The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College Academic Senate Minutes

The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College
Academic Senate Minutes
September 29, 2006
Call to Order
President, David Pearson, called the September 29, 2006 meeting of the Academic Senate to order at
1:10 p.m. in the Cassia Room, 2nd Floor EDBC.
Senate Members in attendance:
Arney Janna
Cantu Ethel
Celaya Pat (*)
Ferrier Doug
Fuhro Victor
Fuss-Sommer Karen (*)
Gallegos Theresa (s)
Heise Elizabeth (s)
Hockaday Mabel (s)
Jones Irma (*)
Jones Leslie (s)
Lackey Charles
Lane Charla (s)
Virginia (s)
Molina Domingo (s)
Monroe Angela (s)
Morgan Bobbette (s)
Ortiz Dennis (s)
Pearson David (s)
Shane Martin
Sullivan Rodney (s)
Tamez Eloisa (s)
Zamarripa Manuel (s)
Larson Julie (s)
Martin Jose
Martinez Rosemary
Nelson Eldon
Moore Wayne
Peltz Gerson (s)
Phelps Cheryl (s)
Phillips Jay
Ragland Ruth Ann
Ready Arlene (s)
Silva Hilda
Stockton Carl
Zavaleta Antonio
Natalia Guevara
Tom Welther
Senate Members Absent:
Corbeil Rene (s)
Dameron Charles
Davis Bill (s)
Holt Jim
Lacher Joe (s)
Lina Fossen
Dr. Pearson explained that the meeting was almost cancelled because Dr. Martin and Dr. Dameron are in
Austin bringing loads of money for the university. As we had items that needed to be taken care of like
voting members for committees, we decided to hold an abbreviated meeting. Some items, HOOP
language (2) and a discussion of Dual Enrollment by Linda Fossen will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Review and Approval of Minutes
Minutes have been distributed electronically. Elizabeth had one correction to the minutes and that was
that Sigma Si is just Sigma Si without “of North America”. It was so noted in the minutes. Pat Celaya
moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Bobbette Morgan seconded the motion. Motion
Senate Presidents Report
The Senate Presidents report was brief as there has not been a great deal of meetings that needed
reporting. The major report is on the TSC Board meeting of September 14. A number of items were
It was announced that Ronnie Zamora has been named the new UTB/TSC Sports Director. It was also
announced that Gilberto Hernandez, an international grand master from Mexico, has been named
UTB/TSC’s new head chess coach.
At the meeting, the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce presented the Board with its Beautification Award
for the Education/Business complex.
Carl Stockton, Dean of the School of Education, and Eldon Nelson, Dean of the School of Health
Sciences described for the Board the certification success rates of their graduates. Dean Stockton
reported, for example, that the passing rates on the Texas teacher’s certification exam was now 97%.
Dean Nelson reported that over the past few years passing rates for the INCLEX-RN nursing exam have
been over 90%, better than the rates found at a number of four-year institutions in UT System.
A Change Order was approved adding approximately 40 linear feet to the Pedestrian Bridge. The change
increased the project cost by $56,310.56.
The Board passed a resolution that for the year beginning September 1, 2006, there will be an ad
valorem tax assessment of $0.109955 per $100 valuation of property in the Texas Southmost College
District. The tax rate will raise takes on a $100,000 home by approximately $0.79. The vote was the
culmination of a process involving the publication of effective and rollback tax rates and the holding of two
public hearings.
The Board gave its annual evaluation of the performance of UTB/TSC President Juliet Garcia. Because of
her leadership in guiding our institution into the future, because of her efforts to recruit and retain new
teaching and research faculty, because of her receipt of numerous national honors, Dr. Garcia’s
performance was rated excellent. “A+++,” in the words of Board Chair Chester Gonzalez.
The Board elected officers for the coming year, and the roster of officers remains unchanged: Chester
Gonzalez, Chair; Rosemary Breedlove, Vice Chair; Eduardo Campirano, Secretary.
In her President’s Report, Dr. Garcia noted that on Thursday, October 12 at 8:00 p.m., Frankie Avalon will
perform at the Jacob Brown Auditorium, replacing Burt Bacharach on the Arts & Entertainment’s 5 th
season lineup. She also noted the 8th Annual Distinguished Lecture Series will bring two-time Pulitzer
Prize-winning historian David McCullough to campus. McCullough will speak on Monday, October 16 at
7:00 p.m. in the SETB Lecture Hall.
