Dear ASB Break Leader Applicant:
One of the fundamental reasons for the growing success of alternative breaks here at JMU
is the student leadership that you, the JMU students, provide. This letter will hopefully
explain the process for next year and the responsibilities of becoming an alternative spring break leader and
planning a break.
As a break leader, you will be an ambassador for the Alternative Break program and are expected to help us
communicate the mission and goals of the program to students and community members. Alternative Break
Program is a weeklong group traveling, community living, alcohol and drug free, service experience. The Alternative
Break Program partners JMU students with communities in need around the world to improve the quality of life,
understanding, and learning for all involved. Students who participate in this program cultivate social responsibility,
leadership, and life-long learning; thereby fostering a generation of leaders committed to positive social change.
Leading an ASB is very demanding and requires a huge time commitment as well as intentional planning and a
strong commitment to group building. We want to select the most capable leaders for each of the breaks. For next
year we will make selections for leaders based on the best combination of skills, experience and familiarity with the
issue you’ve selected. While we are open to receiving applications from two students interested in co-leading a
break, we will review them individually and select the best two leaders for that break. We will be very glad to
discuss our selections with you. In order to set aside time for an intentional planning process that will result in
quality breaks, we need to have an early application process. We want to support breaks to communities where we
have already been and have connections, but are also open to the possibility of new sites. If you are interested in
proposing a new site, there is a new site proposal that must be submitted with your application.
The training component of our program is 15 two-hour classes, meeting every Monday night 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm, for
the fall semester, as well as a retreat (all dates below). It is vital that you attend all of these. Being a break leader
does require a time commitment, but the experiences you will gain are well worth it.
International: The number of international breaks will be limited to approximately six for Spring Break. We prefer
that all international leaders have had JMU AB experience, at least as a participant but preferably as a former break leader. At a
minimum, we prefer that you have had international travel experience. These preferences ensure we have the most experienced and
qualified leaders so that our attention and energy can also be directed to a quality planning process.
Domestic: The number of domestic breaks will be limited to approximately thirty, for Spring Break.
Which breaks go out over spring break will be determined by your applications and interest. If you have questions
regarding the leader application or any other questions concerning alternative breaks, please do not hesitate to
contact us. Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to working with you!
Please complete the application and return it by NOON, April 6, 2016 to . Only electronic
applications are accepted. Please put time and thought into each answer. Please e-mail with any questions.
The ABP Team
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2016-2017 Alternative Spring Break Leader Application
Mark Your Calendar Now:
If you are invited to interview with us, we will e-mail you with details about signing-up for interview times which will take
place April 11-15 (international) or April 17 (domestic)
If you are offered an Alternative Break Leader position you will be expected to attend the following events (*Select dates
and times are tentative options. At a minimum we will confirm the training time prior to offering the position.):
All Training Sessions: Mondays from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the EPIC Center (4th floor SSC). Outside of training, the time
commitment is a minimum of 5 hours in the fall and up to 10 hours per week Spring semester as you meet with your
group, plan and participate in fundraising activities, and provide the educational component to your group.
International Training Meetings: You will meet with the Assistant Director as international break leaders. This
additional training will be scheduled once all international break leaders are selected (to accommodate calendars).
ASB Leader Retreat: Friday (not before 3pm) through Sunday (no later than 2pm), September 16-18, 2016.
ABP Fundraisers: Participate in ABP break fundraising (i.e. a maximum of one fundraiser each semester-including letter
writing party listed below) ◊
ABP Publicity: Participate in ABP publicity (i.e. a minimum of 2 each semester-including commons days-sign ups to
happen during training) ◊
ASB (Flying &Driving) Information Session: October 19, 7-8:30 p.m., Highlands Room ◊
ASB Flying Lottery Night: October 27, 8-11 p.m., Festival Ballroom (**all leaders attending) ◊
ASB Driving Lottery Night: November 3, 8-11 p.m., Festival Ballroom (**all leaders attending) ◊
ASB Letter Writing (Fundraising) Party: November 8, 8-10 p.m., Festival Ballroom ◊
ASB Spring Retreat: January 16, 2017 Monday (no longer than 9am-9pm). (***all participants, leaders and learning
partners***) ◊
Active Citizen Week (all participants, leaders and learning partners): Week of March 27-April 1 (check out web for
Community Celebration: March 27, 8-10 p.m., Ballroom (***all participants, leaders and learning partners)
◊ = You will likely be required to arrive 15-30 minutes prior to the event for set up
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2016-2017 Alternative Spring Break Leader Application
Check positions interested in applying for: (if both, please indicate any preferences)
☐ International Alternative Spring Break Leader
☐ Domestic Alternative Spring Break Leader
Name: Click here to enter text.
Summer Address: Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Current Academic Level: Click here to enter text.
Major: Click here to enter text.
Current GPA: Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Cell: Click here to enter text.
Expected Graduation Date:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Language proficiencies:
Click here to enter text.
I am currently registered to vote.
