September 12, 2003

The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Academic Senate Minutes
September 12, 2003
Call to Order
Ms. Cantu called the September 12, 2003 meeting of the Academic Senate to order at
1:05 p.m. in the SETB 3rd Floor Conference Room.
Members of the Senate in attendance included: Mr. Steve Benton (s), Ms. Ethel Cantu
(*), Mr. Roberto Cortina (s), Dr. William C. Davis (s), Mr. Doug Ferrier, Ms. Linda
Fossen, Ms. Mabel Hockaday (s), Dr. Gerald Hollier (s), Dr. Deborah Huerta (s), Dr.
Edward Hymson (*), Dr. Farhat Iftekharudddin, Dr. Charles Lackey, Ms. Julie Larson
(*), Dr. Jose Martin, Ms. Rosemary Martinez, Mr. Domingo Molina (s), Dr. Eldon
Nelson, Dr. Rafael Otero (s), Dr. Sylvia Pena, Ms. Cheryl Phelps (s), Mr. Jay Phillips,
Dr. Ruth Ann Ragland, Dr. Olivia Rivas, Dr. John Ronnau, Dr. Renee Rubin (s), Dr. John
Sutterby (s), Mr. Pat Wade (s), and Mr. Tom Welther (*).
Visitors included: Mr. Floyd Akers.
Review and Approval of the Minutes from the August 21, 2003 Academic
Senate Meeting
Ms. Cantu asked the members of the Senate to review the minutes from the August 21,
2003 Academic Senate meeting. Ms. Cantu then asked for corrections to the minutes.
There were four corrections. Mr. Welther pointed out two corrections:
Under the heading, “General Faculty Meeting Concerns” Issue Number Five,
Second Paragraph, the Secretary omitted a verb in the fourth sentence. The
sentence should read, “Mr. Benton said we must develop avenues of
communication with administrators when we see problems”.
Under the heading, “New Business” Third Bullet, the words “with very small
print” means to be added and the words, “when you try to print the class roll you
get a piece of paper covered in black ink” should be attributed to Ms. Larson not
Mr. Welther.
Dr. Martin pointed out the third correction:
Under the heading, “New Business”, First Bullet, the words “least” and “at”
should be added. The correct sentence should read, “He said the President
misspoke when she said at Convocation that every member of the faculty is at
least at 90%”.
Ms. Cantu pointed out the fourth correction:
Ms. Cantu said that the minutes do not need a motion to be approved. She
pointed out that under the heading, “Review and Approval of the Minutes from
the July 7, 2003 Academic Senate Meeting”, the words “moved to approve”
should be deleted and replaced with “approved”. The corrected sentence should
read, “Hearing no objections. the minutes were approved the minutes.”
Hearing no further objections or corrections, the minutes were approved as corrected
Information Technology Strategic Plan- Rosemary Martinez
Ms. Martinez addressed the Senate regarding the Information Technology Strategic Plan.
Before beginning her presentation, Ms. Martinez said several members of the IT Strategic
Planning Committee are also members of the Senate. They are: Dr. Charles Lackey and
Mr. Doug Ferrier. Ms. Martinez then proceeded with her presentation. Ms. Martinez
said that the Information Resources Committee (IRC) began its work in April of 2003
and worked all summer preparing a strategic plan. Ms. Martinez said that the committee,
working in subcommittees, looked at what other universities were doing in terms of
information technology strategic plans and developed a draft of the UTB/TSC
Information Resources Strategic Plan based on this and other information. Ms. Martinez
said this was the first step in the planning process. The following is a copy of the outline
of the UTB/TSC Information Resources Strategic Planning Process (Draft) as handed out
by Ms. Martinez.
“Phase 1: Define the scope of the project- The Information Resources Committee
(IRC) determines UTB/TSC’s major areas of IT strategic planning. The IRC will also
begin the process of identifying strategic issues within each area.
