South Carolina’s EEDA and the Personal Pathways to Success Mrs. Tonya Kram


South Carolina’s EEDA and the

Personal Pathways to Success

Mrs. Tonya Kram

Director of Clinical Experiences and Educator Licensure

Coastal Carolina University

What is EEDA?

• EEDA = Education and Economic

Development Act

• Established in 2005, this act is designed to help SC students explore and prepare for career opportunities through a more relevant curriculum.

• EEDA’s “Personal Pathways to Success” hopes to address the education and workforce crisis in South Carolina.

An Opportune Time for EEDA

• Only 53% of SC high school students graduate in four years (2003).

• 33% of 8 th grade students in SC scored below the basic reading level in 2005.

• 17% of SC households were headed by high school dropouts in 2005.

• SC lags behind the US average in per capita income: $21,535 vs. $25,035.

Where 9 th Graders are Headed vs. Where the Jobs Are

• 28% will enter a 4-year college

• 32% will enter an associates degree

• 10% will lack the skills needed for employment

• 30% will drop out before completing high school

• 20% require a 4-year degree

• 65% require an associates degree or advanced training

• 15% require minimum skills

Elements of the Education and Economic

Development Act

• Help students connect education to careers of their choice

• Increase number of guidance and career counselors to achieve ratio of 1 counselor : 300 students

• Establish clusters of study and Individual Graduation

Plans (IGPs) for students

• Identify at-risk students and provide programs to increase graduation rate

Elements of the Education and Economic

Development Act

• Align HS graduation requirements with college entrance

• Create dual-enrollment agreements for high school and college coursework

• Create Regional Centers to connect students, educators, employers, and the community

The Personal Pathways System includes the 16

Clusters of Study (from USDE)

• Arts, A/V Technology, & Communications

• Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources

• Architecture and Construction

• Business, Management, and Administration

• Education and Training

• Finance

• Government and Public Administration

• Health Science

Additional Career Clusters

• Hospitality and Tourism

• Human Services

• Information Technology Clusters

• Manufacturing

• Marketing, Sales, and Service

• Public Safety and Security

• Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

• Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

These Clusters of Study provide focus, direction, and relevance for SC students...

• Each school district (85 in all) will offer at least three clusters of study

• The districts/schools will offer courses organized around these clusters

• Students can transfer to a different school within their district if that school offers a cluster of study unavailable at the student’s assigned school

Colleges of education shall include in their training of teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators the following:


Career Guidance ; PS: Candidates will describe the career guidance process.


Use of the Cluster of Study Framework/IGPs ; PS:

Candidates will describe the clusters of study concept and the developmental process of the IGP.


Elements of the Career Guidance Model (i.e., awareness, exploration, and preparation, illustrated here.

); PS:

Candidates will demonstrate the use of the career guidance standards and competencies.


Character Education ; PS: Teacher candidates will promote and model the Core Values identified in Section 59-17-135.

EEDA Standards, cont.


Contextual Teaching ; PS: Teacher candidates will demonstrate the incorporation of concrete, hands-on instruction and content presentation with an emphasis on real-world application and problem solving.


Cooperative Learning ; PS: Teacher candidates will demonstrate the incorporation of cooperative learning strategies.


Diverse Learning Styles ; PS: Teacher candidates will demonstrate the incorporation of strategies to accommodate the needs of diverse learners.

What does the EEDA mean for you?

• Look for ways to incorporate some of the seven standards of the Act in your lessons and interactions with students.

• Encourage students to ask questions of their adult relatives, neighbors, etc. about careers and occupations.

• Encourage students to explore their interests, hobbies,etc.

• Talk with students about your own career preparation, i.e., college, previous work experience, etc.

• Find out more about EEDA at these links:

Thank You and Good Luck in your Internship!
