The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College Academic Senate Minutes

The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College
Academic Senate Minutes
July 7, 2003
Call to Order
Mr. Harris (in his last official act as President) called the July 7, 2003 meeting of the
Academic Senate to order at 1:10 p.m. in the SETB 3rd Floor Conference Room.
Members of the Senate in attendance included: Dr. Illiana Alanis (s), Mr. Steve Benton
(s), Dr. Betsy Boze, Dr. Steve Chamberlain (s), Ms. Carol Collinsworth (*), Mr. Roberto
Cortina (s), Ms. Linda Fossen, Mr. Bill Harris (*), Ms. Mabel Hockaday (s), Dr. Farhat
Iftekharuddin, Dr. Charles Lackey, Ms. Julie Larson (*), Dr. Jose Martin, Mr. Domingo
Molina (s), Dr. Eldon Nelson, Ms. Cheryl Phelps (s), Mr. Jay Phillips,. Dr. Ruth Ann
Ragland, and Mr. Tom Welther (s).
Visitors included: Mr. Floyd Akers.
Approval of the Minutes from the May 2, 2003 Academic Senate Meeting
Mr. Harris entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the May 2, 2003 Academic
Senate meeting. Before the minutes could be approved, there was one correction. Under
the heading, “Merit Pay Resolution”, the first sentence should read, “Mr. Harris reported
that the following resolution regarding merit pay was drafted when word was received
that there were indications of no base merit this year”.
With the minutes corrected, Mr. Harris once again entertained a motion to approve the
minutes from the May 2, 2003 Academic Senate meeting. Ms. Collinsworth so moved,
with a second from Ms. Hockaday. The minutes were approved as corrected.
Introduction of New Senators
Mr. Harris asked Ms. Larson to introduce the new senators and officers present at this
meeting. Ms. Larson introduced:
Mr. Tom Welther- Vice President
Dr. John Sutterby- Senator from the School of Education, and,
Dr. Rene Rubin- Senator from the School of Education
Mr. Harris welcomed the new officers and senators.
Insurance Benefits Changes- Ms. Christina Logan
Mr. Harris asked Ms. Logan from Human Resources to address the Senate regarding
insurance benefits changes. Ms. Logan presented the following information:
There will be no premium changes, however, there are subsequent changes in the medical
plan for 2003-2004.
A. Physician Office Visits
1. Family Care Physician co-pay increases from $20 to $25.00
2. Specialist co-pay increases from $25 to $30.00
B. Hospital Emergency Room Visit co-pay increases from $75.00 to $100.00
C. Hospital –Semi Private Room and Board
1. You pay $100.00 per day hospital stay co-pay ($500.00 maximum per
2. You pay 20% of the allowed amount (increased from 15%).
D. Out-Patient Surgical Procedure
1. You pay $100.00 co-pay.
2. You pay 20% of the allowed amount (increased from 15%).
E. Co-insurance amounts
1. In-network- you pay 20%, plan pays 80% (increased form 15/85)
2. Out- of- network- you pay 40%, plan pays 60% (increased from 35/65)
3. Out- of –area- you pay 25%, plan pays 75% (increased from 20/80)
F. UT Select Prescription Drug Program
1. $50.00 annual deductible per person per plan year (new this year)
G. Dental Plan – stays the same.
H. Vision Plan1. No premium changes.
2. In-network elective contact lens benefit increased from $95 to $125.00
3. Out-of-network elective contact lens benefit increased from $95 to
I. You may obtain a list of providers by calling or emailing Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) Report-Ms. Carol Collinsworth
Ms. Collinsworth attended the June Faculty Advisory Council meeting and gave the
following report:
Ms. Collinsworth reported that Chancellor Yudof addressed FAC. The
Chancellor told FAC members that overall the UT-System components lost
approximately 3% of their budgets. The Chancellor also told FAC that the
legislature has agreed to allow colleges and universities in Texas to keep indirect
costs from grants. The Chancellor further talked about deregulated tuition.
The FAC heard about a Compact that all the component institutions must create
by 2004. This Compact would list priorities and would be used as a report card
by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). People would
have access to the Compact. Measures included in the Compact would be things
like retention, enrollment, graduation rates, etc.
The FAC heard from Carlos Martinez about health benefits. New employees
must wait 90 days before they are eligible for benefits.
The FAC was told that Governor Perry will use his rainy day fund to help the
The FAC was told that TASP is gone.
Last, Ms. Collinsworth reported that the FAC received the results of the Faculty
Satisfaction Survey. Ms. Collinsworth reported that the results were lumped
together by classification of the university. Individual component results were not
available. Ms. Collinsworth did say, however, that the UTB participation in the
survey was low.
HOOP 11.6.1- “Staff and Faculty Identification Cards”
This was the first reading of HOOP 11.6.1 “Staff and Faculty Identification Cards”
before the Senate. The purpose of this policy is to “explain requirements and procedures
for obtaining employee identification cards”. Dr. Martin, at the request of Mr. Harris,
explained that two changes were made to the policy. Dr. Martin explained that the
words, “social security number” were deleted from the policy and replaced with the
words “employee identification number” and the fee of $7.00 for an identification card
was deleted.
A discussion followed the reading of the policy. Mr. Benton expressed his concern over
the wording “is required” in the policy. (The policy states that “each faculty and staff
member is required to have a university identification card”).
Noting that the policy did not have a second read before Deans and Chairs, Dr. Boze
suggested that the policy be returned to Deans and Chairs for a second read. Mr. Harris
agreed and the policy will be sent back to Deans and Chairs.
