How to work with “Mathematica” Here is a sample calculation. Your cursor can be anywhere in the input cell when you press . The In[n]:= and Out[n]= labels are added automatically. In[1]:= 5+3 Out[1]= 8 You can edit existing input and press to re-evaluate it. The new result replaces the old one in the output cell. Get started just like using a calculator To interact with Mathematica, type in your input, then press to get your output. If you press on its own, you just go to a new line. In the example below, the ^ indicates the operation of taking a power. In[2]:= 19^50 Out[2]= 8663234049605954426644038200675212212900743 If you put an explicit decimal point in your input, then Mathematica gives you an approximate numerical result. Very large and very small numbers are then shown in exponential notation. In[3]:= 19.^50 Out[3]= 8.66323 1063 Use either a space or an explicit * to indicate multiplication. Summary of important Mathematica notation All built-in functions start with a capital letter. Abs Use [ ] to enclose function arguments. Mod 7, 3 Use {} to enclose list elements. Use () to indicate grouping of terms. expr/.x y means “in expr replace x by y”. 22 1, 2, 3 a bc p^2 . p 2 Use = to assign a value to a variable. y 3.8 Use == to express equality. Solve x^2 Use := to define a function. f x_ : x^2 Use x_ to indicate an arbitrary expression named x. f x_ : x^2 3, x ,העזרה בתוכנה יעילה מאוד ומכילה דוגמאות והסברים על כל הפונקציות המובנות .כדאי מאוד ללמוד להשתמש בה ...וכמובן שתמיד אפשר לשאול