ADSU 668/678 - JMU Student Internship Log of Activities

ADSU 668/678 - JMU Student Internship Log of Activities
Up to eighty(80) hours of accumulated Internship service may be documented through
your ADSU 652 School Business Management and Finance and ADSU 642 Leadership
for School-Community Relations classes. Your logs of hours and journal entries must be
approved by either Dr. Ford or Dr. Kidd. To successfully complete ADSU 668/678, a log
of 240 additional hours or the balance of the 320 total hourly requirement must be
completed with journal entries detailing various activities and associated learning from
serving in many administrative roles at multiple school sites serving elementary, middle
and high school students. The Journal should summarize the activities of each Log
entry(what you did) as well as summarize what you learned from the activities, and your
reflections on them. Service at the central office level and Journal entries must also be
noted. At least sixty(60) hours must be accumulated from two levels of school
experience, elementary, middle, or high school, and forty(40) hours must be accumulated
form the central office level.
Activities may be chosen from each area listed below. Item one is required of all
students. At least eight listed job activities must be completed in two levels of school
administration. At least four activities must be selected at the central office level of
school administration. Hours must be approved and documented as complete by your
school site supervisor.
List of potential activities:
1. Design and implement a school improvement strategy involving various
school and community constituencies from planning to a form of
presentation and evaluation of the project. ________ Hours(REQUIRED)
School Activities from two of three school levels
2. Using school data and research based methods, develop and implement a plan to
improve a specific SOL instructional issue. ________ Hours
3. Prepare and present a progress to a school faculty related to an annual school plan
goal with the school. ________ Hours
4. Participate in the scheduling of a school faculty. ________ Hours
5. Participate in PTA activities. ________ Hours
6. Present a progress report to a School Improvement team, Parent Advisory
Committee, or PTA group. ________ Hours
7. Participate in school level planning meetings involving faculty decision making.
________ Hours
8. Participate in various school supervision activities. ________ Hours (Max. 15
9. Participate in the use of technology or student information systems to monitor
different student activities, data collection or scheduling. ________ Hours
10. Observe teachers during actual instruction. ________ Hours
11. Participate in a project aimed at improved student performance aimed at the needs
of students form diverse backgrounds. ______ Hours
12. Participate in IEP meetings and student disciplinary hearings. ________ Hours
13. Participate in school safety audits and follow-up reporting. ________ Hours
14. Participate in the faculty and student scheduling efforts in the school.
15. Assist in developing or enhancing an already developed School and Community
Involvement plan including the involvement of various media outlets. ________
16. Participate with the School Bookkeeper in the expenditure and reconciliation of
school funds. ________ Hours
17. Present evidence of participation with different agencies to integrate health, social
or other services. ________ Hours
18. Participate in goal setting activities or policy making activities in a school setting.
________ Hours
District Level activities:
1. Participate with the special education leader in FAPT Team activities or other
special education required activities. ________ Hours
2. Participate in goal setting or policy making discussions in the area of curriculum
and instruction. ________ Hours
3. Participate with someone in charge of technology and/or student demographics as
to the use of software at the central level. _______ Hours
4. Present information at a School Board meeting as assigned. ________ Hours
5. Attend community involvement meetings at the district level as assigned.
________ Hours
6. Help in the gathering of information needed for a presentation to the School
Board and attend the School Board meeting during the presentation. ________
7. Participate in School Safety discussions at the District Level. ________ Hours
8. Participate in a marketing effort for the school system at the district level.
________ Hours
9. Participate in collaboration with different community agencies to integrate
services at the district level. ________ Hours
Documentation signatures: _______________________________ Student
________________________________School Supervisor
________________________________JMU Supervisor
Journal Entries describing Job Activities and Student Learning – Accepted
__________________________________JMU Supervisor
____________________________ Date