HOOP 7.7.2- “Non Reappointment of a Non-tenured, Tenure Track
Faculty Member
This was the first reading of HOOP 7.7.2- “Non Reappointment of a Non-tenured, Tenure
Track Faculty Member” before the Senate. The purpose of this policy is to “describe
University policy on the procedures for non reappointment of a non-tenured, tenure-track
member of the faculty.” Dr. Martin, at the request of Mr. Harris, explained that the
policy as it currently exists says that “in the event of a decision not to reappoint a nontenured, tenure-track faculty member, written notice will be given not later than March 1st
of the first academic year of probationary service if the appointment expires at the end of
that academic year, or not later than December 15th of the second academic year. After
two or more academic years written notice shall be given not later than August 31st that
the subsequent year will be the terminal year of appointment.” Dr. Martin said that this
sentence is very confusing and does not match the facts and proposed that this sentence
be deleted and replaced. The suggested change reads, “After December 15th of the
second academic year of probationary service or after two or more academic years
written notice shall be given not later than 30 days prior to the end of the then current
academic year that the subsequent year will be the terminal year of appointment.”
A discussion followed the reading of the policy. Several senators objected to the time of
30 days, saying that the time period would be better if it were extended to 60 days. They
felt that 60 days was not enough time. Hearing no further discussion, Mr. Harris said the
policy would be returned to Deans and Chairs for clarification of the time period. The
policy will return to the Senate for a second read.
Other Business
There was no “Other Business”.
Senate President’s Report
This was Mr. Harris’ last report as President of the Academic Senate. He had two items
in his report.
Mr. Harris thanked all the faculty, staff, and administrators he worked with during
his tenure as Academic Senate President. Mr. Harris also acknowledged the new
Senate officers and senators and wished them the best of luck.
Mr. Harris talked about the recent legislative session. Mr. Harris said that
UTB/TSC faired pretty well in the legislative session. He said other component
institutions were forced to lay off employees but we were spared. He said the
“big boys are finely feeling the pain”.
Provost’s Report
Dr. Martin had ten items in his report.
Dr. Martin asked Ms. Fossen to talk about the enrollment figures for Summer 2,
2003. Ms. Fossen provided the following summary:
Summer I and May
Unduplicated headcounts
Credit Hours
Credit Hours by Classification
UTB Lower
UTB Upper
UTB Graduate
Summer 2
Unduplicated headcounts
Credit Hours
Credit Hours by Classification
UTB Lower
UTB Upper
UTB Graduate
4, 555
2003 (as of July 7, 2003)
Dr. Martin reported that 12 faculty members at UTB/TSC were awarded $5000.00
a piece per year for up to $50,000 over ten years to pay back their student loans
through a student loan repayment program. Kudos to Dr. Ragland for
spearheading this program.
Dr. Martin reported on the status of the searches for new deans. Dr. Martin
reported that Dr. Charles Lackey has been named as the new Dean of Graduate
Studies. Dr. Martin also reported that Dimitrios Sotiropoulos as resigned as Dean
of the College of Science, Math, and Technology. Mr. Jay Phillips as been named
Interim Dean of the College of the Science, Math, and Technology. Dr. Martin
also reported that the search continues for a Dean of the School of Education. Dr.
Martin said the Search Committee for has identified a candidate for that position
and the candidate will be on campus in early August to interview for that position.
Dr. Martin reported that all administrators at UTB/TSC holding a faculty position
will undergo post tenure review this year.
Dr. Martin reported that TASP no longer exists. Dr. Martin said that TASP would
no longer be used as an assessment test for students entering UT component
institutions. Dr. Martin said that the individual institution would now be allowed
to decide on what assessment tool they would use. Students will be required to
take an assessment test prior to entering a college or university.
Dr. Martin thanked Ms. Fossen for her work on the Enrollment Management
Center. He then asked Ms. Fossen to talk about the center. Ms. Fossen said that
the Enrollment Management Center is now able to provide students with
computerized enhancement of enrollment information on the UTB/TSC website
through Scorpion Online. Students can now access their grades online, register
online, access their transcripts, verify their schedules online, check admissions
status, etc. Ms. Fossen said that in the future faculty would also be able to use
Scorpion Online. Kudos to Ms. Fossen.
Dr. Martin reported on insurance. He said insurance was a horror story during
this legislative session. Dr. Martin called attention to Senate Bill (SB) 1370
which was enacted by the 78th Legislature and changed the requirements for
faculty and staff retirement. Under this bill, retiring faculty and staff must either
reach the age of 65 or meet the “rule of 80” before being able to retire with
benefits paid for by the state. Dr. Martin reported that UTB/TSC in response to
SB 1370 offered its employees a retirement package that would allow them to
retire with full benefits. Dr. Martin reported that 19 employees accepted this
retirement package. Dr. Martin said that this retirement package was not designed
as a way of saving University money but rather as a way of treating potential
retirees in a humane way.
Dr. Martin reported on faculty salaries. Dr. Martin reported that this year the
following will be used to raise faculty salaries:
1% base merit increase
5% exceptional merit increase
5% promotion with tenure, and,
10% promotion.
Dr. Martin reported that Mr. Gilbert Garza, Director of Media Services is retiring.
Last, Dr. Martin reported that colleges and universities will now be able to keep
all the indirect costs associated with a grant. Dr. Martin said that in the past that
money had to be returned to the state. Dr. Martin said that this year UTB/TSC
will receive $300,000 in indirect costs. Dr. Martin said that money will be used to
hire new faculty and he has authorized each college and school to hire one new
faculty member.
There were two announcements.
Mr. Harris thanked the Staff Senate for a very successful bowling tournament.
Mr. Phillips, on behalf of the Academic Senate, thanked Mr. Harris serving as
President of the Academic Senate. Thank you Mr. Harris for your hard work and
dedication to the Senate.
Mr. Harris entertained a motion to adjourn. Mr. Cortina so moved, with a second by
acclamation. The meeting stood adjourned at 3:30 p.m.