Stakeholder Comment and Rationale Form AESO AUTHORITATIVE DOCUMENT PROCESS Stakeholder Consultation Draft Date: 2013-06-06 Proposed Amended and Removed ISO Rules Definitions (“ISO Rules Definitions Amendments”) Date of Request for Comment [yyyy/mm/dd]: Period of Consultation [yyyy/mm/dd]: Comments From: 2013-06-21 2013-06-06 through 2013-06-21 Company Name Contact: Company Contact Phone: Contact Phone Number E-mail: Date [yyyy/mm/dd]: Definitions - Amended Existing Proposed Rationale “abbreviated needs identification approval process” means the abbreviated needs identification approval process as contemplated in the T-Reg. “abbreviated needs identification approval process” means the abbreviated needs identification approval process as contemplated in the Transmission Regulation. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. “Alberta internal load” means a number in MW: (i) that represents, in an hour, system load plus load served by on-site generating units, including those within an industrial “Alberta internal load” means a number in MW: (i) that represents, in an hour, system load plus load served by on-site generating units, including those within an industrial The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal Comment # 1: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) AESO Reply Page 1 of 18 Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 system and the City of Medicine Hat; and (ii) which the ISO, using SCADA data, calculates as the sum of the output of each generating unit in Alberta and the Fort Nelson area in British Columbia, plus import volumes and minus export volumes. system and the City of Medicine Hat; and (ii) which the ISO, using SCADA data, calculates as the sum of the output of each generating unit in Alberta and the Fort Nelson area in British Columbia, plus import volumes and minus export volumes. “balancing authority” means the responsible entity that integrates resource plans ahead of time, maintains load-interchangegeneration balance within a balancing authority area, and supports interconnection frequency in real time. “balancing authority” means the responsible entity that integrates resource plans ahead of time, maintains load-interchangegeneration balance within a balancing authority area, and supports interconnection frequency in real time. “balancing authority area” means the collection of generation, transmission and loads within the metered boundaries of the balancing authority and for which the balancing authority maintains load-resource balance. “balancing authority area” means the collection of generation, transmission and loads within the metered boundaries of the balancing authority and for which the balancing authority maintains load-resource balance. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. “commercial operation” means the date upon which a load or generating unit begins to operate on the transmission system in a manner which is “commercial operation” means the date upon which a load or generating unit begins to operate on the transmission system in a manner which is The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 2 of 18 acceptable to the ISO and which is expected to be normal for it to so operate, after energization and commissioning. acceptable to the ISO and which is expected to be normal for it to so operate, after energization and commissioning. “constraint effective factor” means a ratio, based on the results of load flow studies conducted by the ISO, of the change in the flow of electric energy through a transmission constraint to a change in energy production, energy consumption or an electric energy flow accross an interconnection. “constraint effective factor” means a ratio, based on the results of load flow studies conducted by the ISO, of the change in the flow of electric energy through a transmission constraint to a change in energy production, energy consumption or an electric energy flow across an interconnection. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. “downstream constraint side” means, in relation to the transmission elements that comprise the transmission constraint, those elements of the interconnected electric system more proximate to the load or consumption side of the transmission constraint than to the supply side of the transmission constraint. “downstream constraint side” means, in relation to the transmission elements that comprise the transmission constraint, those elements of the interconnected electric system more proximate to the load or consumption side of the transmission constraint than to the supply side of the transmission constraint. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. “electrical islands” a condition in the electrical system where geographical areas of the AIES electrically separate from the AIES, resulting from system “electrical islands” means a condition in the electrical system where geographical areas of the interconnected electric system electrically separate from the The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 3 of 18 disturbances, such that there exists both generation and load in these separated areas. interconnected electric system, resulting from system disturbances, such that there exists both generation and load in these separated areas. “generic stacking order” means the ISO’s annual forecast of: (i) the operational issuing of dispatches to generating units, industrial systems that has been designated as such by the Commission, Fort Nelson, the City of Medicine Hat, and their respective operating blocks; and (ii) the MW output from, aggregated generating facilities; based on historical data and other information the legal owner provides to the ISO expressed on a seasonal basis. “generic stacking order” means the ISO’s annual forecast of: (i) the operational issuing of dispatches to generating units, industrial systems that have been designated as such by the Commission, Fort Nelson, the City of Medicine Hat, and their respective operating blocks; and (ii) the MW output from aggregated generating facilities; based on historical data and other information the legal owner provides to the ISO expressed on a seasonal basis. The AESO proposes to update this definition to correct typos. “import load remedial action scheme (ILRAS)” means a service provided by one or more ancillary service providers that consists of a transfer tripping scheme between the 500 kV circuit breakers at Langdon and Cranbrook on the 500 kV tie-line between Alberta and British “import load remedial action scheme” means a service provided by one (1) or more ancillary service providers that consists of a transfer tripping scheme between the 500 kV circuit breakers at Langdon and Cranbrook on the Alberta-British Columbia intertie and one (1) or The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect current AESO drafting principles. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 4 of 18 Columbia and one or more system access customer load breakers. The remedial action scheme (RAS) is so designed that the tripping of the tie line causes the load breaker(s) to open automatically, within 8 cycles of the trip initiation of the 500 kV breaker(s). more system access customer load breakers which such service is designed so that the tripping of the intertie causes the load breakers to open automatically, within eight (8) cycles of the trip initiation of the 500 kV breakers. “intertie” has the same meaning as that provided in the T-Reg. “intertie” as defined in the Transmission Regulation means a transmission facility, including its associated components, that links one or more electric systems outside Alberta to one or more points on the interconnected electric system. The AESO proposes to update this definition to make it consistent with other definitions from the Act which the AESO has included in the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. “legal owner” means the person who owns electric industry property including any one or more of: (i) a generating unit; (ii) any aggregated generating facilities; (iii) a transmission facility; (iv) an electric distribution system; (v) an industrial system that has been designated as such by the Commission; and (vi) a load facility with system “legal owner” means the person who owns electric industry property including any one or more of: (i) a generating unit; (ii) an aggregated generating facility; (iii) a transmission facility; (iv) an electric distribution system; (v) an industrial system that has been designated as such by the Commission; and (vi) a load facility with system The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary and to make it consistent with AESO drafting principles. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 5 of 18 access service under subsection 101(2) of the Act. access service under subsection 101(2) of the Act. “Load Shed Service (LSS)” means a block of load contracted by the ISO to provide instantaneous 59.5 Hz underfrequency load shedding (UFLS). The magnitude of this load will vary and will be telemetered to the ISO by the service provider. “load shed service” means an amount of load contracted by the ISO to provide: (i) instantaneous fifty-nine point five (59.5) Hz underfrequency load shedding; or (ii) manual load shedding. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary and to make it consistent with AESO drafting principles. “maximum authorized real power” means: (i) for aggregated generating facilities with one or more collector busses, the sum of the maximum gross real power that the ISO has authorized the generating units to deliver to those collector busses; (ii) for aggregated generating facilities without a collector bus, the maximum gross real power that the ISO has authorized each generating unit to deliver to its generator terminal; or (iii) for a generating unit that is not part of an aggregated generating facility, the “maximum authorized real power” means: (i) for an aggregated generating facility with one (1) or more collector busses, the sum of the maximum gross real power that the ISO has authorized the generating units to deliver to those collector busses; (ii) for an aggregated generating facility without a collector bus, the maximum gross real power that the ISO has authorized each generating unit to deliver to its generator terminal; or (iii) for a generating unit that is not part of an aggregated The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect current AESO drafting principles. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 6 of 18 maximum gross real power that the ISO authorizes the generating unit to deliver to its generator terminal. generating facility, the maximum gross real power that the ISO authorizes the generating unit to deliver to its generator terminal. “operator” means a person given expressed authority by a legal owner to operate on the legal owner's behalf any one or more of its electric industry properties, including: (i) a generating unit; (ii) any aggregated generating facilities; (iii) a transmission facility; (iv) an electric distribution system; (v) an industrial system that has been designated as such by the Commission; and (vi) a load facility with system access service under subsection 101(2) of the Act; and includes the legal owner, if no such other person has been so authorized. “operator” means a person given expressed authority by a legal owner to operate on the legal owner's behalf any one (1) or more of its electric industry properties, including: (i) a generating unit; (ii) an aggregated generating facility; (iii) a transmission facility; (iv) an electric distribution system; (v) an industrial system that has been designated as such by the Commission; and (vi) a load facility with system access service under subsection 101(2) of the Act; and includes the legal owner, if no such other person has been so authorized. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary and to make it consistent with current AESO drafting principles.. “point of connection” means a point at which electric energy is transferred between a transmission facility that is not “point of connection” means a point at which electric energy is transferred between a transmission facility that is not The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 7 of 18 an industrial system, and: (i) the high voltage side of any aggregated generating facilities or generating unit; (ii) an electric distribution system; (iii) an industrial system that has been designated as such by the Commission; or (iv) a load facility with system access service under subsection 101(2) of the Act. an industrial system, and: (i) the high voltage side of any aggregated generating facilities or generating unit; (ii) an electric distribution system; (iii) an industrial system that has been designated as such by the Commission; or (iv) a load facility with system access service under subsection 101(2) of the Act. “reliability standards” means “reliability standards” as defined in the T-Reg. “reliability standards” as defined in the Transmission Regulation means the reliability standards under section 19. The AESO proposes to update this definition to make it consistent with other definitions from the Act which the AESO has included in the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. “settlement interval” means a period beginning on the hour and ending sixty (60) minutes later and is the time increment for which:(i) the ISO financially settles energy amounts; and (ii) the load settlement system calculates distinct load estimates. “settlement interval” means a period beginning on the hour and ending sixty (60) minutes later and is the time increment for which: (i) the ISO financially settles energy amounts; and (ii) the load settlement system calculates distinct load estimates. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 8 of 18 “system emergency” is a situation in which there is systemic equipment malfunctions, including widespread transmission or generation outages and derates, a complete loss of communication with the system controller, or a loss of the system controller’s market management tools. “system emergency” is a situation in which there is systemic equipment malfunctions, including widespread transmission or generation outages and derates, a complete loss of communication with the ISO system controller, or a loss of the ISO system controller’s market management tools. “transmission constraint” means a limitation imposed by one or more transmission elements to normal economic merit operation of generation, load and interchange transactions or to the flow of electrical energy from one part of the AIES to the other. “transmission constraint” means a limitation imposed by one (1) or more transmission elements to normal economic merit operation of generation, load and interchange transactions or to the flow of electrical energy from one part of the interconnected electric system to the other. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary and to make it consistent with AESO drafting principles.. “under voltage load shed (UVLS)” means a protection scheme that enables preconfigured devices to automatically shed load to stabilize voltage when voltage falls below predetermined limits. “under voltage load shed” means a protection scheme that enables pre-configured devices to automatically shed load to stabilize voltage when voltage falls below predetermined limits. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. “underfrequency load shedding (UFLS)” means the automatic or manual actions “underfrequency load shedding” means the automatic or manual actions required to The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 9 of 18 required to shed system load when the system frequency falls below the normal system operating frequency of 60HERTZ in order to allow for the return to a secure state. shed system load when the system frequency falls below the normal system operating frequency of sixty (60) Hz in order to allow for the return to a secure state. Document Glossary and to make it consistent with AESO drafting principles.. “upstream constraint side” means, in relation to the transmission elements that comprise the transmission constraint, those elements of the interconnected electric system more proximate to the supply side of the transmission constraint than to the load or consumption side of the transmission constraint. “upstream constraint side” means, in relation to the transmission elements that comprise the transmission constraint, those elements of the interconnected electric system more proximate to the supply side of the transmission constraint than to the load or consumption side of the transmission constraint. The AESO proposes to update this definition to reflect updates to the Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary. Definitions – Removed Existing Proposed Rationale “alert” means a communication issued by the system controller requesting readiness of the market participants to take urgent and timely actions to maintain the Alberta balancing authority area in a secure state with regard to energy balance. The alert also serves as information to interconnected balancing authorities regarding the increased risk of the AIES to Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal Comment # 2: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) AESO Reply Page 10 of 18 require obligation energy and its limitations in delivering such energy to others. “AIES” means Alberta’s “Interconnected Electric System” as that term is defined in the Act. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the AESO now writes out the term in its entirety in the ISO rules. “balancing authority area operator” means the entity that has responsibility for maintaining a balancing authority's AGC functionality to ensure frequency levels and interchange are maintained per WECC standards. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with references to “the ISO”. “blackout” a condition where a major portion or all of the AIES is de-energized. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. “Commission rules” means rules of the Commission made under the Alberta Utilities Commission Act. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of “Commission Rule XXX”. “commissioning certificate” means the formal document signed by the owner of a project being constructed under the terms of the ISO request for proposal process (or his representative) and also by representatives of ISO. The Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. Page 11 of 18 purpose of the document is to certify that all commissioning tests have been completed and accepted by the ISO, and all deficiencies have been resolved, or will be resolved by a specified date. Any deficiencies are specifically listed. The date indicated on this certificate marks the start of commercial operation for the facilities and thus must be very specific. “demand customers” are load system access customers and generation system access customers that consume power, the latter for the purposes of obtaining their back up supply. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. “demand opportunity service (DOS)” means service under any one of rate schedules demand opportunity service (DOS 7 minutes), demand opportunity service (DOS 1 hour), demand opportunity service (DOS standard). The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the AESO now refers to the specific, applicable ISO tariff rate schedule in the ISO rules. “demand transmission service (DTS)” means service under rate schedule demand transmission service. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the AESO now refers to the specific, applicable ISO tariff rate schedule in the ISO rules. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 12 of 18 “dispute” means with respect to an ISO determination, an assertion made by a market participant to the ISO that it disagrees with such ISO determination. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. “emergency limit” means the maximum operating limit of a system element permitted by the owner of the element for a predefined duration. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. “generating facility owner (GFO)” has the meaning as that provided for “owner” in the Act, of a generating unit. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of using “legal owner of a generating facility” or “operator of a generating facility” as appropriate. . The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the AESO now refers to the specific, applicable ISO tariff rate schedule in the ISO rules. “import service” means service under rate schedule import service. “inadvertent interchange or inadvertent energy” means the difference between the balancing authority’s net actual interchange and net interchange schedule. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. “load” means the instantaneous amount of electric energy delivered or required at any Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. Page 13 of 18 specific point or points on the AIES. “loss factor methodology” means the detailed methodology for determining loss factors set forth in Appendix 6. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of “loss factor” and the plain language meaning of “methodology”. “meter service provider (MSP)” means an entity that performs installation, removal, repair and maintenance of meters. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. “Mountain Prevailing Time” means Mountain Standard Time when Daylight Saving Time is not in effect, and Mountain Daylight Saving Time when Daylight Saving Time is in effect. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. “MSA” is the Market Surveillance Administrator and as defined in the Act means the corporation continued by section 32 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of writing the term out in full. “net MW” means the megawatt(s) produced by an asset as measured or calculated on the high voltage side of the unit transformer. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. “opportunity service” means Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 The AESO proposes to delete this Page 14 of 18 system access service offered to any system access customer who can establish to the ISO’s satisfaction that it would not take system access service pursuant to rate schedule DTS and with respect to which, therefore, the service requirement presents the opportunity for incremental revenue with which the ISO can offset transmission costs, subject to the availability of transmission capacity. definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. “overfrequency” means the abnormal operating state or system condition that results in a system frequency above the normal 60-HERTZ. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. “owner” has the same meaning as that provided in the Act. The AESO proposes to delete this definition and replace references to “owner” with “legal owner” or “operator” as applicable. “power system data” means a compilation of electrical characteristics in an integrated format representative of the physical system. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. “power system stabilizer” means automatic control Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain Page 15 of 18 equipment that modulates the generating unit excitation through an AVR to dampen electric power swings. language meaning of the term. “Quarter” means each consecutive three months of a calendar year commencing January 1. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. “site” means a unique end-use service delivery point. This is the finest level at which load settlement recognizes retailer assignments, and receives consumption data. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. “system access service agreement” means that contract, entered into between the ISO and a system access customer, which establishes the specific terms pursuant to which each individual system access customer obtains system access service. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of “system access service” and the plain language meaning of the term “agreement”. “system controller” means the ISO scheme to carry out the ISO duty to direct the safe, reliable and economic operation of the AIES, pursuant to the Act and includes the dispatching of the energy market merit order and Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. It has been replaced with references to “the ISO”. Page 16 of 18 the ancillary services merit order. “system coordination plan” means the plan which theISO provides to the TFOs and the system controller three (3) days in advance of the operating week which amalgamates all planned maintenance outages and commissioning activities that the ISO has been advised of, and which are scheduled to take place in the next operating week, and have been determined to pose an acceptable level of risk to system security from an operational planning perspective. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. “T-Reg” means the Transmission Regulation, as amended from time to time. The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. It is now written out in full. “transmission facility owner (TFO)” has the same meaning as that provided for “owner” and “transmission facility” in the Act. The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of using “legal owner of a transmission facility” or “operator of a transmission facility”, as appropriate. “Transmission Operations Coordination Committee (TOCC)” means the committee Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 The AESO proposes to delete this definition as the term is no longer used in the ISO rules. Page 17 of 18 accountable to the ISO, with membership made up of transmission facility owners, charged with ongoing review and upgrading of all operating standards and guidelines for coordinated operation of the balancing authority and transmission system. “transmission system losses” means, for each year, the total of the transmission system losses on the interconnected electric system. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of using “transmission system” and the plain language meaning of “losses”. “underfrequency” means the abnormal operating state or system condition that results in a system frequency below the normal system operating frequency of 60-HERTZ. The AESO proposes to delete this definition in favour of the plain language meaning of the term. “wire owner (WO)” has the meaning as that provided in the Act for “owner” and “electric distribution system”. Wire owners maintain the responsibilities as that provided in the Act and the Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Regulation. The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of using “legal owner of an electric distribution system” or “operator of an electric distribution system”, as appropriate. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2013-06-06 Page 18 of 18