I. Call to Order Mr. Harris called the May 2, 2003 meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 1:05 p.m. in the SETB 3rd Floor Conference Room. Members of the Senate in attendance included: Dr. Illiana Alanis (s), Dr. Betsy Boze, Ms. Carol Collinsworth (*), Mr. Roberto Cortina (s), Mr. Doug Ferrier, Ms. Linda Fossen, Mr. Bill Harris (*), Dr. Edward Hymson (s), Dr. Anthony Knopp (s), Mr. Joe Lacher (s), Dr. Charles Lackey, Ms. Julie Larson (*), Dr. Jose Martin, Mr. Domingo Molina (s), Dr. Eldon Nelson, Dr. Rafael Otero (s), Dr. Sylvia Pena, Ms. Cheryl Phelps (s), Mr. Jay Phillips, Dr. Ruth Ann Ragland, and Mr. Tom Welther. Visitors included: Ms. Ethel Cantu, Mr. Gilbert Garza, and Mr. Jerry Miller. II. Approval of the Minutes from the April 11, 2003 Academic Senate Meeting Mr. Harris entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the April 11, 2003 Academic Senate meeting. Dr. Hymson so moved, with a second from Dr. Otero. The minutes were approved as written. III. Committee Reports Mr. Harris called for committee reports. There were no reports. IV. Update on ORP Visitation Issue Mr. Harris provided the Senate with an update on the ORP issue. Mr. Harris said that after talking with Vice President Rosemary Martinez about this issue, Ms. Martinez agreed to return to the old policy. The old policy allowed ORP representatives to meet with their clients in the client’s office on the UTB/TSC campus. Mr. Harris did point out that cold calling by ORP representatives is prohibited under Regent’s Rules. V. Merit Pay Resolution Mr. Harris reported that the following resolution regarding merit pay was drafted when word was received that there would be no base merit this year. Mr. Harris then pointed out that base merit is tied directly to exceptional merit and referred to a copy of the Academic Senate minutes from December 15, 1995 (each member of the Senate received a copy) in which the following information was recorded: “Dr. Kendall has recommended to Dr. Garcia that no competitive merit pay be awarded in a year when no regular merit pay can be awarded. Dr. Garcia accepted this recommendation” Dr. Knopp, who was the principle draftee of this resolution, read the resolution into the record. “Resolution Regarding Merit Pay (May 2, 2003) Whereas, it is the long established policy of UTB/TSC that the merit pay system embodied in our HOOP requires base merit pay whenever exceptional merit pay is awarded (see official Senate minutes of December, 1993); and Whereas, the exigencies of the present fiscal difficulties in the State of Texas may induce the administration to suspend the awarding of base merit for the 2003-22204 academic year while continuing to fund exceptional merit; And Whereas, the recently announced intention of awarding exceptional merit pay without base merit, if implemented, would represent a violation of the agreement cited above and consequently pose a threat to the process of shared governance; Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the imbalance created for this biennium by the proposed awarding of exceptional merit without base merit be redressed, should it be implemented, by the exclusive awarding of base merit for the second year of the biennium (2004-2005). In the unfortunate event that no money is available for any merit in the second year of the biennium, base merit must be funded exclusively in the next year for which any merit is funding in available. Accordingly, the exceptional merit system (collection and assessment of portfolios) should be suspended in the fall of 2003 (should present intentions to suspend base merit pay for this year be implemented) and remain suspended until such time as the balance has been restored to our system through the exclusive awarding of base merit.” A discussion followed the reading of the resolution. Mr. Harris said that he and the former presidents of the Academic Senate met with Dr. Garcia and were told by Dr. Garcia that no base merit, only exceptional merit would be awarded this year. Dr. Knopp then drafted this resolution with Mr. Harris and others editing the draft resolution. Dr. Knopp said it is a “cop out” for the administration not to fund base merit. Dr. Knopp said the administration needs to know that the two are connected. Dr. Knopp further said that since the exceptional merit process has been initiated, then go ahead with the awarding of exceptional merit but address base merit next year. Dr. Knopp also made it clear