Phase 2: Identify specific IT issues and priorities in the campus community- Meet
with IT directors. Hold University open forum for discussion of campus IT issues. Email
campus community for input.
Phase 3: Explore the current state of IT and determine action plans- Create focus
groups for each area (and or issue) in order to examine the issues. Each focus group will
determine its own method of visioning and data gathering, e.g. surveys, interviews, and
Phase 4: The Strategic Planning Report- Compile the focus groups plans. IRC
reviews the focus groups plans and prepares the IT Strategic Planning Report”.
Ms. Martinez then reported that the second page of the draft identifies the major focus
areas as determined by the committee. The following is a copy of the UTB/TSC
Technology Strategic Planning Issues:
Management and Governance
 CIO/ITC Structure
 Managing change
 IT Investment and Replacement Strategies
 Budget and Funding
Educational Technology
 Educational Technology/Support
 Instructional Facilities
 \I/IT Literacy/Fluency
 Learning Management Systems
 Research Computing
 Digital Content and Collaboration
Administrative Technology
 Student Management System
 Financial Management System
Central Services
 Online Services- student, faculty and staff
 Communication Services- email, telephony, cell-phone, instant
 Software and Software Licensing
 ADA Compliance
 Help Support
 Electronic Records Management
 Application Standards and Best Practices
Security and Standards
 Security
 Enterprise Directory Services
 Disaster Recovery”
The last part of Ms. Martinez’s report consisted of the IT Strategic Planning Project
Timeline. Ms. Martinez said that on September 24 and 25, 2003; the IRC will host a
general session to present IT Snapshot and Planning Project to the campus community.
Ms. Martinez also said that September 26-October 6, 2003, the IRC will open a website
for comments and feedbacks from the general session event. Ms. Martinez ended by
saying that the final report on IT Strategic Planning is due on March 31, 2004.
Ms. Cantu thanked Ms. Martinez for her presentation.
Senate President’s Report
Ms. Cantu had seven items in her report.
Ms. Cantu reported that the Welfare Committee of the Academic Senate met after
the August 22, 2003 meeting and elected Mr. Steve Benton as Chair of the
Welfare Committee.
Ms. Cantu said she attended the August 28, 2003 TSC Board of Trustees Meeting.
Ms. Cantu said that this meeting, the Trustees met in Executive Session and
evaluated Dr. Garcia. The Trustees returned to the meeting and gave Dr. Garcia
high marks. Ms. Cantu said at the meeting the Trustees also accepted the
donation of a sculpture from Dr. Garcia and Dr. Martin. The sculpture depicts
two young children reading a book on a park bench.
Ms. Cantu reported that she received a request form the Provost’s Office to
recommend to the President a list of eligible faculty to serve on a special panel in
a termination of a faculty case. Ms. Cantu said she met with the Executive
Committee of the Academic Senate and based on their recommendations
submitted the following names to the President:
Mr. Terry Tomlin
Dr. Alma Leal
Dr. Marvin Lovett
Ms. Karen Fuss-Sommer, and,
Mr. Sessia Wyche.
Alternates included:
1. Dr. Charles Dameron, and,
2. Dr. Paula Parson.
Ms. Cantu reported that, in consultation with the Executive Committee, she
appointed Dr. Otero to the Information Technology Committee. Dr. Otero
accepted this appointment.
Ms. Cantu reported that the Academic Senate has a new server- Blue. The
Academic Senate web address is
Ms. Cantu reported that during the Academic Senate meetings she will have the
HOOP on the screen and available for the Senate to look at. She said Mr. Wade
suggested this idea so the Senate can access HOOP during the meeting.
Last, Ms. Cantu said that she asked Dr. Willis to chair a Social Committee. Ms.
Cantu said she has asked that the Social Committee hold one or two social events
each semester.
