Uninsured Top Priority for Congress According to Health Care Opinion Leaders 1 "Which of the following health care issues should be the top priorities for Congress to address in the next five years?" 83% Expand coverage to the uninsured Increased use of IT to improve quality and safety of care 62% Enact reforms to moderate the rising costs of medical care for the nation 51% 44% Medicare reforms to ensure long-run solvency Medicare payment reform to reward performance on quality and efficiency 42% 30% Address racial/ethnic disparities in care Administrative simplification and standardization 29% Medicaid reforms to improve coverage 29% Address shortage of trained professionals (e.g. primary care physicians and nurses) 23% 22% Control rising cost of prescription drugs 17% Malpractice reform 14% Improve quality of nursing homes and LTC Improve incentives to purchase LTC insurance Control Medicaid costs 10% 6% Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, March 2006. THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 2 Transformation Is Possible "What you would see as both an achievable and a desirable target or goal for policy action for the next 10 years?" 100% Current Goal 77% 80% 55% 60% 40% 20% 18% 16% 16% 5% 0% Proportion of under-65 population that has no health insurance Total cost of health care as a percentage of GDP Portion of recommended care that patients receive Note: Goal percentages represent median responses. Source: Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, March 2006. THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Health Care Opinion Leaders: Views on Health Insurance and Expansion 3 "Which of the following should be top priorities for action?" Allow individuals and small businesses to buy into FEHBP or similar federal group option Require employers who don't provide coverage to contribute to a fund that would pay for such coverage 51% 46% 43% Let near-elderly adults buy into Medicare Provide federal matching funds for Medicaid/SCHIP coverage of everyone below 150% poverty 41% 38% Establish a single-payer insurance system Open up Medicare to those not coverage by an employer plan 35% Provide tax credits or other subsidies to low-wage workers to buy coverage Provide incentives or requirements to expand employer-based health insurance Individual mandate with tax credits for uninsured to buy individual market coverage 32% 32% 29% 22% Reinsurance for small business insurance plans 21% Eliminate 2-year waiting period for the disabled for Medicare 16% Promote tax-free health savings accounts Permit association health plans to provide coverage without state licensing 5% Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, March 2006. THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 4 Efficiency and Effectiveness Top Priorities for Action According to Health Care Opinion Leaders "Which of the following health care issues should be the top priorities for action?" Increased and more effective use of information technology 64% Reward providers who are more efficient and provide higher quality care Increased use of disease/care management strategies 61% 53% Use evidence-based guidelines to determine whether a test or procedure should be done Make information on comparative quality, costs available to public 47% 37% Reduce administrative costs of insurers and providers 33% Have all payers adopt common payment methods or rates 33% 25% Consolidate purchasing power by public and private insurers 23% Reduce inappropriate medical care and fraud Create national agency to set quality standards, practice guidelines 21% Encourage small employers to join larger purchasing pools 18% Malpractice reform 18% Legalize the importation of brand name prescription drugs Encourage competition among insurers and providers Require consumers to pay substantially higher share of health care costs 12% 11% 10% Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, March 2006. THE COMMONWEALTH FUND