ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING Friday, October 30, 2009 SETB Third Floor Conference Room

Friday, October 30, 2009
SETB Third Floor Conference Room
Call to Order
The meeting of the October 30, 2009 Academic Senate was called to order by Bobbette M.
Morgan at 1 p.m. at the SETB Third Floor Conference room.
Presentation – Spring 2010 Course Schedule – Rene Villarreal and Meloney Linder
Meloney Linder shared information regarding the number of schedules printed and that her
department has been monitoring waste. Therefore, recommendation to move to an online
schedule will go into effect this semester. Therefore, the university will not be printing
copies for spring 2010. The online version will be ready by the first week in November.
Also, the department has created a new web page for easy access. Bill Davis asked about
changes –Ms. Linder commented that changes on the schedule are color coded to assist
faculty and students to understand recent changes. The department is posting listings as
PDF files for student’s convenience. This is the only area that is not green. All other areas
at the university have gone green.
III. Senate Members in Attendance
Chuey Abrego
Leslie Arnim
Steve Benton
Mikhail M. Bouniaev
Janice Butler
Hector Castillo
Pat Celaya
Ethel Cantu
Charles Dameron
Bill Davis
Eduardo Del Rio
Miguel A. Escotet
Doug Ferrier
Elizabeth Heise
Moustafa Malki
Daniel Heimmermann
Angelica Fuentes
Peter Gawenda
Susan Hart
Gerald Hollier
Eldon Nelson
Senate Members Absent
Leslie Arnim
Pat Celaya
Louis Falk
Karen Fuss-Sommer
Terry Garrett
Bashir Tiwana
Eric Linder
Nazmul Islam
Joe Lacher
Charles Lackey
Ana Linville
Ezequiel Melgoza
Bobbette Morgan
Rafael Otero
Mahmoud K. Quweider
Alma Rodriguez
Tom Welther
Angela K. Wolf
Antonio Zavaleta
Cheng-Chang (Sam) Pan
Bill Dodd
Meloney Linder
Teresa Murden
Shawn Olbeter
Rene Villarreal
Dorothy Roussett
IV. Review and Approval of Minutes – Bobbette M. Morgan
Elizabeth Heise moved the minutes be approved with modifications (Louis Falk was present).
Tom Welther seconded the motion. Motion carried.
V. Senate Presidents Report – Bobbette M. Morgan
See President’s attendance, activities, travel and project notes – see attachment for details.
VI. Committee Reports
Faculty Advisory Committee – Bobbette M. Morgan
Welfare Committee Report – Ana Linville, Chair
The committee reviewed and the Gender Equity report. Report from Cindy Lerma. Tony
Zavaleta offered to generate a new report based on discussion. Also, Dr. Dameron offered that
specific information regarding this matter is forthcoming, specifically, from 2000 to the present.
Also, there was discussion on student attendance policy and faculty support based on those
policies. Also, a lengthy discussion regarding travel policy took place. Regarding gender equity
statistics --- Eric Linder asked that we have a stat person to help interpret the data and numbers.
Tony Zavaleta discussed several possibilities to address and resolve the issue of data use and
Treasurer’s Report – Angela Wolf.
The Senate has no money. Academic Senate shirt requests should go through Angela Wolf.
sheet was circulated.
VII. HOOP Policies
 10.5.1-Travel Policy (combines and updates 10.5.1 through 10.5.5) – 2nd Reading
10.5.1 Travel Policy --- Travel mileage – use Mapquest as another method of tracking mileage
 Bill Davis recommended an amendment regarding the “purpose” section – Terry
Garrett seconded the motion to amend the policy -- see section - A. Purpose.
****Accepting the motion with amendment as a Second Reading –Motion was
made by Elizabeth Heise and seconded by Tom Welther.
10.5.2-Travel Approval (to be deleted) Section D:
 License fees – as long as the professional fees and license fees are related to
job responsibilities, they should be reimbursable or paid for by the university to
maintain your license. However, department may not have to allow cost of the
fees. Further information from Yolanda DeLa Rivas is forthcoming.
Motion was made and seconded by senate members to accept deletions. Motion
carried for the following deletions.
10.5.3-Travel Reimbursement Claim Procedure (deleted)
10.5.4-Travel Reimbursement Computation (deleted)
10.5.5-Official State Mileage (deleted)
 10.5.7-Business Expense Policy (updated) will change to 10.5.2
***Bill Davis moved that the Business Expenses Policy be tabled. Joe Lacher
seconded the motion.****
HOOP 7.4.10 Commencement:
Motion to accept Commencement Hoop with modifications. (first reading)
1. Ana Linville and 2. Mahmoud seconded the motion.
Discussion – have Dean’s and Chairs to approve process—remove
vice president from role.