Following Ms. Cantu’s report, Dr. Hymson asked Ms. Cantu to demonstrate how to
access the HOOP on the UTB/TSC website. Ms. Cantu explained that you to This brings you to the UTB/TSC homepage, and then you go to Google
and type in the word, “HOOP” and click on search. This takes you to the HOOP.
Business Affairs Partnership Committee Report
Dr. Hymson, who serves on the Business Affairs Partnership Committee, reported on the
work of that committee. Dr. Hymson said the committee finalized the concerts for the
Arts and Entertainment Series to be held at Jacob Brown. Dr. Hymson said the season
will kick off with “Rigoletto” on Friday, October 3, 2003 at Jacob Brown.
Discussion of Issues Raised in the General Faculty Meeting
Ms. Cantu reminded the Senate that, at the last meeting, discussion of faculty concerns 612 was tabled. She said the Senate will continue with its discussion of issues raised at the
General Faculty Meeting by looking at issues 6-12. Ms. Cantu also suggested that as the
issues are discussed, comments be limited to the issue at hand.
Issue Number Six: Faculty Salaries- develop formula to tie faculty salaries to the total
compensation package for administrators.
Ms. Cantu called for discussion of this issue. Mr. Phillips questioned what was being
referred to in terms of total compensation for administrators. Dr. Hymson indicated that
this referred to salary and benefits given to administrators. Questions were raised by
several senators regarding an administrator’s salary when he/she returns to faculty duties.
Dr. Martin responded by saying that the administrator returning to faculty duties receives
a salary equivalent to the highest faculty member’s salary in the department and at an
equivalent rank. The salary is not tied to the highest paid faculty member at the
university and this only applies when an administrator steps down and returns to
teaching. Dr. Hymson called for one-page memo from the Provost’s Office to the
Committee charged with addressing this issue explaining how this process works.
Issue Number Seven: Environmental Responsibility- develop sustainable habitat on
campus that preserves remaining native plants, adds plants that sustain wildlife,
especially the birds and butterflies that make South Texas unique, and remove plants that
do not contribute. Develop recycling plan that includes receptacles for specific products
and educational materials to foster environmental responsibility.
Ms. Cantu called for discussion of this issue. Mr. Molina said we could put out recycling
bins to recycle cans and other recyclables similar to what Disney World has. Dr.
Hymson thought we ought to consider parking concerns over environmental concerns.
Issue Number Eight: Two Track Faculty- clarify policies regarding mix of teaching and
research/creative activities. Investigate possibility of creating two tracks for faculty:
teaching and research/creative activities.
Ms. Cantu called for discussion of this issue. Mr. Welther said that he heard about this
idea at a FAC meeting. He said this two track faculty idea proposed that one track would
focus on research and one track would focus on teaching. Mr. Welther said a faculty
member would decide what track he/she would like to pursue. Mr. Molina said that at the
faculty workload conference, the faculty member could decide what track would be right
for him/her. Dr. Nelson suggested that the two tracks may be limiting for a faculty
member. Dr. Hymson pointed out that different departments have different needs in
terms of faculty credentials for national accreditation of a department or college or
Issue Number Nine: Standards for Administrators Holding Faculty Rank- develop and
uphold uniform standards for administrators who seek faculty personnel actions such as
promotion and post tenure review.
Ms. Cantu called for discussion of this issue. Mr. Welther wondered if we know what the
current practice is. Dr. Martin replied that administrators holding faculty rank at
UTB/TSC are the first ones in the UT-System undergoing post tenure review. Dr. Martin
said they will undergo the same procedure as faculty. Dr. Hymosn wondered if
administrators were keeping up their faculty credentials. Have they been publishing or
presenting scholarly work? Dr. Davis said that while this was an issue, it was not an
issue that received much emphasis amongst faculty members.
Issue Number Ten: Voting- support efforts to encourage civic responsibility, such as
voter registration and issues awareness.
Ms. Cantu called for discussion of this issue. Dr. Hymson said that he touched base with
the Office of Civic Engagement regarding this issue. There was no further discussion.
