Stakeholder Comment and Rationale Form AESO AUTHORITATIVE DOCUMENT PROCESS Stakeholder Consultation Draft Date: 2011-12-06 Proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5 Generating Unit Technical Requirements (“New ISO Rules Section 502.5”) Date of Request for Comment [yyyy/mm/dd]: Period of Consultation [yyyy/mm/dd]: Comments From: 2011/12/06 2011/12/06 through 2012/01/31 Company Name Contact: Company Contact Phone: Contact Phone Number E-mail: Date [yyyy/mm/dd]: Listed below is the summary description of changes for the proposed new, removed or amended sections of the ISO Rules. Please refer back to the Letter of Notice under the “Attachments to Letter of Notice” section to view the actual proposed content changes to the ISO Rules. Please place your comments / reasons for position underneath (if any). 1. ISO Definitions (a) New There are no new ISO rules definitions associated with proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5 Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal Comment # 1: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) (b) Removals There are no ISO rules definitions removals associated with proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. Comment # 2: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) (c) Amendments There are no amendments to ISO rules definitions associated with proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. Comment # 3: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) 2. ISO Rules Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal Page 1 AESO Replies AESO Replies Public Information (a) New Comment # 4: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO’s existing Generator and Load Interconnection Standard (“Technical Standard”) was adopted in 2006. The Technical Standard has a 5 year term, and therefore needs to be reviewed and amended during the 2011-12 timeframe. However, the AESO is transitioning all of its technical requirements including the Technical Standard into new ISO rules, in accordance with the principles and procedures under the AESO’s Transition of Authoritative Documents (“TOAD”) project. The AESO has further determined that it would be most efficient and practical going forward to split the Technical Standard in to separate new load and generating unit technical ISO rules. The first stage of this initiative is to redraft and relocate the applicable generating unit provisions of the Technical Standard into Proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. The AESO is endeavoring to represent legally binding requirements and obligations in one of its three authoritative document domains, those being ISO rules, ISO tariff or the Alberta Reliability Standards. The proposed minimum technical requirements of a legally binding nature for existing, modified and new generating units have been set out in the proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. It should be noted that, as provisions have been redrafted and relocated in proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5, the AESO has not intended any essential changes to the policies currently reflected in the Technical Standard for generating units, with some specific and limited exceptions referred to below. The rationale for each of the subsections of proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5 is provided below. Subsection 1 – Applicability Comment # 5: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The applicability section of the Technical Standard did not clearly state which market participant subcategories were responsible for meeting the requirements. Subsection 1 clarifies that the requirements apply to legal owners of a generating unit including those in an industrial complex, but excludes wind aggregated generating facilities. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 2 Subsection 2 – Requirements – New Generating Unit Comment # 6: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 2 sets out, with clarity, the provisions that apply to a new generating unit. Subsection 3 – Requirements – Existing Generating Unit Comment # 7: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 3 sets out the provisions that apply to an existing generating unit, including clarifications as to what subsections of proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5 are not applicable. Subsection 4 – Functional Specification Comment # 8: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Consistent with current practice, subsection 4 enables the AESO to approve of and issue a functional specification for a generating unit project, which will set out technical details with regard to design, construction and operation of the generating unit connection project and any associated transmission system connection facilities. Consistent with technical requirements under other ISO rules, Subsection 4(2) allows for variances in a functional specification under certain conditions. Subsection 5 – Successor to Prior Requirements Comment # 9: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 5 clarifies that proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5 succeed the generating facilities provisions of the Technical Standard. Subsection 6 – Operating Voltage Requirements Comment # 10: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 6 requires the market participant to clearly state the voltages to which the generating unit will be designed at both the point of connection and the generator terminals. In Alberta, the voltage levels may vary considerably from the nominal voltage, therefore, having the legal owner clearly stating the values to be voltages at the point of connection and the generating unit terminals allows the AESO to fairly ensure the compliance of all legal owners with regard to: (a) The voltage ride-through requirements; (b) Voltage regulation; and Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 3 (c) The reactive power requirements of the generating unit. This subsection also makes the legal owner aware of the voltage range at that facility so that they may properly specify, design and purchase the appropriate equipment. Subsection 7 – Maximum Authorized