Managing Award Modifications Desk Procedures Page 1 of 86

Managing Award Modifications
Desk Procedures
Page 1 of 86
Table of Contents
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Roles and Responsibilities Applicable to Business Process .......................................................................... 7
Financial Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................................. 8
Received Request for Award Modification ................................................................................................... 9
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................... 9
Generate Modification Request ........................................................................................................... 10
Modification Request Received ........................................................................................................... 10
Negotiate Award Note (Mod Request Received) added to A-Version of Contract ............................. 11
Review Modification Request (PRF or Add’l Information needed?) .................................................. 12
Negotiate Award Note (PRF Requested) added to A-Version of Contract ......................................... 13
Request PRF from Academic Unit ...................................................................................................... 14
Negotiate Award Note (Add Info) added to A-Version of Contract ................................................... 14
Request More Information ................................................................................................................... 15
Negotiate Award Note (Add Info) updated to A-Version of Contract ................................................ 15
PI Review and Terms Negotiations ............................................................................................................. 16
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 16
Review Modification Request for PI Review ...................................................................................... 17
Negotiate Award Note (To PI for Review/Approval) added to A-Version of Contract ...................... 17
Negotiate Award Note (To PI for Review/Approval) updated to record details ................................. 18
PI Approval or Issues Noted by SPA GA ............................................................................................ 18
Review Modification Request for Terms of Agreement Negotiations ................................................ 18
Negotiate Award Note (Mod Negotiation) added to A-Version of Contract....................................... 19
Communicate Negotiation Points to Sponsor ...................................................................................... 20
Negotiate Award Note (Awaiting Sponsor Action) added to record date and notes ........................... 20
Negotiate Award Note (Awaiting Sponsor Action) updated to record details .................................... 21
Negotiate Award Note (Mod Negotiation) added or updated to record details ................................... 21
Perform Compliance Review (if necessary) ................................................................................................ 22
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 22
Perform Compliance Review ............................................................................................................... 23
Communicate Compliance Issues to Dept ........................................................................................... 23
Negotiate Award Note (Compliance Check) added to record date and Action Items needed ............. 24
Record Compliance Review Information ............................................................................................ 25
Negotiate Award Note (Compliance Check) added to record date complete ...................................... 26
Institutional Approval Required? ......................................................................................................... 27
Institutional Review and Approval .............................................................................................................. 28
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 28
Negotiate Award Note (Inst. Appr) added to A-Version of Contract .................................................. 29
Submit for University Authorization ................................................................................................... 30
Review Modification Request.............................................................................................................. 30
Make Decision and Communicate Response for Modification Request ............................................. 30
Negotiate Award Note (Inst. Appr) updated to A-Version of Contract ............................................... 30
Request Approved by Institution? ....................................................................................................... 31
Sponsor Approval Required? ............................................................................................................... 31
Modification Request NOT approved by Institution ................................................................................... 32
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 32
Distribute Response to Academic Department .................................................................................... 32
Page 2 of 86
Send Physical File of Modification Request to Files ........................................................................... 32
Sponsor Review and Approval Required ..................................................................................................... 33
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 33
Negotiate Award Note (Awaiting Sponsor Action) added to A-Version of Contract ......................... 34
Submit for Sponsor Approval .............................................................................................................. 35
Provide/Submit Requested Information to Sponsor ............................................................................ 35
Negotiate Award Note (Awaiting Sponsor Action) updated to A-Version of Contract ...................... 35
Additional Changes Required to Award Modification? ...................................................................... 36
Award Modification Request Approved ...................................................................................................... 37
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 37
Negotiate Award Note (Contract Entry) added to A-Version of Contract .......................................... 38
Consolidate Physical File and Route to Contract Entry....................................................................... 38
Award Modifications Contract Entry........................................................................................................... 39
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 39
Run Management Report for Contract Entry ....................................................................................... 40
Retrieve Physical File Located in Contract Entry Area ....................................................................... 43
Negotiate Award Note (Contract Entry) added to record date and Name of Employee ...................... 43