Issue Number 11: Arena Registration- move arena registration to an earlier date.
Ms. Cantu called for discussion of this issue. Dr. Rubin said that this issue was one of
her concerns. She said she would like to see arena registration moved to at least five
working days before the semester begins. Ms. Fossen said the Registration Committee is
making recommendations concerning the intake of students. She said the committee is
looking at different models and different ways of handling arena registration.
Issue Number 12: Sick Leave- develop other alternatives for sick leave besides donation
to a pool.
Ms. Cantu called for discussion of this issue. Mr. Welther wondered if this was the only
alternative or could people be compensated for sick leave they don’t use. There was no
further discussion.
At this request of Mr. Wade, the Secretary has included the complete list of faculty issues
in the minutes of this meeting
Faculty Issues As Discussed at the General Faculty Meeting
“Faculty raised the following issues at the General Faculty Meeting which occurred on
August 20, 2003. After discussion of each issue the faculty voted for issues that were of
highest importance. The following list of issues is ranked according to priority.
1. Increase resources for faculty and distribute the resources equitably. The
highest priority within this category was given to travel, with funding for
presentations given higher priority than for poster sessions. Second within this
category was upgrading computers. Many faculty were unable to respond to the
Faculty Satisfaction Survey because their computers were too old to support the
online survey. A plan should be developed to replace computers on a five year
basis, with no one (administrators included) receiving a new computer sooner
than five years. Sabbaticals and funding for special projects, assistants, and
research were ranked third and fourth.
2. Increase the number of faculty. Faculty growth should be tied to student
growth with consideration given to a desirable student/faculty ratio. Faculty
growth should be an integral part of the budget.
3. Class size. Classes should be capped based on pedagogy and room capacity to
prevent overloading the faculty and overcrowding the students. Policy should be
developed to allow small classes for special purposes, such as starting new
programs or supporting unique needs.
4. Harassment. Investigate the nature and extent of harassment (sexual, gender,
misuse of power, etc.) of faculty and students. Identify appropriate educational
materials and intervention strategies.
5. Budget development and allocation of resources. Develop mechanisms for
faculty input in budget development and allocation of resources. Current role is
limited to review of a budget already developed.
6. Faculty salaries. Develop formula to tie faculty salaries to total compensation
package for administrators.
7. Environmental responsibility. Develop sustainable habitat on campus that
preserves remaining native plants, adds plants that sustain wildlife, especially the
birds and butterflies that make South Texas unique, and removes plants that do
not contribute. Develop recycling plan that includes receptacles for specific
products and educational materials to foster environmental responsibility.
8. Two track faculty. Clarify policies regarding mix of teaching and
research/creative activities. Investigate possibility of creating two tracks for
faculty: teaching or research/creative activities.
9. Standards for administrators holding faculty rank. Develop and uphold
uniform standards for administrators who seek faculty personnel actions such as
promotion and post tenure review.
10. Voting. Support efforts to encourage civic responsibility, such as voter
registration and issues awareness.
11. Arena registration. Move arena registration to an earlier date.
12. Sick leave. Develop alternatives for sick leave besides donation to a pool.”
Committee Appointments
Ms. Cantu, in response to the Senate’s request and in consultation with the Executive
Committee of the Senate, assigned the following committees to deal with the twelve
faculty issues.
University Committee on Faculty Welfare
A. Chair- Steve Benton, Senator, Science, Math, and Technology
B. Membership- The Academic Senate Executive Committee and the
representatives from each college, school, and professional staff
as selected by the Academic Senate. Members include: Ethel Cantu,
Tom Welther, Julie Larson, Edward Hymson, Cheryl Phelps, Rafael
Otero, Rey Ramirez, Kim Morris-Garcia, and Deborah Huerta.
C. Charge:
1. Develop recommendations to meet the welfare needs of the faculty
and academic professional staff.
