Alignment with SPA Standards and Final TWS Scoring Sheet Name of Person Aligning SPA Standards and TWS: National Middle School Association Content Area: Middle School Kristina Doubet Date Aligned: 10-28-09 Note that you must earn a minimum of 80% on each section and an overall score of 80% on the TWS. You may not receive any “indicator not met” classifications for any section of the TWS. If you do not meet the minimum competency, you will not pass the course. Section I: Contextual Factors Spa Standards 1. Required Elements 2. Community, District, School Factors 3. Classroom Factors 4. Student Characteristics 5. Instructional Implications 2K3-5-6 Middle Level Philosophy and School Organization: characteristics, team structure, flexible scheduling 2K6: Middle School Level Philosophy and School Organization: flexible schedule 1P10: Respond positively to the diversity found in young adolescents and use that diversity in planning and implementing curriculum and instruction. 2K4: Know best practices for the education of young adolescents in a variety of school organizational settings; 5K1: Understand the principles of instruction and the research base that supports them, 5K2: Know a wide variety of teaching, learning, and assessment strategies, and when to implement them; 5D3: Believe that instructional planning is important and must be developmentally responsive. 6. Writing Quality Total Pts. Possible = 60; Passing Score > 48 Section II: Learning Goals Spa Standards 1. Required Elements 2. Appropriate Nature of LGs 3. Alignment of LGs w/ Standards 4. Significance, Challenge, & Variety 3K1, 3: Understand that middle level curriculum should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory, Possess a depth and breadth of content knowledge; 3K11: Understand the key concepts within the critical knowledge base and know how to design assessments that targets them. 3K4: Are knowledgeable about local, state, and national middle level curriculum standards and of ways to assess the student knowledge reflected in those standards; 3K11: Understand the key concepts within the critical knowledge base and know how to design assessments that targets them. 5K3: Know that teaching higher order thinking skills is an integral part of instruction and assessment. 5. Appropriate for Students 6. Writing Quality Total Pts. Possible = 60; Passing Score > 48 1 Section III: Assessment Plan Spa Standards 1. Required Elements 2. Validity: Assessments Aligned w/ LGs 3K11: Understand the key concepts within the critical knowledge base and know how to design assessments that targets them. 3. Clarity 4. Multiple Modes & Approaches 5. Adaptations Based on Needs 3K7: Understand multiple assessment strategies that effectively measure student mastery of the curriculum, 3P8: Use multiple assessment strategies that effectively measure student mastery of the Curriculum, 1P6: Use multiple assessments that are developmentally appropriate for young adolescent learners; 5K5: Understand ways to teach the basic concepts and skills of inquiry and communication; 5P8: Implement a variety of developmentally responsive assessment measures (e.g. portfolios, authentic assessments, student selfevaluation); 5D5: Value the importance of on-going and varied assessment strategies. 1K2: Understand the range of individual differences of all young adolescents and the implications of these differences for teaching and learning. 6. Writing Quality Total Pts. Possible = 60; Passing Score > 48 Section IV: Design for Instruction Spa Standards 1. Required Elements 2. Alignment w/ LGs & AP 3. Unit & Lesson Structure 4. Use of Varied Activities, Assignments, etc. 5. Use of CFs and Data to Influence Design 6. Use of Technology 3P2: Use current knowledge and standards from multiple subject areas in planning, integrating, and implementing curriculum, 4P1: Use their depth and breadth of content knowledge in ways that maximize student learning. 3P1: Successfully implement the curriculum for which they are responsible in ways that help all young adolescents learn; 3P3: Incorporate the ideas, interests, and experiences of all young adolescents in curriculum; 3P5: Teach curriculum in ways that encourage all young adolescents to observe, question, and interpret knowledge and ideas from diverse perspectives; 4P2: Use effective content specific teaching and assessment strategies; 5P1: Use a variety of teaching/learning strategies and resources that motivate young adolescents to learn, 2: Create learning experiences that encourage exploration and problem solving so all young adolescents can be actively engaged in learning; 5P4: Provide all young adolescents with opportunities to engage in independent and collaborative inquiry. 2P1-4 Application of Middle Level Philosophy in School Organization; 5D6: Realize the importance of basing instruction on assessment results. 