Update Additional Info ‘Previous Award’ ........................................................................................... 44
Manually update A-Version status to Awarded (not generated) ......................................................... 47
Update Existing Award (Related Proposal) ......................................................................................... 48
Award Modification Recorded ............................................................................................................ 50
Award Modification: Program Income ............................................................................................... 51
Award Modification: Mod to Award Profile ...................................................................................... 51
Award Modification: Update Projects ................................................................................................ 51
Award Modification: Update (KK) Budget Controls and Status ........................................................ 52
Award Modification: Add New Projects ............................................................................................ 54
Award Modification: Update Contracts .............................................................................................. 54
Award Modification: SubAward Needed ........................................................................................... 54
Negotiate Award Note (Contract Entry) updated to A-Version of Contract ....................................... 55
Negotiate Award Note (NOGA Generation) ....................................................................................... 56
Adding New Projects to Existing Award ..................................................................................................... 57
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 57
Create New Project .............................................................................................................................. 58
Define Project Departmental Information ........................................................................................... 61
Assign Project Team ............................................................................................................................ 61
Assign Project Activity ........................................................................................................................ 61
Assign F&A Rate and Base ................................................................................................................. 62
Add Project to Existing Contract ......................................................................................................... 62
Update Contract Billing Limit ............................................................................................................. 63
Create New Project Budget Plan.......................................................................................................... 64
Create and Finalize New Project Budget and Update Commitment Control ...................................... 65
Assign Project Chartfield Attributes .................................................................................................... 65
Contract Amendments ................................................................................................................................. 66
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 66
Access the Contract Page to be Amended ........................................................................................... 67
Update Existing Contract ..................................................................................................................... 68
Create New Contract Amendment ....................................................................................................... 69
Process Multiple Amendments ............................................................................................................ 81
Page 3 of 86
Process Multiple Amendments ............................................................................................................ 81
NOGA Generation ....................................................................................................................................... 83
Roles Applicable to Sub Process ............................................................................................................. 83
Generate Notice of Award (NOGA) .................................................................................................... 84
File Modification Request and response or other documentation ....................................................... 85
Distribute NOGA to PI and Academic Unit ........................................................................................ 86
Negotiate Award Note (NOGA Generation) updated to A-Version of Contract................................. 86
Page 4 of 86
The Award Modifications process consists of both manual sub processes and sub processes
where data entry is completed in the Financial System. Financial System entry begins with the
Grants module and the updating of existing awards.
The Grants Module supports the key business processes that are associated with the
administration; management and reporting of sponsored research activities. It is not a
standalone application, as it leverages functionality from the Contracts, Project Costing, General
Ledger, Commitment Control and Billing modules to provide a fully integrated management
Grants Integration Overview
Illustrated below is a graphic of the Grants Financial System module integration.
Page 5 of 86
This document will walk the user through all of the sub-processes that are associated with the
Managing Award Modifications Business Process.
 Received Request for Award Modification
 PI Review and Terms Negotiations
 Perform Compliance Review
 Institutional Review and Approval
 Modification Request NOT approved by Institution
 Sponsor Review and Approval Required
 Award Modification Request Approved
 Award Modifications Contract Entry
 Adding New Projects to Existing Award
 Contract Amendments
 NOGA Generation
Documents Used
Approval Points
As Needed
Grants, Projects, and Contracts
Proposal or Modification Requests
Institutional and Sponsor Approval
Page 6 of 86
Roles and Responsibilities Applicable to Business Process
Received Request for Award Modification – Grant Administrator
PI Review and Terms Negotiations – Grant Administrator
Perform Compliance Review – Grant Administrator
Institutional Review and Approval – Grant Administrator and SPA Managers
Modification Request NOT approved by Institution – Grant Administrator
Sponsor Review and Approval Required – Grant Administrator
Award Modification Request Approved – Contract Entry
Award Modifications Contract Entry – Contract Entry
Adding New Projects to Existing Award – Contract Entry
Contract Amendments – Contract Entry
NOGA Generation – SPA Support Staff
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Financial Policies and Procedures
Page 8 of 86
Received Request for Award Modification
Requests for Modification can originate from a number of external and internal sources and take
a variety of forms (agency approval required, bilateral modification, unilateral modification from
the sponsor, University approved extension, administrative change only).