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will be a full-time student for both fall and spring semesters
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will attend the leader match social THIS semester (April 21, 7-9p)
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will attend training THIS semester (May 1, 6-8p)
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will enroll in a 1-credit UNST (graded) course for fall semester
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will enroll in a 1-credit UNST (CR/NCJ) course for spring semester
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will ensure my schedule accommodates class: Fall Semester (M 7-9p) ☐Yes ☐No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will attend the Fall Retreat, September 16-18, 2016
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will attend the Spring Retreat, January 16, 2017
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
I will have all of the dates above & dates given on the first day of class recorded in my calendar (and any conflicts
emailed to by the second class (September 5, 2016)
☐Yes ☐ No (explain)Click here to enter text.
Potential International Agency Partners:
ASTOP (Asociacion
Salvemous Las
Tortugas de Parismina)
Parismina, Costa Rica
Casa Nica
Masaya, Nicaragua
Community Wellness
Costa Rican Adventures
Monteverde, Costa Rica
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
CUMI (Commitee for the
Upliftment of the Mentally
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Trujillo, Peru
VIJON (Volunteer in Jamaica
Opportunity Network)
Treasure Beach, Jamaica
Village Mountain Mission
Luperon, Dominican Republic
We expect our international leaders to have had previous AB experience as a participant or break leader or international travel
experience here at JMU to demonstrate strong leadership potential
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2016-2017 Alternative Spring Break Leader Application
Potential Domestic Agency Partners:
We will likely work with the following agencies. Please review past break descriptions and/or conduct web
searches to prepare a list of preferences (to negotiate with your co-leader once you’ve been selected and paired).
Arches National Park
Nature’s Conservancy
Medici Project
Focus: Environment
Bristol, FL
Focus: Environment
Atlanta, GA
Focus: Community Wellness-Human
Joshua Tree National Park
St. Joseph Bay
Joshua Tree, CA
Focus: Environment
Port St. Joe, FL
Focus: Environment
Redwoods National Park
New England Center for Homeless
Veterans (NECHV)
Orick, CA
Focus: Environment
Cherokee Nation Head Start
Talequah, OK
Focus: Youth
LA’s Best & AIDS Project LA (APLA)
Los Angeles, CA
Focus: Youth & Health-HIV/AIDS
Dismas House
South Bend, IN
Focus: Community WellnessReintegration
Boston, MA
Focus: Homelessness
Mid Atlantic Border Collie
Rescue (MABCR)
Sheffield Place
Chestertown, MD
Focus: Community Wellness-Animal
Kansas City, MO
Focus: Homelessness & Youth
Catholic Charities
Vacamas Program for Youth
West Milford, NJ
Focus: Youth
Louisville, KY
Focus: Community Wellness-Refugee
East Coast Migrant Head Start
Fuller Center
Lakeland, FL
Focus: Youth
Macon, GA
Focus: Community WellnessRebuilding
Springs Rescue Misson
Focus: Homelessness
Colorado Springs, CO
La Union De Pueblo Entero (LUPE)
McAllen, TX
Focus: Community Wellness-Immigration
Life Span
Charlotte, SC
Focus: Health-Developmental
Project Lazarus
New Orleans, LA
Focus: Health-HIV/AIDS
Heartland Health Outreach
Chicago, IL
Focus: Health-HIV/AIDS
Project Homecoming
New Orleans, LA
Focus: Community WellnessRebuilding
25th Anniversary Break
Focus: TBD
Homestead, FL
Mystery Break
Focus: TBD
**Confirmation of all agency commitments is anticipated by late April 2016**
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2016-2017 Alternative Spring Break Leader Application
Travel Availability:
☐ Driving Only
Camping Availability: ☐Yes, and I have experience
☐Domestic Driving or Flying
☐Yes, and I don’t have experience
☐ Previous participant experience on a domestic/international AB breaks:
Which community partner(s) (i.e. CUMI, Redwoods, etc): Click here to enter text.
Location(s): Click here to enter text.
☐ Previous leader experience on a domestic/international AB breaks:
Which community partner(s): Click here to enter text.
Location(s): Click here to enter text.
Agency/Site Preferences (***Visit the Alternative Break website AND research the agency’s website prior***)
This section of the application is designed to help us understand where your passion lies. If you are selected as a leader,
your responses here may be used when the selection team is assigning you to a co-leader and/or agency.
Preferred social issue focus (please number 1 [highest] – 5 [lowest]):
Community Wellness - Choose an item. Environment - Choose an item. Health- Choose an item.
Homelessness - Choose an item. Youth - Choose an item.
Please, list your top three agency choices. If your number one choice is a new site, you must complete the “New
International Break Proposal” form and submit it with your application.
Preferred break agencies*(i.e. Medici Project, LUPE, etc)
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
Suggested Co-Leader*: Click here to enter text.
Suggested Learning Partner*: Click here to enter text.
* While we will consider your preferences and suggestions, this does not guarantee your co-leader, learning partner, or agency.
Please type answers to all questions. Be thorough, thoughtful and creative!