3K5: Are fluent in the integration of technology in curriculum planning, 8: Understand the integrated role that technology plays in a variety of student assessment measures; 3P9: Incorporates technology in planning, integrating, implementing and assessing curriculum and student learning; 2 4K4: Understand how to integrate state-of-the-art technologies and literacy skills into their teaching fields; 4P5: Integrate state-of-the-art technologies and literacy skills into teaching content to all young adolescents; 4D4: Value the integration of state-of-the-art technologies and literacy skills in all teaching fields. 7. Writing Quality Total Pts. Possible = 70; Passing Score > 56 Section V: Instructional Decision Making Spa Standards 1. Required Elements 2. Mods. Grounded in ASL 3. Congruence b/t Mods. & LGs 4. Sound Professional Practice 5. Writing Quality Total Pts. Possible = 50; Passing Score > 40 Section VI: Analysis of Student Learning Spa Standards 1. Required Elements 2. Quality of Visual Presentation of Data 5P9: Maintain useful records and create an effective plan for evaluation of student work and achievement ; 3. Rationale for Subgroups & Individuals 4. Description/Discussion of Whole Group 5. Description/Discussion of Subgroups 6. Description/Discussion of Individuals 3D4: Realize the importance of connecting curriculum and assessment to the needs, interests, and experiences of all young adolescents; 3D5: Are committed to implementing an integrated curriculum that accommodates and supports the learning of all young adolescents; 5D8: Are committed to using assessment to identify student strengths and enhance student growth rather than deny student access to learning. 5D8: Are committed to using assessment to identify student strengths and enhance student growth rather than deny student access to learning. 7. Writing Quality Total Pts. Possible = 70; Passing Score > 56 Section VII: Reflection & Self-Evaluation Spa Standards 1. Required Elements 3 2. Interpretation: Most Successful LG 3. Interpretation: Least Successful LG 4. Insights about Effective Instruction 5. Ideas for Redesign 6. Implications for PD 5D6: Realize the importance of basing instruction on assessment results. 5D6: Realize the importance of basing instruction on assessment results. 4K3: Are knowledgeable about teaching and assessment strategies that are especially effective in their teaching fields; 5K4: Know how to select and develop formal, informal, and performance assessments based on their relative advantages and limitations; 5K6: Know how to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategies; 3D3: Value the importance of ongoing curriculum assessment and revision; 4D1: Value the importance of staying current in their teaching fields; 5D6: Realize the importance of basing instruction on assessment results, 7D6: Are committed to refining classroom and school practices that address the needs of all young adolescents based on research, successful practice, and experience. 5D6: Realize the importance of basing instruction on assessment results; 7D6: Are committed to refining classroom and school practices that address the needs of all young adolescents based on research, successful practice, and experience; 3D1: Value the need for being knowledgeable and current in curriculum areas taught; 7D1: Value learning as a life-long process, 7D7: Value collegiality as an integral part of their professional practice; 7P4: Engage in and support ongoing professional practices for self and colleagues (e.g., attend professional development activities and conferences, participate in professional organizations), 5: Read professional literature, consult with colleagues, maintain currency with a range of technologies, and seek resources to enhance their professional competence; 7. Writing Quality Total Pts. Possible = 70; Passing Score > 56 Section VIII: Appendices Spa Standards Lesson Plan 1 + Instructional Materials Lesson Plan 2 + Instructional Materials Lesson Plan 3 + Instructional Materials Lesson Plan 4 + Instructional Materials Lesson Plan 5 + Instructional Materials Inventory Instrument (used for CF section) Student 1 Assessments (Pre/Post/Formative) Student 2 Assessments (Pre/Post/Formative) Reference List (for all sections; APA format) 4 Total Pts. Possible = 45; Passing Score > 36 Overall Organization & Presentation Spa Standards Professional Presentation: 3-ring binder utilized; cover page follows specified guidelines Section Organization: Table of Contents included; tabs utilized; sequential page numbers used throughout APA Formatting: Double-spaced text 12 pt. easily-readable font (Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, Palatino, etc.) Consistent & appropriate margins (generally 1 inch; 1 ½ inch top margin preferred for first page of each section Total Pts. Possible = 15; Passing Score > 12 TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 500 Other Alignments Grading Scale: A 468 – 500 pts. A- 448 – 467 pts. B+ 433 – 447 pts. B 418 – 432 pts. B- 398 – 417 pts. C 397 pts. and below 5