Examples of modification requests include: updating legislation and/or Federal Acquisition
Regulations (FAR) clauses, allotting incremental funding, noncompeting continuation awards,
increasing/decreasing the funded amount, changing the period of performance dates, lifting a
restriction, request for carry forward, change in PI, supplements, agency approved re-budgeting,
internal awards, correction to the terms, F&A rate or amount of an award.
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Central Administration/SPA Support Staff
Page 9 of 86
Generate Modification Request
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator may initiate and generate modification requests
on behalf of the University, which must be submitted to the Sponsor for approval.
Modification Request Received
Detailed description: Modification requests are received by the Grant Administrator. Award
modifications that do not require a proposal will utilize the A-Version of the original proposal to
track modifications.
Page 10 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (Mod Request Received) added to A-Version of
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of
“4ModA Mod Request Received” in the Financial System. The Negotiate Award Notes are
utilized to monitor and record the status of a negotiation.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModA Mod
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
Request Received
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 11 of 86
Review Modification Request (PRF or Add’l Information needed?)
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will perform an Initial review. A determination is
made whether the request requires a new proposal (PRF) or any additional information. If a
proposal is required the process will revert to the proposal processing business process. If
additional info is required a request will be made to the department.
Checking for the PRF ensures that a proposal exists in the Financial System, which can be
linked to an existing award.
Page 12 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (PRF Requested) added to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of
“4ModB PRF Requested” in the Financial System. This indicates that a request has been made
to the PI/Academic Department to complete a PRF Form for the modification. The Negotiate
Award Notes are utilized to monitor and record the status of a negotiation.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModB PRF
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 13 of 86
Request PRF from Academic Unit
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator requests (via email or telephone) from the
PI/Academic Unit, a completed PRF Form for the Award Modification.
Negotiate Award Note (Add Info) added to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of
“4ModC Add Info Requested” in the Financial System. This indicates that a request has been
made to the PI/Academic Department for additional information. The Negotiate Award Notes
are utilized to monitor and record the status of a negotiation.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModC Add Info
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 14 of 86
Request More Information
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator requests (via email or telephone) from the
PI/Academic Unit, more information regarding the Award Modification.
Negotiate Award Note (Add Info) updated to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will update the Negotiate Award Note “4ModC
Add Info Requested” once the additional information has been received. The Negotiate Status is
updated to “Completed Negotiation” and details are documented in the “Comments Box”.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Value and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
2. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton
Page 15 of 86
PI Review and Terms Negotiations
The Grant Administrator will facilitate the review and negotiation process with the Principal
Investigator and the Sponsor.
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Grant Administrator
Page 16 of 86
Review Modification Request for PI Review
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will review the Modification Request to
determine if the Principal Investigator Review is required.
Negotiate Award Note (To PI for Review/Approval) added to A-Version of
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of
“4ModD To PI for Review/Approval” in the Financial System. The Negotiate Award Notes are
utilized to monitor and record the status of a negotiation.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModD To PI for
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 17 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (To PI for Review/Approval) updated to record details
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will update the Negotiate Award Note “4ModD
To PI for Review/Approval” once the Principal Investigator has reviewed and approved the
Modification Request. The Negotiate Status is updated to “Completed Negotiation” and details
are documented in the “Comments Box”.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Value and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
2. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton
PI Approval or Issues Noted by SPA GA
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will document the Principal Investigator
Approval or Issues and will facilitate negotiations with the Sponsor.
Review Modification Request for Terms of Agreement Negotiations
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will review the Modification Request to
determine if Terms of Agreement need to be negotiated.