2. Seek increased resources for faculty according to these priorities:
a. travel, especially for professional presentations
b. upgrade computers
c. sabbaticals, and,
d. funding for special projects, assistants, and research.
3. Develop a plan to distribute resources equitably, particularly with regards
to travel and academic computers.
4. Seek to increase the number of faculty as an integral part of budget
development and with consideration for a desirable student/faculty ratio.
5. Develop formula to tie faculty salaries to the total compensation package
for administrators.
6. Develop other alternatives for sick leave besides donation to a pool.
University Committee on Academic Standards and Student Records
A. Chair: Tom Welther, Vice President, Academic Senate
B. Membership: The representatives from each college, school and academic
professional staff as recommended by the Executive Committee of the
Academic Senate. Administrators as specified in the Constitution: VPSA,
VPAA, and two deans recommended by the VPAA.
C. Charge:
1. Develop recommendations to meet the needs for academic standards and
student records.
2. Develop recommendations for class size based on pedagogy and room
capacity to prevent overloading the faculty and overloading the students.
3. Move arena registration to an earlier date.
Academic Senate Committee on Budget Formation
A. Chair: Edward Hymson, Treasurer, Academic Senate
B. Membership: The Chair will select eight people from the campus community
to serve on this committee. Seek members from each of the colleges and
schools and academic professional staff.
C. Charge: Develop mechanism for faculty input in budget development and
allocation of resources.
Academic Senate Committee on Faculty Rank, Title, and Standards
A. Chair: Elected by the Chairs of the Personnel Committees of the colleges
and schools.
B. Membership: The Chair of the Personnel Committee of each college and
School or their designee.
C. Charge:
1. Clarify policies regarding mix of teaching and research/creative activities.
2. Investigate the possibility of creating two tracks for faculty: teaching or
research/creative activities.
3. Develop uniform standards for administrators who seek faculty personnel.
action such as promotion or post tenure review.
Academic Senate Committee on Harassment
A. Chair: Deborah Huerta, Senator, Academic Professional Staff
B. Membership: The Chair will select eight people from the campus
community to serve on this committee. Seek members from each of the
colleges and schools as well as student affairs.
C. Charges:
1. Investigate the nature and extent of harassment (sexual,
gender, and misuse of power, etc.) of faculty and students.
2. Identify appropriate educational materials and intervention strategies.
Academic Senate Committee on Environmental Responsibility
A. Chair: Pat Wade, Senator, Science, Math, and Technology
B. Membership: The Chair will select eight people from the campus community
to serve on this committee. Seek members from each of the colleges and
schools as well as the academic professional staff.
C. Charge:
1. Develop a plan for suitable habitat on campus that preserves remaining
native plants and enhances resources for wildlife.
2. Develop a recycling plan that includes receptacles for specific products
and educational materials to foster environmental responsibility.
Center for Civic Engagement
A. Interim Director: Joseph Zavaletta
B. Request for Recommendations: Develop recommendations for faculty
support to encourage civic responsibility, such as voter registration and issues
Grievance Panel- HOOP Policy 7.7.3- “Faculty Grievance Procedure” reads “a
panel of faculty eligible to serve as tribunal members shall be appointed by the
President by the end of each spring semester to begin serving at the beginning of
the next fall semester. The panel shall consist of tenured faculty members equal
in number to the senators of each school and college. Panel members shall be
agreed upon by the Academic Senate and recommended to the President for
appointment by the President. If the President rejects any recommended panel
member, additional recommendations will be forwarded to the President by the
Senate. Panel members shall serve two (2) year terms with terms staggered. Onehalf of the initial panel shall be appointed by the President for one (1) year terms
and one-half for two (2) year terms”. Ms. Cantu, in accordance with HOOP
Policy 7.7.3, asked senators to caucus in their respective schools and colleges to
submit names to her of faculty they think would be willing to serve on the
grievance panel. Ms. Cantu called for a ten- minute recess for senators to caucus.