Senate Committee Reports
Karen Fuss-Sommer gave the Faculty Club Committee report. The Senate has been given space in the
Cavalry Building in which to establish a Faculty Club. The committee that has been established to assist
Karen with this endeavor includes Angela Monroe, Domingo Molina, Rosemary Breedlove, Arlene Ready,
and Larry Lof. The committee has looked at several UTB Buildings including the Alonzo building, Gorgas
and Cueto buildings to get an idea or a vision that will maintain the historical value of the building. The
two outside end rooms in the Cavalry Building will have a meeting room with tables, chairs and sofas
while the second room will be a conference room. We eventually have dreams of patios, parks, and a bar
with beer delivery. The Senate is soliciting the faculty for donations of money or furniture. Larry Lof is
busy this fall semester but believes that by the spring, work can begin on the club. Dr. Pearson spoke
with Dr. Garcia about the Faculty Club and is in complete support of this endeavor. Dr. Ragland has
asked Larry Lof to assist with this project. Dr. Garcia said we should do it slowly and do it well.” She
would like it to be a showplace and service the needs of the faculty.
Old Business
Irma Jones gave an update on the status of membership on the different Senate committees. The
senators were charged with soliciting members from their divisions or school to serve on these
Teaching Load Committee has Eloisa Tamez as chair with Tom Coyle as a member.
Non-traditional Scheduling/Flexible Scheduling Committee has Dr. Bobbette Morgan as chair but
no committee members.
Tenure and Promotion Committee has Dennis Ortiz as chair. There were several volunteers
especially from the Accounting Department for this committee. Dr. Ortiz mentioned he had asked
Human Resources about the point that when a faculty member goes up for Tenure early and
does not get awarded tenure, does the university automatically give them a one year terminal
contract. The rumor is that the University does give them a terminal contract. Mrs. Fuhro
reviewed the files and reported that all three had been voluntary terminations. That the HOOP
does not call for a terminal contract if tenure is denied. There is no penalty for early application
for tenure so long as the applications are during the specified time frame. HOOP specifies that
this provision should be reviewed periodically. Dr. Ortiz would like to ask Mrs. Fuhro to sit on the
committee and the Senate indicated she should just be a visiting member not a voting member.
Domingo Molina asked if they should also include Floyd Acres. It was suggested they be
New Business
New Business included the approval of two faculty members that were nominated to serve on the
Graduate Committee. Representatives from the colleges and schools to the University Curriculum
committee must be voted on by the Senate. Jim Storbeck, Professor of Policy and Management in
Government. Dr. Storbeck chairs the graduate curriculum committee for Government Department. Dr.
Therese Gallegos moved that Dr. Storbeck be approved to serve on the Graduate Committee. Karen
Fuss-Sommer seconded the motion. Motion carries.
The next nomination was Dr. Essam Elshafie, PhD in Accounting. He serves as the chair of the MBA
committee in the School of Business and an advisor for graduate students. Pat Celaya moves that he be
approved to serve on the Graduate Committee. Dr. Dennis Ortiz seconded the motion. Motion carries.
Tom Welther mentioned that several members need to be approved for the Academic Standards and
Student Records Committee: Ms. Ana Lindale, Allied Health, James Telese, Education; and Taiel Yi,
Mathematics. Karen Fuss-Sommer moves to accept the slate as presented. Pat Celaya seconded the
motion. Motion carries.
Dr. Therese Gallegos brought up the idea of alternative drop-off locations for student evaluations. Last
semester some of the students put the evaluations under the door to the dean’s office and somehow the
evaluations got lost along the way. She asks why there can’t be a place in each complex or building to
turn in the student evaluations. Tom Welther made a suggestion of a hallway mailbox. Concerns about
security nixed that idea. David Pearson stated that if evaluations are not linked to grades then the
response rate may not be there. Can’t we put have evaluations completed online or on Blackboard was a
suggestion made by Karen Fuss-Sommer. The concerns were that students don’t feel there is
confidentiality with Blackboard. Each building/complex could have a location to have the evaluations
submitted. Why can’t we have the students deliver it to the chairperson’s office? Some faculty are
concerned that students are keeping the evaluations overnight and no one knows what they do with them
during that time period. Should we get student government involved? What do people at ITEC do? Dr.
