The University of Texas at Brownsville One West University Boulevard

Peter-Bodo Gawenda, Ed.D.
The University of Texas at Brownsville
One West University Boulevard
Brownsville, TX 78520, Tel 956-882-5769,
October, 2013
2011 - present
Coordinator EdD C&I Program, Graduate Faculty
2007 --2011
Special Assistant to the Provost
UTB, Director Department of Applied Technology
Instructor: Educational/Training Technologies
Interim Dean College Science, Math & Technology
Interim Dean College Applied Technology & General Studies
2002 - 2011
1999 - 2002
1994 - 1999
1993 - 1994
1985 - 1991
1982 - 1988
1982 - 1999
1978 - 1981
1974 - 1978
1972 - 1974
1969 - 1972
1966 - 1969
Faculty (Graduate/Undergraduate)/Instructor/Director
Graduate Faculty
Vice President for Business Affairs
Interim Vice President for Business Affairs
Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs
Assistant to the President, The University of Texas at Brownsville
Director Institutional Research and Planning
Director Public Information
Director Cooperative Doctoral Program (University of Houston/UTB)
Program/Institutional Development
Director Institutional Research and Planning
Part-time Instructor at Texas Southmost College, subjects: Government
(U.S., Texas), French, German, and Mathematics
Part-time Instructor with The University of Texas at Brownsville, subjects:
Education (methodology, cultures, statistics, testing & measurement),
Government, Communications, and Interdisciplinary Studies
Internship with Brownsville Independent School District on three levels (1) assistant superintendent, (2) director of personnel and (3) high school
Member of the Faculty and Administration of the Führungsakademie,
Hamburg, Germany: (1) International Relations (including the selection,
education and evaluation of personnel for international organizations),
(2) International Economics, and (3) Teacher education
Staff Plans Officer of the Plans and Policy Division, Fourth Allied Tactical
Air Force (NATO)
Command Executive to the Commander (3-Star General)
Liaison Officer to a French Command in Contrexeville, France
Staff Plans Officer German Air Force Tactical Command
Base Commandant (1,800+ personnel), Squadron Commander
Liaison Officer to the United States Army Artillery and Missile School at
Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Personnel Officer for German Air Force Units
Instructor (secondary, vocational-secondary and post-secondary levels)
for Computer Systems and Power Producing Systems, Audio-visual
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1962 - 1966
1960 - 1961
Training Equipment (“teaching machines”), Mathematics, Physics,
Government, Economics, History, ESL
Instructor: Electronics, Power Producing Equipment, Mathematics,
Physics, Government, History, GSL, ESL in Germany and US
Pilot Training (Fighter Bomber) with United States Air Force
Program on Negotiations, Harvard/MIT/Tufts University, 1994
Executive Leadership/Management Institute, Stanford University
Ed.D. Program at the University of Houston, 1982-1985
Graduate, Führungsakademie Hamburg, Germany, 1979
M.S. Degree, Troy State University, Troy, Alabama, 1977. Major:
International Relations
Graduate, Air War College, Maxwell, Alabama, 1976
BA Degree, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1974
Pilot Training, USAF, 1960/61
Coordinator EdD C&I Program
Teaching Certificates (TX): Government, Mathematics, Social Sciences
Composite, Supervision
Teaching Certificate (State of Hamburg): International Relations
Teaching Certification (FRG, AF): Education/Administration
Interpreter Certificate: German-English-German
German, English, French, and Spanish
• Selection for Membership into the German General Staff
(Several Citations)
Rotary International
State Agency Energy Advisory Group (under Attorney General Office)
Texas Building Energy Institute
• Place of Birth: Germany
• Marital Status:
Married to Irma Lozano (deceased 2006), 2 children
Married to Rosalinda Garza (2009)
• Interests
- Painting, Specialty is the Old Art of Icon-Painting
- Book Illustrations
- Historical Research (Minorities in the Middle Ages & Renaissance),
Story Telling (elementary/Intermediate schools)
- Education (Multi-Lingual/Multi-Cultural)
- Lectures on East European Countries, History, Political Systems,
Ideologies, and Art
- Alternative Energy (Solar)
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Random Listing:
• BS Biology
• BS Math
• BBA Finance
• Coop. Ed.D. with PAU-B/UH
• Coop. MS Library Science
Articles in Books on Texas History
Folk Tales
Language Patterns and Cultures of Minorities
Alternative Education and Training Programs
Alternative Energy (Solar, Photo-Voltaic)
Alternative Building Materials and Energy Efficient Construction
Historical Articles in German Regional Journals and Newspapers
Military Publications - classified
Military Subjects in German-language Journals
Political/Economic Evaluations (limited distribution):
Power Base of the People’s Republic of China
Foreign Aid Programs of Israel in Africa (Economic and Education)
The German Democratic Republic
Book: "The Children's War, Germany 1939 to 1949", 2010
Book: "Irma's Story, American by Birth, Hispanic by Choice", 2012
PBG, Vita - 07/12/2016
Berlin Wall
Art in Churches of Eastern and Southern Europe, Northern Africa, and
the Middle East
Restructuring Education
"Manual" Intelligence
Cross-cultural Communications, Genderlect
Career Technical Education in Public Schools
Termination of "Terminal" Degree Programs
Iron Curtain
World War II
Texan Minorities