Real Power Comment # 11: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 7 requires the participant to submit in writing the maximum value that the generating unit can ever be operated at, under ideal circumstances while meeting other requirements of proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. Many generating units can operate above nameplate values under the proper conditions, so to properly study the behaviour of the generating units in respect to the transmission system, this maximum value needs to be clearly stated. This value is also required to properly design the transmission system. Subsection 8 – Reactive Power Requirements for All Generating Units Comment # 12: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsections 8(4) through 8(6) allow the participant to apply for a reduction in the reactive power/power factor requirement in the under excited region of the reactive capability curve. The AESO is aware of the concerns that depending on the specific location of the generator unit, operating near the bottom of the D-curve may result in the unit becoming unstable. In the AESO’s opinion, it would be appropriate to reduce the reactive power requirement, if provided with technical back up to this concern. Subsection 9 – Additional Reactive Power Requirements for a Generating Unit with a Power Purchase Arrangement Comment # 13: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) This section requires the applicable participant to meet certain requirement in regards to reactive power obligations under normal and abnormal system conditions. Most of this section covers policies already in place by the AESO, however for clarity, these requirements have been incorporated into proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5 to allow participants to find all requirements to design, build, maintain and/or modify facilities under dedicated ISO rules. For background Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 4 information please refer to the document Application Guideline Generator Interconnection Requirements – Reactive Power available at: Of particular note, subsection 9(10) specifies the requirements that will be applicable to generating units that are currently the subject of a power purchase arrangement once that power purchase arrangement ends. Subsection 10 – Voltage Ride-Through Requirements Comment # 14: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) All generating unit must have the capability to support the transmission system during system disturbances. Therefore, each generating unit must have some capability for voltage ride through. The basic approach to the requirements for existing generating units has been carried over from the existing Technical. Subsection 10 allows new generating units to be able to ride through system disturbances that result in voltages as low as 0% and as high 120% for specified periods of time. This requirement has been amended to align with the direction that the industry is taking for new generating units. Please refer to FERC orders 661 and 693. Subsection 11 – Automatic Voltage Regulator Comment # 15: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 11 sets out the requirements for the automatic voltage regulator and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard. Subsection 12 – Frequency and Speed Governing Requirements Comment # 16: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 12 sets out the requirements for the governor systems and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard, with the one exception noted below. Subsection 12(4) contains the following: “If the frequency of the generating unit while connected to the transmission system remains greater than sixty one point seven (61.7) Hz or less than fifty- Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 5 seven (57) Hz for more than ten (10) minutes, then the generating unit must be immediately removed from service.” The AESO has discussed this requirement in work group sessions with generating unit owners and a consensus was reached that this is appropriate to include this in proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. It was, however, recommended that the AESO seek broader input in particular from distribution facility owners, industrial system owners, etc. Subsection 13 – Power System Stabilizer Comment # 17: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 13 sets out the requirements to install power system stabilizers and has been amended to add requirements that had previously existed in WECC policies, which the AESO has currently been enforcing. Subsection 14 – Transmission System Step-Up Transformer Comment # 18: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 14 sets out the requirements for the step-up transformer and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard. Section 15 – Auxiliary Systems Comment # 19: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 15 sets out the requirements for the critical auxiliary system to meet minimum standards so that multiple units will not go off line for single point of failure and that these auxiliaries must be considered when studying the voltage ride capability of the facility. The AESO has experienced issues with facilities where the generating unit may have been able to ride through disturbances but the critical auxiliary system caused the generating unit to trip or go offline. As well, Alberta Reliability Standard TPL-002-AB-0 System Performance Following Loss of a Single BES Element does not allow for cascading for the loss of a single bulk electric system element. Subsection 16 – Generating Unit Disconnection and Interrupting Devices Comment # 20: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 16 sets out the requirements for the generating unit breakers and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 6 Subsection 17 – Isolating Devices Comment # 21: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 17 sets out the requirements for the generating unit disconnect switch(es) and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard. Subsection 18 – Power Quality Comment # 22: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsections 18(6) and (7) amends and clarifies the requirements for generating units to not introduce excessive voltage unbalances on to the transmission system and how they are calculated. The previous requirement in the existing Technical Standard was to related voltage unbalance at distribution voltages. This new requirement is more appropriate for transmission systems. Subsection 19 – Grounding Comment # 23: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 19 sets out the requirements for the generating unit grounding and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard. Subsection 20 – Lightning and Other Surge Protection Comment # 24: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 20 sets out the requirements for the generating unit surge protection and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard. Subsection 21 – Synchrophasor Measurement System Comment # 25: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 21 requires new or existing units with an upgraded protection system to install a synchrophasor measurement system. The application of synchrophasor measurement systems on generating units will allow the AESO to better analyze the response of the generating units to system disturbances, which assist the AESO in developing mitigating requirements for the reliability of the transmission system. It will also allow the AESO to better monitor compliance to the ISO rules and requirements. The generating unit owners and operators will also be able to use this data to analyze the behaviour of the generating unit for the model revalidation Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 7 requirements and determine if the generating unit is operating as designed. Subsection 22 – Internal Sequence of Event Monitoring Comment # 26: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 22 adds additional requirements regarding what must be monitored within the generating unit. The additional requirements only apply to new or modified generating units. In the AESO’s opinion, in order to properly analyze the root cause of some system disturbances, greater detail is required from generating units in regards to their behaviour during these disturbances. Subsection 23 – Provision of Data and Modeling Information Comment # 27: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 23 deals with the provision of data for both new and modified generating units. This section was added so that the AESO can ensure it has the information required to properly model the behaviour of the generating unit in relation to the transmission, and to confirm that the generating unit is in compliance with sections of proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. Subsection 24 – Testing Intervals Comment # 28: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 24 sets out requirements to provide a model validation or reactive power verification report in terms of both format and timing. Subsection 25 – Reporting Comment # 29: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 25 sets out requirements to provide a model validation or reactive power verification report in terms of both format and timing. This subsection was added to clarify the reporting requirements to the market participants. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 8 Subsection 26 – Baseline Testing Comment # 30: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 26 sets out the requirements for the generating unit baseline testing and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard. Subsection 27 – Reactive Power Verification and Re-verification Testing Comment # 31: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 27 sets out the requirements to test that the reactive power requirements of proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5 have been met. Reactive power verification has been an existing WECC policy that the AESO has been enforcing. This subsection has been added to clarify the testing requirements to the participants. Subsection 28 – Model Revalidation Testing Comment # 32: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Subsection 28 sets out the requirements for the generating unit model revalidation testing and the basic approach has been carried over from the existing Technical Standard. The following reference sections in the existing Technical Standard that have not been included in proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5: Comment # 33: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Section 1.1 – Purpose This section was removed to align with the principals of the TOAD project. Section 1.3 – Definitions This section was removed to align with the principals of the TOAD project. Section 1.4 – Modifications This section was removed to align with the principals of the TOAD project. Section 1.5 – Requirement For Review Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 9 This section was removed to align with the principals of the TOAD project. Section 1.6 – Document Change History This section was removed to align with the principals of the TOAD project. Section 2.5 – Clearance and Access This section was removed as it referenced codes that do not fall under the jurisdiction of the AESO. Section 4.0 – Load Interconnection Requirements Proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5 does not include the requirements for load facilities. These facilities will be the subject of separate ISO rules and be consulted on separately as the requirements for generating facilities and load facilities are significantly different. (b) Removals No removal of ISO rules provisions are being proposed for proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. Comment # 34: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) (c) Amendment No amendments to ISO rules provision are being proposed for proposed New ISO Rules Section 502.5. Comment # 35: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) (d) Other (Stakeholders wishing to comment on specific provisions are requested to copy the provision into this area and provide comments) Comment # 36: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-12-06 Page 10