Page 18 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (Mod Negotiation) added to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of
“4ModE Mod Negotiation” in the Financial System. This denotes that the Modification Request
Terms of Agreement details are being negotiated. The Negotiate Award Notes are utilized to
monitor and record the status of a negotiation.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModE Mod
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 19 of 86
Communicate Negotiation Points to Sponsor
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will communicate to the Sponsor, the Terms of
Agreement negotiation points of the Modification Request via email or telephone.
Negotiate Award Note (Awaiting Sponsor Action) added to record date and
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of “4Modl
Awaiting Sponsor Action” in the Financial System. This indicates that the action item has been
sent to the Sponsor. The Negotiate Award Notes are utilized to monitor and record the status of
a negotiation.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4Modl Awaiting
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
Sponsor Action
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
1. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
2. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 20 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (Awaiting Sponsor Action) updated to record details
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will update the Negotiate Award Note “4Modl
Awaiting Sponsor Action” once the Sponsor Action Item is complete. The Negotiate Status is
updated to “Completed Negotiation” and details are documented in the “Comments Box”.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Value and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
2. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton
Negotiate Award Note (Mod Negotiation) added or updated to record details
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will update the Negotiate Award Note “4ModE
Mod Negotiation” once all the negotiation points have been resolved. The Negotiate Status is
updated to “Completed Negotiation” and details are documented in the “Comments Box”.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Value and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
2. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton
Page 21 of 86
Perform Compliance Review (if necessary)
The Grant Administrator (GA) will manually review the RCR, REPA, and RSPP databases for
compliance issues. An email notification will be sent (by the GA) to the PI and compliance
offices if issues are found. Issues will vary on a case-by-case basis and may include but are not
limited to:
Human Subject Training
Animal Subject Approval
Conflict of Interest
IBC (Bio Safety)
The Academic Department must communicate to SPA that the compliance issues have been
resolved. This may be communicated via phone or email. These various checks take place at
different times during the processing of the modification.
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Grant Administrator
Page 22 of 86
Perform Compliance Review
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will manually review the RCR, REPA, and
RSPP databases for compliance issues. Per Compliance review results continue as follows:
Pass Compliance Check; continue to step “Record Compliance Review Information”.
DOES NOT PASS Compliance Check; continue to next step.
Communicate Compliance Issues to Dept
Detailed description: After review of the RCR, REPA, and RSPP databases, the Grant
Administrator will email or call the Academic Department with any Compliance Issues found and
to request that Compliance Action Items be completed.
Page 23 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (Compliance Check) added to record date and Action
Items needed
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of
“4ModF Compliance Check” in the Financial System. The Negotiate Award Notes are utilized to
monitor and record the status of negotiations.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModF Compliance This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 24 of 86
Record Compliance Review Information
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will update the Financial System Certification
Tab of the Award Profile Page (A-Version of original Award) with the review information
gathered from the RCR, REPA, and RSPP databases and any updates from the PI/Academic
Department. The Certification Tab has the certification information by Project ID. It may be
necessary to update multiple Project IDs.
Navigation: Grants > Awards > Award Profile
Use the Award Profile search page to access the Award Profile Page; then click on the
Certifications Tab
Certifications Page
Click “View All” to
view all
Use (+) plus sign to add
multiple Certifications
Field Values and Descriptions for the Certifications Page
Values Entered
**Certification Valid Certification
The field is the value assigned to the certification. Use
from lookup
the lookup to select the appropriate code for the
certification information row. This field is required when
adding certification information.
Enter Date
The date the Certification was issued.
Enter valid status
This field is displays the status of the certification. Valid
values are N/A, Pending, No and Yes.
Certified By
Name of Person
This field is the name of the person who certified that the
Certified By
certification was completed.
Approval Date Enter Date
This date the certification was approved.
Enter Date
This date the certification expires.
Page 25 of 86
Assurance Number This field is to document the Assurance Number
(enter if applicable) associated with the Certification.
