Enrollment Management

Enrollment Management
Productivity Report Summary
Enrollment Management is comprised of the following offices: Admissions and Recruitment, Registrar,
Student Financial Assistance, Testing and Veterans Resource Center. Attached you will find a comparison
of fiscal years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.
This data will be used for reviewing, developing and accessing improvements within Enrollment
Management. This report is in support of our mission statement and the universities strategic goals.
Enrollment Management is committed to a “student-first” philosophy that provides access to
higher education, is responsive to community needs, and promotes comprehensive, timely,
accurate, and friendly customer service that contributes to student recruitment, retention,
graduation and life-long learning.
In the attached Productivity Report you will get a breakdown of Admissions and Recruitment semester
indicators, trends and summary of outreach efforts; Financial Aid communications, student packaging
comparisons with trends, Graduate and Undergraduate Fund breakdowns and Scholarships; Office of
the Registrar will include matriculation comparisons, trends, Scheduling data, Academic Records
summary and Graduation comparisons and trends; Testing Office includes testing indicators and trends,
and the Veterans Resource Center and Veterans Upward Bound provide summary’s on Veteran Services,
trends, and outreach efforts.
This report will be sent out once a semester to Administration.