that this resolution was drafted not because the faculty want more money but rather it was drafted as a matter of governance. Dr. Hymson said it is a matter of money because of an increased cost of living. Dr. Hymson asked why we can’t generate more money to fund base merit. Mr. Wade pointed out that we are reading the merit policy incorrectly. He said the HOOP policy uses the words, “merit” and “exceptional merit”. He said the HOOP policy does not mention the words “base merit”. Mr. Harris said the resolution takes a “middle of the road approach” to addressing the problem of merit and exceptional merit. He said this resolution allows for exceptional merit to be awarded this year and not awarded next year. Mr. Harris further elaborated by saying that merit and only merit would be awarded next year. Dr. Hymson asked, “Why there is no money for salary increases?” “Are there no sources from which to fund base merit?” Dr. Martin replied that the administration is exploring every avenue of funding to fund base merit. Dr. Knopp said that this resolution is based on “shared pain”- the idea that everyone would experience cuts. Everyone, he said, would suffer equally. Dr. Hymson said that the Academic Senate expects that every effort would be made to fund base merit. Dr. Hymson then proposed a friendly amendment to Dr. Knopp’s resolution. Dr. Hymson’s amendment reads as follows, “Therefore Be It Resolved, that the imbalance created for this biennium be first addressed by the administration taking every action practicable to raise revenue sufficient to fund this year’s merit increases. If despite the administration’s best effort, funding is not possible Be It Resolved that the proposed awarding of exceptional merit without base merit be readdressed, should it be implemented, by the exclusive awarding of base merit for the second year of the biennium (2004-2005). In the unfortunate event that no money is available for any merit in the second year of the biennium, base merit must be funded exclusively in the next year for which any funding is available. Accordingly, the exceptional merit system (collection and assessment of portfolios) should be suspended in the fall of 2003 (should present intentions to suspend base merit pay for this year be implemented) remain suspended until such time as the balance has been restored to our system through the exclusive awarding of base merit.” Dr. Knopp accepted Dr. Hymson’s friendly amendment. Mr. Wade requested that the word “base” be deleted from the resolution and referred to merit. Hearing no further discussion, Mr. Harris called for a motion to approve the motion as amended. Dr. Knopp so moved, with a second from Mr. Welther. Mr. Harris then called for a hand vote. The vote resulted in 7- ayes and 5-nayes. The motion carried and the resolution will be sent to the Provost and forwarded to the Executive Council. IV. Other Business There were four items of “Other Business”. Mr. Harris reported that Mr. Joe Lacher has agreed to serve on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee as the representative from the School of Health Sciences. The senate approved this appointment. Mr. Harris also reported that the Academic Senate needs a second representative to send to the Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) meeting in June. Mr. Harris said he will be unable to attend the meeting. He said Ms. Collinsworth will attend the meeting but we need to send another representative to the meeting (June 5th and 6th) in Austin. Anyone willing to volunteer should contact Mr. Harris. Mr. Gilbert Garza addressed the Academic Senate regarding a faculty/staff bowling tournament. Mr. Garza said the Faculty/Staff Bowling Tournament will be held on Saturday, June 7, 2003 from 12-4 at Galaxy Bowling Lanes in Brownsville. Proceeds from the tournament will be used for student scholarships. Mr. Garza said that four-person teams consisting of two women and two men will be selected at random prior to the tournament. Mr. Garza said the deadline to register is Friday, May 23, 2003 at noon. Mr. Garza said the entry fee is $9.00 for four games. Contact Mr. Garza in Media Services for more information or to register. Last, Ms. Larson announced the results of the Spring Academic Senate Elections. Here are the results: Executive Committee PresidentEthel Cantu Vice PresidentTom Welter SecretaryJulie Larson TreasurerEdward Hymson Senators College of Liberal ArtsRoberto Cortina Cheryl Phelps William