Ferrier said why not award the students a pizza coupon so that they can deliver the evaluations to the
library. There is an outside drop box at the library. Can we tell the secretaries to take the evaluation
forms and send them to the appropriate location when they come in the next day? Dr. Therese Gallegos
was appointed to pursue these ideas further and report at the next meeting.
Provost Report
The Provost and Interim VPAA are with the President in Austin attending an LAR (Legislative
Appropriations Request) meeting to present the institution’s needs for the coming session.
Enrollment Update:
a. 15,362 unduplicated headcount – up 15.4%
b. Credit hours – up 9.4%
c. Approximately 3,800 dual
Development Activity
To help our students be successful and complete their degrees, we desperately need
scholarships. We have recently received more than $120,000 in endowments. Our most recent
endowment is the Breeden McCumber Excellence Scholarship for Communication Majors with a
Mass Communication Emphasis in the amount of $10,000. Other recent endowments are:
JE Dunn Construction Company, $10,000
A.X. and Florestela Benavides $10,000
Margarita de Luna Hinojosa $20,000
Sierra Title Co. $25,000
One in honor of Dr. Milo Kearney $20,000
One for International Students $27,000
Dr. Frederick Jenet, a Physics professor, has received a prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty
Early Career Development grant for more than $620,000. This grant will bring access to the world’s
largest radio telescope to Brownsville. The largest radio telescope in the world is the 1,000-foot Arecibo
Observary in Puerto Rico. Students from UTB/TSC and several local high schools will design and build
the remote command facility on the UTB/TSC campus.
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has announced that UTB/TSC’s Pre-med Advisory
Program is one of eight finalists for a Star Award. The Star Awards were established by the Coordinating
board to recognize exemplary contributions toward closing the educational gaps that challenge the state.
The eight finalists were chosen from 52 applicants. Dr. Shanta Goswami is director of the Office of PreMedical Education Programs.
About 150 persons attended the Thursday opening of the Oris Robertson Art exhibit, which you see here
today at the Alonso House. We are grateful to Nancy Philen Thompson and other Friends of Oris
Robertson who made this event possible. Proceeds from this event go to the Oris Robertson Endowment
that supports our art students and faculty for study in Mexico. The exhibit will be open through October
Development Dates to Remember:
October 8 – Shamrocks and Apple Pie benefit concert for UTB/TSC Music Department’s Master
Chorale at 4:00 p.m. – Reception and Silent Art Auction at 3:00
October 9 – Steinway Series will be featuring the gold medal winner of the recent Van Cliburn
October 16 in the evening – David McCullough will be featured as the next guest for the
Distinguished Lecture Series.
October 17 will be the free lecture for students
Contact the Development Office for more information.
Dr. Gawenda – I’m sure all of you read that Dr. Gawenda’s wife passed away. In lieu of flowers,
in lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made in her name to the Irma Gawenda
Scholarship Endowment in care of Dr. Ruth Ann Ragland, Office of Development , 80 Fort
Brown, Brownsville Texas 78521.
Jay Phillips – the good news is that the shadow on the lung turned out to be nothing; the not-sogood news is that the tumor on the kidney is malignant, but at this point, there is no evidence that
it has spread.
Jay will be receiving treatment in Houston at M.D. Anderson; we will pass on information about to
reach him as it becomes available.
Dr. Dameron, Mr. Fuhro, and I will be providing support to the departments as needed. Chairs
are to contact us directly should they need anything.
October 21- There will be a dual enrollment workshop for all the various schools that are partners with
UTB; there are 17 schools as partners Linda Fossen reported.
School of Health Science is on tap for the new anniversary month. Open house for the entire School of
Health Science will be on October 25, from 4-7 p.m. with a walk through the different sections of the
building. On Friday October 27, from 7-9 p.m. is the Nursing birthday party, 50 years of nursing care in
the Valley and at UTB/TSC. The last of the Sisters of Mercy will be available on that day. There will be a
presentation at the library depicting the different years of Nursing.
David Pearson raised an idea that had been discussed and that was that the Senate might invite every
month or two, one of the deans to give 10 minute presentation about what they are doing within their
schools or colleges, so we all get to know what is going on across campus. All Senators agreed ONLY if
the Deans spoke for only 10 minutes.
As there was no other business, Rodney Sullivan moved the meeting be adjourned. Karen Fuss-Sommer
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m. going on record as the shortest Senate
meeting in several years. The next Senate meeting is scheduled for October 20 in the Cassia Room.
Respectfully submitted by
Irma S. Jones, Senate Secretary