.
Article XIV.
(a) In the case that an officer is unable to fulfill her duties, she shall have the option to resign. A formal letter of resignation must be submitted to the CPC before the resignation can become effective. It is required that the reason(s) for her resignation be included in the letter.
(b) In the case that an officer does not fulfill her duties for the benefit of Panhellenic, members of the CPC, or individual chapters may initiate impeachment proceedings. vi.
Written notification of the request for impeachment shall be sent to a Greek
Advisor Assistant Director of Greek Life. vii.
The Panhellenic President shall arrange an emergency meeting of the
Panhellenic Executive Board. viii.
All persons involved in the request for impeachment shall attend this meeting.
If a chapter has initiated the request, the chapter shall send its President and a
Panhellenic delegate. ix.
At this meeting, the officer involved shall be permitted to present her side of the incident and to participate in the discussions of charges, but she shall not have a vote on any final resolutions or recommendations. The remaining officers shall attempt to find an amicable solution to the problem. x.
If no amicable solution can be found, the CPC, through procedure (see
VOTING PROCEDURE) shall determine if the charges are justified. At this time, the officer involved shall be given the opportunity to resign. The
Council shall then determine the date by which the officer shall leave. The incident is then closed.
(c) If the Panhellenic President resigns or is impeached, the Vice President of Administration shall assume her duties and the office of Vice President of Administration shall be filled by an open election.
(d) If the Vice President of Membership and Growth resigns or is impeached, the
Recruitment Assistant shall fill her office until a new Vice President can be elected.
(e) If a position is not filled, then standard election procedures shall be followed.
Article XV.
(a) Positive working relations are to be maintained with the Interfraternity Council.
(b) The Interfraternity Council and the CPC and Executive Boards shall meet jointly at the discretion of the Presidents of the two organizations.
Article XVI.
In the event that a “special issue” concerning SCSU CPC Chapters arises, a Presidents' meeting shall be held to address the issue.
(b) All rules concerning these special issues agreed upon by chapter presidents shall be binding for all CPC Chapters.
Article XVII.
Member’s chapter houses are substance free xi.
A chapter house is identified by its registry on collegiate link xii.
A substance includes but it’s not limited to; alcohol or illegal drugs
(b) It is strongly suggested that every tenant should be affiliated with the respective chapter house.