C. Davis (the elder) School of Health Sciences Joe Lacher College of Science, Math, and Technology Steve Benton Domingo Molina Luis Colom School of Education John Sutterby Renee Rubin School of Business Gerald Hollier Professional Library Staff Mabel Hockaday VII. Senate President’s Report Mr. Harris had two items in his report. Mr. Harris announced that the summer meeting of the Academic Senate will be held on Monday, July 7, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. in the SETB 3rd Floor Conference Room. Mr. Harris reported that he attended a meeting on Tuesday, May 1, 2002 of the Student Fee Advisory Committee. Mr. Harris reported that the members of the committee consisting of both students and faculty voted to increase tuition and designated tuition. Mr. Harris reported that the designated tuition will increase from $25.00 to $32.00 per semester credit hour. VIII. Provost’s Report Dr. Martin had eight items in his report. Dr. Martin reported that on May 1, 2003, UTB/TSC held a celebration honoring the doctoral students graduating from the collaborative doctoral program between the University of Texas at Brownsville and the University of Houston. Dr. Martin thanked Dr. Lackey for his work organizing and running this celebration. Dr. Martin reported that the first UTB/TSC Pre-Law Academy will take place May 12 through May 23, 2003. This Pre-Law Academy named in honor of Judge Filemon B. Vela is a non-credit, two-week preparatory program at UTB/TSC for current UTB/TSC students, or recent UTB/TSC graduates, who are interested in pursuing a career in Law. Dr. Martin thanked Dr. Ragland for organizing this event. Dr. Martin reported that Mr. Harris has been selected to participate as Senior Fellow in a one-week internship with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). This internship will be occur in May 2003. Dr. Martin reported the UTB/TSC Nominee for the CASE Professor of the Year is Dr. Milo Kearney. Dr. Kearney is a professor in the Department of Social Sciences. Dr. Martin reported that Dr. William Adams is UTB/TSC’s recipient of the 2003 Chancellor’s Council Outstanding Teaching Award. Dr. Adams will receive his award on Friday, May 9, 2003 at 6 p.m. at the Distinguished Guests Ceremony in the SETB Lecture Hall. Congratulations, Dr. Adams. Dr. Martin reported that Spring Commencement at UTB/TSC will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2003 on the grounds of the new Student Union. Dr. Martin reported that the Commencement speaker will be Dr. Alma Solis. Dr. Solis is 1976 graduate of TSC and is currently a research entomologist with the United States Department of Agriculture. Dr. Martin reported that the Student Fee Advisory Committee gave its approval to increase both tuition and designated tuition. Last, Dr. Martin reported on the budget. Dr. Martin said this budget cycle has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Dr. Martin said that at this time the State of Texas really does not know how big the state deficient is. Dr. Martin said it looks like UTB may fair pretty well, indicating that we may receive 97% of our budget request. Dr. Martin reported that no institution has been treated as well as UTB. Dr. Martin also reported that community colleges have been hit very hard. Dr. Martin said that given budget cuts, rational decisions will have to be made on what can be done. Dr. Martin said the State Comptroller said that the state deficient were caused by an overestimate of state revenues. Dr. Martin said that in order to deal with the budget problems, he and Dr. Garcia will meet with every vice president and will go over the budget line by line to review costs. Dr. Martin said we will need to look at alternatives and possibilities. Dr. Martin said he is grateful and proud that the Student Fee Advisory Committee voted to raise tuition and designated tuition. Thank you. IX. X. Announcements Mr. Cortina wished to send the Academic Senate’s condolences to Ms. Cheryl Phelps on the loss of her sister. A sympathy card will be sent to Ms. Phelps on the Senate’s behalf. Dr. Boze also wished to send the Academic Senate’s condolences to Mr. Daboub on the loss of his stepson. Mr. Daboub’s stepson was a Marine killed in action in the war with Iraq. A sympathy card will also be sent to Mr. Daboub on the Senate’s behalf. Adjournment Mr. Harris called for a motion to adjourn. Dr. Knopp so moved, with a second by acclamation. The meeting stood adjourned at 4:00 p.m.