Domain I : Planning and Preparation for Instruction

Teacher Candidate:_____________________________
ID No. _______________
Beginning Time:
Ending Time:
The University of Texas at Brownsville
Teacher Candidate Supervisor/Mentor Observation Documentation
Supervisor or Mentor
Date: ____________
Observation Number
Assignment/Grade Level:
Note: Any Unsatisfactory for this domain requires immediate
notice to the Office of Field Experiences.
Domain I : Planning and Preparation for Instruction
TWS standards 1, 2, 3, and 4
Directions: Check one item in each row. Total each column. Effectiveness of planning will be observed elsewhere.
Below Expectations
Meets Expectations
Knowledge of
Content and
Teacher’s knowledge of content and
pedagogy are Below Expectations .
Plan did not effectively prepare for
delivery of instruction, activities,
materials that will ensure
understanding of content by all
(including SPED, ELL.)
Teacher’s understanding of content
and pedagogy allows for planned
delivery of instruction, learning
activities, directly tied to content
and will facilitate understanding of
all (inc. SPED and ELL) students
Knowledge of
Teacher demonstrates partial
knowledge of students’ backgrounds,
skills, interests, and functional levels
and uses this knowledge to plan for
delivery of instruction (includes group
and individual work.)
Instructional Goals
Teacher’s display of lack of
understanding of subject,
structure of discipline,
content-related pedagogy will
result in student
misconceptions of content,
teacher’s inappropriate
selection of materials,
activities, delivery of
Teacher makes little or no
attempt to acquire /does not
have knowledge of students’
backgrounds, skills, and/or
interests, and, therefore,
cannot use such knowledge in
Teacher’s planned
goals/objectives not
curriculum related or
represent little or no
educational value, are
unsuitable for students or do
not show consideration of
individual student functional
levels and offer little or no
opportunities for assessment.
Teacher demonstrates thorough
knowledge of individual students’
backgrounds, skills, interests, and
functional levels and uses this
knowledge to plan for delivery of
instruction (includes group and
individual work.)
Teacher’s planned goals and
objectives represent valuable
learning, are suitable for all (inc.
SPED, ELL) students in the class;.
Goals/objectives reflect
opportunities for integration and
permit viable methods of
assessment directly tied to
curriculum, state standards
(TEKS)/ assessments.
Knowledge of
Teacher is unaware of school
or district resources available
including technology such as
computers, Smart Boards and
other items, either for teacher
or for student use, therefore
not including them in
instructional plan.
Teacher displays some knowledge of
school or district resources available
including technology such as
computers and Smart Boards for
teacher or students but does not plan
for their effective use.
Suggested Readings
Teacher’s planned goals /objectives
somewhat tied to curriculum, state
standards and TAKS and
educational/functional levels of most
Teacher is fully aware of school
and district resources available for
teaching, including items such as
computers and Smart Boards, and
plans for their use, when
appropriate, during instruction.
Revised: 7/12/2012
Designing Coherent
The planned activities and
materials do not support
stated instructional goals/obj.,
engage students in meaningful
learning, and the lesson does
not flow from
focus/introduction to
conclusion /closing.
Some of the elements of the
instructional plan support the stated
instructional goals/obj. and the key
knowledge/skills while others do not.
The plan does not have an obvious
structure/lacks critical components.
Assessing Student
Teacher’s planned approach
to assessing student learning
contains no clear criteria or
standards, and lacks
congruence with the
instructional goals./obj.
Teacher has no plan to use
assessment results.
Teacher’s plan for student assessment
is partially aligned with the
instructional goals/obj. but includes
some criteria and standards that are
not related and/or clearly stated and
plans for assessing all (inc. SPED and
ELL) students not defined.
Planning includes variety of
activities and materials that
support goals/objectives and skills
and allows time for meaningful
engagement and interaction by all
(inc. SPED and ELL)students.
Plan is clearly structured and
includes closure that can be
Teacher’s plan for student
assesssment of goals/objective is
clearly stated/delineated and
assessment is directly related to
content , includes .methods to
assess all students (including
SPED and ELL).
Total Domain I
Teacher Candidates Initials: ______
Domain II: The Classroom Environment
TWS standards 1, and 2
Note: Any Unsatisfactory for this domain requires immediate
notice to the Office of Field Experiences.
Directions: Check one item in each row. Total each column.
Below Expectations
Meets Expectations
Creating a Climate
of Respect and
Classroom interactions, both
between the teacher and
students and among students,
are negative or inappropriate
and characterized by sarcasm,
putdowns, or conflict.
Classroom interactions are generally
appropriate and free from conflict but
may be characterized by occasional
display of insensitivity.
Students treated with dignity and
respect is mutual. Teacher aware of
student cultural and developmental
differences and makes an effort to
ensure students feel valued and
respected. Verbal and non-verbal
behaviors by teacher and among
students reflect respect, warmth
and caring.
