Alignment with SPA Standards and Final TWS Scoring Sheet

Alignment with SPA Standards and Final TWS Scoring Sheet
Name of Person Aligning SPA Standards and TWS: Steve P
Content Area: Foreign Language
Note that you must earn a minimum of 80% on each section and an overall score of 80% on the TWS.
You may not receive any “indicator not met” classifications for any section of the TWS.
If you do not meet the minimum competency, you will not pass the course.
Section I: Contextual Factors
Spa Standards
1. Required Elements
2. Community, District, School Factors
3. Classroom Factors
4. Student Characteristics
5. Instructional Implications
6. Writing Quality
Total Pts. Possible = 60; Passing Score > 48
Section II: Learning Goals
Spa Standards
4a, 4b, 5a, 5b
Spa Standards
4a, 4b, 5a, 5b
1. Required Elements
2. Appropriate Nature of LGs
3. Alignment of LGs w/ Standards
4. Significance, Challenge, & Variety
5. Appropriate for Students
6. Writing Quality
Total Pts. Possible = 60; Passing Score > 48
Section III: Assessment Plan
1. Required Elements
2. Validity: Assessments Aligned w/ LGs
3. Clarity
4. Multiple Modes & Approaches
5. Adaptations Based on Needs
6. Writing Quality
Total Pts. Possible = 60; Passing Score > 48
Section IV: Design for Instruction
Spa Standards
2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b
1. Required Elements
2. Alignment w/ LGs & AP
3. Unit & Lesson Structure
4. Use of Varied Activities, Assignments, etc.
5. Use of CFs and Data to Influence Design
6. Use of Technology
7. Writing Quality
Total Pts. Possible = 70; Passing Score > 56
Section V: Instructional Decision Making
Spa Standards 4c, 5a
1. Required Elements
2. Mods. Grounded in ASL
3. Congruence b/t Mods. & LGs
4. Sound Professional Practice
5. Writing Quality
Total Pts. Possible = 50; Passing Score > 40
Section VI: Analysis of Student
Spa Standards 5b 5c
1. Required Elements
2. Quality of Visual Presentation of Data
3. Rationale for Subgroups & Individuals
4. Description/Discussion of Whole Group
5. Description/Discussion of Subgroups
6. Description/Discussion of Individuals
7. Writing Quality
Total Pts. Possible = 70; Passing Score > 56
Section VII: Reflection & Self-Evaluation
Spa Standards 1a 1b 1c 6a 6b
1. Required Elements
2. Interpretation: Most Successful LG
3. Interpretation: Least Successful LG
4. Insights about Effective Instruction
5. Ideas for Redesign
6. Implications for PD
7. Writing Quality
Total Pts. Possible = 70; Passing Score > 56
Section VIII: Appendices
Spa Standards
Lesson Plan 1 + Instructional Materials
Lesson Plan 2 + Instructional Materials
Lesson Plan 3 + Instructional Materials
Lesson Plan 4 + Instructional Materials
Lesson Plan 5 + Instructional Materials
Inventory Instrument (used for CF section)
Student 1 Assessments (Pre/Post/Formative)
Student 2 Assessments (Pre/Post/Formative)
Reference List (for all sections; APA format)
Total Pts. Possible = 45; Passing Score > 36
Overall Organization & Presentation
Spa Standards
Professional Presentation:
3-ring binder utilized; cover page follows specified
Section Organization:
Table of Contents included; tabs utilized; sequential page
numbers used throughout
APA Formatting:
Double-spaced text
12 pt. easily-readable font (Times New Roman,
Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, Palatino, etc.)
Consistent & appropriate margins (generally 1
inch; 1 ½ inch top margin preferred for first page
of each section
Total Pts. Possible = 15; Passing Score > 12
Other Alignments
Grading Scale:
468 – 500 pts.
448 – 467 pts.
433 – 447 pts.
418 – 432 pts.
398 – 417 pts.
397 pts. and below