Senate unanimously accepted amendment to add the appropriate Dean and remove
Vice President for Academic Affairs from the HOOP 7.4.10.
Elizabeth Heise moved to accept HOOP 7.4.10
as amended and motion was seconded by Tom Welther. Motioned carried.
To Waive second reading on HOOP 7.4.10 Commencement - Terry Garrett motioned
for waiving the second reading and Ana Linville seconded the motion. Motion carried.
New Business
 Holiday Party – focus on organizing and get out information. Asked for volunteers to help
lead the event.
 Student Attendance – Lengthy discussion on the issue took place.
Bill Davis was asked to bring up for discussion – he shared attendance issue dealing with
student. The discussion focused on the different roles -- of athletic department,
attendance requirements, faculty’s attendance policies, and lack of coordination between
athletics and academics.
According to discussion, the policy was not followed or seemed to be circumvented.
Dean Heimmermann shared that ‘we don’t have in the HOOP provisions regarding an
‘excused’ absence’. Recommendations were made by the group that the university
review the excused absence issue. Mixed signals about excused absence. Currently
there is no policy regarding excused absence.
Ethel – shared that in the HOOP, excused absence language does exist for religious
holidays. Discussion regarding international students, if we dis enroll them, at the end of
the semester student’s visa is revoked – an unattended consequence.
Bill Davis – what is the extent of this problem? How many students do we dis enroll?
In terms of communication between athletics and academics -- Alma Rodriquez shared
her experience --- she stated that she receives email from the female coach about
absences and travel schedule but not from the male coach.
Teresa Murden shared her concerns to Academic Senate – she discussed issues of
reinstatement, students being dropped and our role in supporting athletic students.
President Morgan recommended that student affairs attend senate.
Dr. Morgan stated that the topic deserves more discussion. Recommendation was made
to invite Dean Fuentes from Student Affairs to meet with Senate.
Old Business
Faculty Club Update – Elizabeth Heise
Faculty Club construction continues to move forward. Bathroom walls are almost
finished. Most of the demolition is completed. There continues to be discussion about
decorating and the interior design. An interior designer has been contracted to do the
interior design. The committee will meet with interior designer soon. Anticipate spring
 Faculty Activity Report – Ethel Cantu
Bobbette and Elizabeth took it to UT FAC meeting. Feedback from the group indicated
that they use it – however, they use something similar or an electronic version – for
example, Faculty 180, ARF form, Professional Activity Report form (El Paso), and Digital
Measure. Ethel made changes based on feedback as well as additional comments from
Fine Arts and Bill Davis. All changes were shared with Dr. Dameron. Ethel shared that
they want to investigate online programs because Blackboard won’t be able to do this—
at an individual basis. Therefore, Ethel and her team will see alternative programs as
mentioned by Bobbette. They are very similar programs and would allow staff to make
modifications to meet our needs.
Eduardo Del Rio -- inquired about using FAR as workload - was this going to a
possibility? Is it up for discussion. Bill Davis shared about a transition process. Also,
Mahmoud shared that there were some concerns about format.
Senate had a lengthy discussion regarding the Faculty Activity Report.
 Standing committees – recommendation of Edith Gayle.
Gerald Hollier moved to accept Edith Gayle [from the School of Business] as
representative on the Graduate Council to be served from Fall 2009 through Fall 2012.
Maliki seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Other matters - Financial Exigency -- We did send a resolution forward last spring from
this body about Financial Exigency.
X. Provost’s Report – Alan F. J. Artibise, Provost
Regarding his attendance at the Austin meetings -- More information is forthcoming from
the Higher Coordinating Board meeting. More information is forthcoming based on some
of the reports that were presented at that those meetings regarding items that would be
moving forward this coming year. According to Dr. Artibise, a few are particularly
important to this university.
In addition to the Tier I research funding and initiatives – there is also another mechanism
called the University Funding for Excellence --- excellence for specific programs in the
field. The details are very fuzzy at this stage but basically if you can demonstrate that
your program - based on certain kinds of events, marks and externals evaluations could
be called a nationally ranked or recognized programs --- there would be resources
forthcoming from the state to support that program. They are literally working out how
that process is going to work.
They also had a discussion and presentation on closing the gap – several target areas
were identified. Currently, we are updating our data for the upcoming higher coordinating
board meeting. In addition, cost effectiveness report being generated for the Governor
via the Higher Coordinating Board.
The reason the state is doing well at this point is because of federal stimulus funds. The
challenge is that those funds [in January 2010 the stimulus funds] will end. There has
been some discussion of potential mid-year budget cuts, that may be a possibility, not
ruled out at this stage. Additional information is forthcoming from the Board of Regents
Provost Fellow applications have been received and the deadline is today. Also, will
focusing on creating working groups that will be looking at various aspects of the
institution – from administrative organization to academic restructuring.