Exemption Number This field is to document the Exemption Number
(enter if applicable) associated with the Certification.
**If there are multiple Projects, complete the Certification Page for the Project/Projects that the
certification is applicable too.
1. Click the “View All” on the Project header section to view all Projects.
2. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Negotiate Award Note (Compliance Check) added to record date complete
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will update the Negotiate Award Note “4ModF
Compliance Check” once the PI has completed all Action Items related to certifications needed
per the Award. The Negotiate Status is updated to “Completed Negotiation” and details are
documented in the “Comments Box”.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
2. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton
Page 26 of 86
Institutional Approval Required?
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will determine if Institutional Approval is
required. Continue as follows:
If Institutional Approval is NOT required; continue to step “Sponsor Review and
Approval Required”.
If Institutional Approval is required; continue to next step.
Page 27 of 86
Institutional Review and Approval
The Grant Administrator (GA) facilitates the approval process (University and Sponsor). Once
the approval has been attained the request and file is prepared for the contract entry personnel
to update in the Financial System.
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Grant Administrator
Page 28 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (Inst. Appr) added to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of
“4ModH Inst Appr Request” in the Financial System. The Negotiate Award Notes are utilized to
monitor and record the status of negotiations.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModH Inst Appr
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 29 of 86
Submit for University Authorization
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will submit the Modification Request to the
Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) Managers for review and approval.
Review Modification Request
Detailed description: The SPA Managers will review the Modification Request for approval.
Make Decision and Communicate Response for Modification Request
Detailed description: The SPA Managers will communicate their responses for the
Modification Request to the Grant Administrator. The Grant Administrator will update the
Negotiate Award Note (Inst. Appr.).
Negotiate Award Note (Inst. Appr) updated to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will update the Negotiate Award Note “4ModH
Inst Appr Request” with the details of the Institutional Review and Approval process. The
Negotiate Status is updated to “Completed Negotiation” and details are documented in the
“Comments Box”.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
2. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton
Page 30 of 86
Request Approved by Institution?
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will review the Modification Request for
Institutional Approval.
If the Modification Request has been denied per Institutional Approval, refer to the
“Modification Request NOT approved by Institution” sub process.
 If the Modification Request has been approved, continue to next step.
Sponsor Approval Required?
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will determine if Sponsor Approval is
required. Continue as follows:
If Sponsor Approval is NOT required; continue to step “Award Modification Request
If Sponsor Approval is required; continue to “Sponsor Review and Approval Required”.
Page 31 of 86
Modification Request NOT approved by Institution
If the Modification Request DOES NOT receive an Institutional Approval, the response is
communicated to the Academic Unit and the Modification Request file is sent to file area.
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Grant Administrator
Distribute Response to Academic Department
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will communicate a response to the Academic
Department that the Modification Request has been denied.
Send Physical File of Modification Request to Files
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will send the Modification Request to the
Files area.
Page 32 of 86
Sponsor Review and Approval Required
The Grant Administrator will update a Negotiate Award Note and submit the Modification
Request to the Sponsor for review and approval.
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Grant Administrator
Page 33 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (Awaiting Sponsor Action) added to A-Version of
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of “4Modl
Awaiting Sponsor Action” in the Financial System. The Negotiate Award Notes are utilized to
monitor and record the status of negotiations.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4Modl Awaiting
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
Sponsor Action
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 34 of 86
Submit for Sponsor Approval
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will submit the Modification Request to the
Sponsor for review and approval.
Provide/Submit Requested Information to Sponsor
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will gather and submit the requested information
to the Sponsor regarding the Modification.
Negotiate Award Note (Awaiting Sponsor Action) updated to A-Version of
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will update the Negotiate Award Note “4Modl
Awaiting Sponsor Action” once the Sponsor has completed all action items. The Negotiate
Status is updated to “Completed Negotiation” and details are documented in the “Comments
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
2. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton
Page 35 of 86
Additional Changes Required to Award Modification?
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator will review for additional changes needed for
the Modification request.