The following indicates how many faculty will serve on the grievance panel from
the various colleges and schools:
College of Liberal Arts:
College of Science, Math, and Technology:
School of Business:
School of Education:
School of Health Sciences:
After a ten minute recess Ms. Cantu reconvened the Senate and asked for names of
faculty to serve on the grievance panel. Senators from the various colleges and
schools asked for more time so Ms. Cantu asked them to contact her through email
with the names of faculty willing to serve on the grievance panel. Ms. Cantu said
she needs the names by Wednesday, September 17, 2003.
HOOP 11.6.1- “Staff and Faculty Identification Cards”
This was the second reading of HOOP 11.6.1- “Staff and Faculty Identification Cards”
before the Senate. The purpose of this policy is to “explain the requirements and
procedures for obtaining employee identification cards”. Two changes were made to the
original policy: the words. “social security number” were deleted from the policy and
replaced with “employee identification number” and the last two sentences in Section
“B” were deleted. The sentences read, “for the initial card, a fee of $7.00 will be charged
to the department in which the employee is employed. The employee will bear the cost
of any subsequent cards”.
A discussion of the policy ensued. Dr. Hymson said the identification card is not an
identification card but rather a library card. Mr. Wade then moved to approve the policy
as revised. Dr. Hymson seconded the motion. The motion passed and the policy was
approved as revised.
HOOP Policy 7.7.2- “Non Reappointment of a Nontenured, Tenured
Track Faculty
This was the second reading of HOOP 7.7.2- “Non Reappointment of a Nontenured,
Tenure Track Faculty” before the Senate. The purpose of this policy is to “describe
university policy on the procedures for non reappointment of non-tenured, tenured-track
member of the faculty”. There was one major revision of this policy. The sentence “after
two or more academic years written notice should be given not later than August 31st that
the subsequent year will be the terminal academic year of appointment” was deleted and
replaced with the sentence “after December 15th of the second academic year of
probationary service or after two or more academic years written notice shall be given not
later than 30 days prior to the end of the current academic year that the subsequent year
will be the terminal academic year of appointment”.
Once again a discussion of the policy ensued. Ms. Larson wanted to know why the
policy was not returned to Deans Council after the Senate requested at the July 7, 2003
meeting that the time frame be changed to 60 days instead of 30 days. Dr. Martin said
the revision of the policy reflects Regents Rules. Dr. Rivas said that although the
University is governed by Regents Rules, our HOOP should be tailored to meet the needs
of this institution. Dr. Hymson asked to see Regents Rules. Mr. Akers brought up
Regents Rules 6.9 for the Senate to read. Dr. Martin explained that the revised policy
takes into consideration the calendar. Dr. Davis moved to adopt the policy as written,
with a second from Dr. Sutterby. Dr. Hymson added a friendly amendment to Dr. Davis’
motion that 30 days be changed to 60 days. Dr. Davis accepted the amendment. Ms.
Phelps seconded the motion. Ms. Cantu called for discussion of the amendment.
Hearing no discussion, Ms. Cantu called for a vote on the amendment. The amendment
failed. Ms. Cantu then called for a discussion on the original motion. Hearing no
discussion, Ms. Cantu called for a vote. The motion passed and the policy was approved.
New Business
There were three items of “New Business”.
Mr. Welther brought up an issue involving Continuing Education. Mr. Welther
said that in the Language Institute, four full-time instructors were let go because
of low enrollment in the Institute. Mr. Welther said this leaves the Institute with
two full-time instructors. He is afraid the quality of instruction will suffer. He
also said that he was under the impression that the University did not have to
reduce its force
Dr. Martin responded to Mr. Welther’s concern by explaining that the Division of
External Affairs that houses the Language Institute operates differently than the
Academic Affairs Division. Dr. Martin said the Division of External Affairs has
no tenured or tenure-track faculty. Dr. Martin said if there are no students to
teach in the Language Institute or any other program in Workforce Training and
Continuing Education then the cost of running these programs must be absorbed
into the budget. Dr. Martin said the money must come from somewhere. He said
External Affairs has to make ends meet and when it doesn’t the University must
absorb the shortfall from External Affairs. Dr. Martin said because of the low
number of students enrolled in the Language Institute, External Affairs was forced
to let instructors go.
