Protocol #: - Proposal Evaluation Form The Institutional Review Board (IRB) on the Use of Human Subjects in Research James Madison University Investigator(s): Protocol Title: 1. Do the potential benefits of this research outweigh the risks to subjects? Yes No 2. Is the issue of informed consent handled adequately? Yes No 3. Is confidentiality assured to the subjects? Yes No 4. Is the methodology appropriate to protect the rights and welfare of the subjects? Yes No 5. Are the qualifications of the researcher appropriate for this investigation, or is the researcher working with a person in the appropriate discipline? Yes No Comments and/or Revisions (Required for Approval): Other Suggestions and/or Comments (Not Required for Approval): APPROVED NAME OF IRB MEMBER Institutional Review Board DISAPPROVED (Revisions Needed) DATE Send Electronic Copy of Evaluation Form to: Return SIGNED Hard Copy to Office of Research Integrity via Campus Mail MSC 5738