All Applicants: Short Answers
1. What is the difference between service-learning and volunteerism?
2. Beyond getting out of the “JMU bubble”, for what reasons is it important that JMU have an Alternative Break
3. Please describe any substantial leadership experiences (if applicable, include examples of times you facilitated
learning or reflection with a group).
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a. If you have not had substantial leadership experience, what are you hoping to gain from this
4. How do you think your strengths will play into being a good leader?
5. What are some of your weaknesses/areas that you would like to develop further?
a. How do you think being a leader will develop and/or improve your weaknesses?
b. What new skills would you like to develop during break leader training or on your break?
6. Based on your strengths and weaknesses, what qualities would you like to see in your co-leader?
7. Select one service experience and write about how it affected you personally and how it affected the community
you visited.
a. If you have not had substantial leadership experience, what are you hoping to gain from this
8. Because one of your responsibilities as a leader is educating your group about the community in which you will
be working:
a. What broad issue/theme would you prefer as the primary focus of your break? How does this social
issue impact the community? How does it impact you?
b. How do you plan to educate yourself and the participants of your break on the issue/s?
9. We are continuing to partner with the Center for Multicultural Student Services (CMSS) to provide a cosponsored break with a heightened focus on diversity along with service. For the past few years, the social
issues have focused on hunger, housing, and poverty. This co-leader would work with CMSS to solidify plans for
diversity activities.
a. ☐ I am not interested in serving as a leader for this specific break at this time.
b. ☐ I am interested in serving as a leader for our unique co-sponsored CMSS break. (Please answer the
next 2 questions for consideration)
i. How would you contribute to this break with its unique enhanced focus on diversity?
ii. What would you look forward to learning if selected to be a co-leader for this partnership?
10. **Returning ASB leaders only**: Having been a break leader before, what is one thing you hope to improve/do
differently? What is one thing you hope to implement again?
International Applicants ONLY: Short Answers:
List international living/travel experience (Please check all that apply)
☐ Semester abroad
Location/dates: Click here to enter text.
☐ Year or more living abroad
Your age/location: Click here to enter text.
☐ Family has lived abroad
Your age/location/length of time: Click here to enter text.
☐ Traveling with friends or family
Your age/location/length of time: Click here to enter text.
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2016-2017 Alternative Spring Break Leader Application
1. What made you decide that you wanted to lead an International Alternative Spring Break?
2. If you are unable to lead an international break will you plan on leading a domestic break? (Why? Why not?)
3. Because one of your responsibilities as a leader is educating your group about the country and community in
which you will be working:
a. Tell us what makes you are passionate about your top choice agency. What interests you in going to this
b. If you are not assigned to your top choice agency, what broad issue/theme would you prefer as the
primary focus of your break? What makes this important?
c. How will you prepare yourself and the other break participants to understand the context of the
country/community and the issue focus of your break?
4. Why is it important that JMU offers International Alternative Breaks?
All Applicants:
Time Management
An important part of this position is balancing and managing your time. Because being a break leader is a big
commitment, you must be prepared to offer a lot of time and energy (Minimum of 5 hours per week in the fall and up to
10 hours per week Spring semester as you meet with your group, participate in fundraising, and provide the educational
component to your group).
1. What are some of your other commitments for the up-coming year?
a. How do you plan to balance leading an ASB and your commitments?
b. Give some examples of how you have successfully balanced numerous commitments in the past.
Identification Information:
Please provide one photograph (head shot) to help our review committee more easily identify you during both the
interview and review processes.
Interview Times:
If you are applying to be an international candidate (or both), please check all the times for which you will be available
for an interview.
If you are applying to be a domestic candidate only (flying or driving), please expect an email the week of April 11 to
select a time for an interview on Sunday, April 17.
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2016-2017 Alternative Spring Break Leader Application
Reference Information:
Please list two references who know of your service involvement. At least one must be JMU faculty or staff.
Name of Reference
Relationship to Applicant
1. Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
By typing my name below, I certify that the information provided is accurate and complete.
Signature (typed name)
Please return completed electronic applications to, by NOON, on
April 6, 2016. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.
***If you are interested in proposing a new site, there is a new site proposal online that must be filled out and
submitted with your application.***
Date Reminders:
If you advance as an international candidate, you will be emailed more details including a designated 30-minute
individual interview the week of April 11.
If you advance as a domestic candidate, you will be emailed more details to sign up for a 30-minute group Interview,
which will take place between 1pm-9pm on Sunday, April 17.
If you are offered an Alternative Break Leader position and you do not have/are not assigned a co-leader, you will be
expected to attend the Leader Match Social THIS SEMESTER on Thursday, April 21 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the
Community Service-Learning Office (2nd floor of the Student Success Center).
If you are offered an Alternative Break Leader position you will be expected to attend the first training/break site
selection meeting where we will determine which agency partner with which you’ll work, and talk about how to be in
touch with the agency partner over the summer. This training/selection will be THIS SEMESTER on Sunday, May 1 from
6-8 p.m. (a great study break between finals) in the Community Service-Learning Office (2nd floor of the Student Success
Click here to enter text.
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