Also, looking forward to the next state legislature and keeping track of issues at the
national level. Also following closely the ongoing issue of the South Texas Medical
campus [it’s not going to be a campus] but our potential role as it unfolds over the next
few years.
Additionally, the university will be working on IT security policies. The university will be
sending notices regarding background checks and access to sensitive data…many
system institutions already do background checks.
Regarding House SB 2504 - regarding posting syllabi online and dealing with issues of
confidentiality. In addition, Dr. Artibise, discussed improving retention and graduation
rates. For example, more classes around work schedules and family obligations. Also,
moving forward to make the university a non smoking campus - steps to approve and
discuss this issue and put in place by Fall semester.
Questions and issues about online evaluation were discussed at length.
XI. Announcements
XII. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
Terry Garrett moved that the meeting be adjourned and Gerald Hollier seconded the
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Chuey Abrego, Secretary
Dorothy Roussett, Recording Secretary
Note: Welfare Committee meets immediately prior to the Senate meeting.
Academic Senate
President’s Report-Bobbette M. Morgan, Ed. D.
October 30, 2009
Since September 25, 2009 the officers have represented the Academic Senate at the following events and activities:
1. September 28, 2009
Staff Exceptional Merit Dinner, B. Morgan
2. September 29, 2009
Faculty Exceptional Merit Dinner, B. Morgan
3. September 30, 2009 TSC Board Meeting, B. Morgan
Major topics covered at the meeting included a resolution honoring Bob Shepard for his service to the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board, a resolution in support of a living wage requirement for those employed by those doing business
with TSC, a presentation by the president of Charro Days, and UTB/TSC and UTPA signing a Memorandum of Understanding
in the area of Social Work.
4. October 1 and 2, 2009 UT-System Faculty Advisory Council, Austin, Texas
Attended by President B. Morgan and Vice President, Elizabeth Heise. Presenters included THECB Chairman James Huffines,
Dan Branch, Chairman of the House Higher Education Committee who discussed SB 2504 (syllabi and professor evaluations),
Keith Mc Dowell, Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology with Lisa Leiden, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and
Sponsored Projects, Barry McBee, Vice Chancellor of Governmental Relations, Chancellor Cigarroa, and David Prior, Executive
Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
The President of each branch of the UT System presented a formal report to update us on campus issues and initiatives. No
smoking campuses were discussed. All medical branches are already no smoking campuses. Financial Exigency remains an issue
and the Chancellor has appointed a Task Force to review Regents Rules and to make recommendations based on what has been
learned through the Galveston experience with Hurricane Ike.
5. October 7, 2009 Foundations of Excellence, Co-Chair for the Dimension on Faculty, B. Morgan. We are waiting for the
faculty survey results to move ahead as a committee.
October 9, 2009 University Council Meeting, Secretary Chuey Abrego attended.
7. October 14, 2009 Grand Opening of the REK Center, B. Morgan and E. Heise
8. October 14, 2009 Academic Officers Planning Meeting, President B. Morgan, Vice President Elizabeth Heise,
Secretary Chuey Abrego, and Treasurer Angela Wolf
9. October 16, 2009 Agenda Setting Meeting with Interim Provost, VPAA, and Academic Senate Officers
10. October 23 and 24, 2009 Texas Council of Faculty Senates (TCFS) Attended by President B. Morgan and Vice President,
Elizabeth Heise.
This is actually a joint meeting of TCFS with the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and the
Texas Association of College Teachers (TACT). Speakers included Chuck Hempstead, Executive Director of TACT
giving legislative updates, Anya Sebastian, the new Director of Academic Programs, Division of Academic Affairs and
Research and Catherine Parsoneault, Senior Education Specialist in Academic Programs with THECB, Robert Jenson,
Professor of Journalism at UT-Austin shared his views on academic freedom, Barbara Stanley, Assistant Vice
Chancellor and Vice President for Local Governmental Relations from the University of Houston discussed Proposition
4, the funding for the emerging Tier One institutions. These funds come from HEAF funds not HEF funds that we
receive or PUF funds (which we don’t get). The banquet speaker was from the THECB, Assistant Commissioner
MacGregor Stephenson. He discussed SB 2504 and indicated that each institution must have a plan for on-line professor
evaluations---a plan. If you need a CIP Code call him.
11. October 28, 2009 Foundations of Excellence Webinar, Interpreting Survey Results
Respectfully submitted,
Bobbette M. Morgan, Ed. D.
President, Academic Senate, 2009-2011