Mr. Welther also commented on a problem with the UT-System and the optional
retirement program- TIAA CREF. Ms. Cantu said she will bring up his concern
at the next Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) meeting.
Last, Mr. Molina expressed his concern over the Media Center and the upkeep of
media equipment in the classrooms. Ms. Cantu said she will invite a
representative from the Media Center to the next meeting to answer questions and
listen to concerns regarding the upkeep of media equipment in the classroom.
Provost’s Report
There were ten items in Dr. Martin’s report.
Dr. Martin reported that fall enrollment is 10, 750 students. This represents a
6 % increase over fall of last year. The enrollment last fall was 9,974 students.
Dr. Martin reported that the graduation ceremony for Workforce Training and
Continuing Education scheduled for tonight (Friday, September 12, 2003) has
been postponed due to rain. Dr. Martin reported that more than 500 students and
their families were scheduled to attend the ceremony. Dr. Martin said many of
the graduates lost their jobs when the Levi’s plants in Brownsville and San Benito
closed its doors.
Dr. Martin said that the TSC Board of Trustees meets on September 18, 2003.
Dr. Martin reported that Dr. Javier Martinez and Dr. Mari Fuentes-Martin are
coordinating the activities for Hispanic Heritage Month. UTB/TSC will celebrate
Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15, 2003.
Dr. Martin reported that the UTB/TSC Filemon B. Vela Pre-Law Academy is
sponsoring a free practice LSAT on September 15, 2003 from 12:00-3:30 p.m. in
SETB 1.336. Dr. Chapman and Mr. Akers are coordinating this event.
Dr. Martin reported that faculty will be receiving spring/may/summer evaluations
soon. Dr. Martin said that faculty will find that the written comments from
students will be eliminated from the evaluations. Dr. Martin said that in
accordance with right to privacy concerns, the written comments from students
will be disposed of.
Dr. Martin reported that enforcement of parking will be stepped up. Dr. Martin
said that up until this point there has been a lack of enforcement and the only
tickets written have been for handicapped and fire lane violations. Dr. Martin
said Campus Police are now ticketing for all violations.
Dr. Martin said he needs to send out an SOS. Dr. Martin said Dr. Celia FloresFeist and Dr. William M. Davis have resigned as advisors for Phi Theta Kappa.
The organization is in need of two advisors ASAP. Dr. Martin asked senators to
talk to their colleagues about serving as an advisor for Phi Theta Kappa.
Dr. Martin asked Dr. Sylvia Pena to report on the passing rate on the
TExES/ExCET exam. Dr. Pena said that our passing rate on the TexES/ExCET
exam was 89%. Dr. Pena proudly said that we now rank first among other border
universities in Texas whose students took TexES/ExCET (Laredo, Pan American,
El Paso).
Last, Dr. Martin reported that Dr. Joseph Zavaletta has been named the Interim
Director of the Office for Civic Engagement. Dr. Martin said that Dr. Zavaletta
was instrumental in having the Cameron County Commission select UTB/TSC as
an earlier voting site for the Constitutional Amendments election. Early voting
took place at UTB/TSC on September 8 and 9, 2003. A total of 269 residents cast
their ballots during these two days, making the UTB/TSC early voting site second
only to the site near the Courthouse.
There was one announcement. Mr. Benton announced there will be short Welfare
Committee meeting following the conclusion of the Senate meeting today.
Ms. Cantu entertained a motion to adjourn. Dr. Davis so moved, with a second from Mr.
Cortina. The meeting stood adjourned at 4:15 p.m.