Establishing a
Culture for
The classroom does not
represent a culture for
learning and is characterized
by low teacher commitment to
the subject, low expectations
for student achievement, and
student pride in work is not
The classroom environment reflects
only a minimal culture for learning
with only modest or inconsistent
expectations for student achievement,
minimal teacher commitment to the
subject, and minimal student pride in
work. Both teacher and students are
performing at the minimal level.
The classroom environment
represents a genuine culture for
learning with commitment to the
subject on the part of both the
teacher and students, high
expectations for student
achievement, and student pride in
Suggested Readings
Revised: 7/12/2012
Classroom routines and
procedures are either
nonexistent or not effective,
resulting in the major loss of
valuable instructional/learning
Classroom routines and procedures
have beeen established but function
unevenly or inconsistently, with some
loss of valuable instructional/learning
Classroom routines and procedures
have been established and function
smoothly for the most part, with
little or no loss of valuable
Managing Student
Student behavior is not
appropriate. The teacher does
not establish clear behavioral
expectations, and/or monitor
student behavior, and does not
respond to or gives
inappropriate response to
student misbehavior.
Teacher makes an effort to establish
standards of conduct for students,
monitor student behavior and respond
to student misbehavior, but his/her
efforts are not always successful.
Teacher is aware of student
behavior, has established clear
standards of conduct, and responds
to students’ misbehavior in ways
that are appropriate, effective and
respectful of the students.
Total Domain II
Teacher Candidate Initials: _________
Note: Any Unsatisfactory for this domain requires immediate
notice to the Office of Field Experiences.
Domain III: Instruction
TWS standards 4, 5, and 6
Directions: Check one item in each row. Total each column.
Below Expectations
Meets Expectations
Suggested Readings
Clearly and
Teacher’s oral and/or written
communication contains errors or is
unclear, or inappropriate to students.
Teacher’s oral and written
communication are error-free
but may not be completely
appropriate or may require
further explanations to avoid
confusion by students.
Teacher communicates clearly
and accurately to students, both
orally and in writing.
Using Questioning
and Discussion
Teacher makes poor use of
questioning and discussion
techniques, with low-level
questions, limited student
participation, and little true
Teacher’s use of questioning
and discussion techniques is
uneven, with some high–level
questions, attempts at true
discussion, and moderate
student participation.
Teacher’s use of questioning and
discussion techniques reflects
high-level questions, true
discussion, and full /appropriate
participation by all students.
Engaging and
Students to Learn
Students are not intellectually
engaged in significant learning as a
result of inappropriate activities or
materials, poor representations of
content, or lack of lesson structure.
Students are only partially
engaged intellectually as a
result of activities or
materials of uneven quality,
inconsistent representations
of content, or uneven
structure or pacing of the
Students are intellectually
engaged & motivated throughout
the lesson, with appropriate
activities and materials,
representations of content and
suitable structure and pacing of
the lesson.
Revised: 7/12/2012
Flexibility and
Teacher adheres to the instruction
plan in spite of evidence of poor
student understanding or lack of
interest and fails to respond to
students’ questions. Teacher
assumes no obvious responsibility
for students’ failure to understand
and does not attempt to remedy the
Teacher demonstrates
moderate flexibility and
responsiveness to students’
needs and interests during a
lesson and attempts to ensure
the success of all students.
Teacher seeks ways to ensure
successful learning for all
students, making adjustments, as
needed, to instructional plans
and responds effectively and
appropriately to student interests
and questions.
Assessing Student
Assessment of student teaching is
ineffective / inappropriate, not
related to stated learning
objectives. No evidence of
assessment attempted.
Teachers assessment of
student learning is not
effective for all learners / is
not directly related to stated
objectives / goals.
Teacher assesses students
(including SPED and ELLs) to
determine individual learning
in relation to stated
instructional objectives / goals.
Total Domain III
Teacher Candidate Initials: ________
Note: An Unsatisfactory for this domain requires immediate
notice to the Office of Field Experiences.
Domain IV: Professional Responsibilities
TWS standard 7
Directions: Check one item in each row. Total each column.
Reflecting on
Teaching and
Student Learning
Teacher does not reflect
accurately on the lesson or
proposes ideas as to how it
might be improved. No
mention of assessment is
Below Expectations
Meets Expectations
Teacher’s reflection on the
lesson and student
assessment is generally
accurate. However, teacher
makes global suggestions as
to how it might be improved.
Teacher reflects accurately on
the lesson including
assessment results, citing
general characteristics and
makes some specific
suggestions about how it
might be improved.
Suggested Readings
Indicators 2 – 5: Communicating with Families, Maintaining Accurate Records, Growing and Developing Professionally and Contributing to School and Community
are often not directly observable during instruction and are cumulative in nature. Therefore these Domain IV indicators will be reviewed and evaluated during the two
Three-Way Conferences held during the Student Teaching experience.
___________________________ Date: _______________
Teacher Candidate’s signature
Supervisor’s/Mentor’s signature
Post Conference: ________________________________
Copy to Administrator: ________________________________________
Teacher Candidate’s signature & Date
Date: _________________
Receiving Party’s signature & Date
Revised: 7/12/2012