If the Modification Request requires additional changes, revert back to the “PI Review
and Terms Negotiations” sub process.
If the Modification Request DOES NOT requires any additional change, refer to the
“Award Modification Request Approved” sub process.
Page 36 of 86
Award Modification Request Approved
After all review and approvals are complete for the Modification Request, the Grant
Administrator will add a Negotiate Award Note and place the Modification Request physical file
in the Contract Entry Area.
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Grant Administrator
Page 37 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (Contract Entry) added to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) will add a Negotiate Award Note of
“4ModJ Mod Contract Entry” in the Financial System. This indicates that the Modification
Request has moved on to Contract Entry. The Negotiate Award Notes are utilized to monitor
and record the status of negotiations.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModJ Mod
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
Contract Entry
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note (if applicable).
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Consolidate Physical File and Route to Contract Entry
Detailed description: The Grant Administrator (GA) places the Modification Request physical
file in the Contract Entry Area.
Page 38 of 86
Award Modifications Contract Entry
During this sub process, the Contract Entry role will run the Management Report for Contract
Entry, retrieve the Modifications Physical File from the Contract Entry area and enter
modification changes into the Financial System.
First half of the Award Modification Contract Entry Sub Process
Steps from
Award Set Up
Second half of the Award Modification Contract Entry Sub Process
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
And add
Award NOGA
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Contract Entry
Page 39 of 86
Run Management Report for Contract Entry
Detailed description: The Contract Management Report will be used by the Contract Entry
role to select an Award to prepare for Award Generation, the Modify Award Process or
Proposal Withdrawal. This document will address the Modify Award Process.
Note: The report will be initiated by the end user via a custom run control page.
The Contract Entry Management Report will be used to monitor and manage Contract Entry
workload and processing. Report scope will be awarded Proposals in process and under
modification, with advance spending as well as all Proposals in withdrawal. Data reported will
include key Proposal and Award fields as well as Negotiation Details (Grants > Awards >
Negotiate Award). The report will include two calculated values - Proposal Status Age (days)
and Note Status Age (days).
1. Navigate to the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports Run Control Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Interactive Reports > UM Proposal & Award Tracking
Field Values and Description for the Contract Entry Management Run Control Page
Values Changed
Business Unit
This field is the Business Unit value for Sponsored
Grants. This field is required as part of the Run Control.
The U of M Sponsored Business Unit is “UMSPR”.
Contract Entry
The proposal summary radial button determines the
Report Option for the Run Control.
Select Name
This field is the Grant Administrator; this field is
required if no other parameters are entered.
1. Enter the Run Control values then click the “Run” pushbutton. The Process Scheduler
Request page will appear. Make sure the process is checked then click “OK”. Monitor
the process via the Process Monitor hyperlink.
2. Once the Report Process has completed, retrieve the Report from Report Manager and
Page 40 of 86
Example: Contract Entry Management Report Results
Page 41 of 86
Example: Contract Entry Management Report Results Continued
Page 42 of 86
Retrieve Physical File Located in Contract Entry Area
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will retrieve the Physical file of the approved
Modification from the Contract Entry Area.
Negotiate Award Note (Contract Entry) added to record date and Name of
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will search for the Modification (A-Version of
Original or Proposal) in the Financial System and add Negotiate Award Note “4ModJ Mod
Contract Entry”. The Contract Entry role will enter their name as the person completing contract
entry. The Negotiate Award Notes are utilized to monitor and record the status of negotiations.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModJ Mod
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
Contract Entry
being worked for the Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note.
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 43 of 86
Update Additional Info ‘Previous Award’
Detailed description: For an Awarded Proposal that is a modification to an existing Award, the
Contract Entry role will update the “Additional Information” link on the Maintain Proposal Page
(of the Award/Proposal Modification) to reference the previous award.
Navigation: Grants > Proposals > Maintain Proposal
Use the Maintain Proposal search page to access the Maintain Proposal Page
Maintain Proposal Page
1. Select the “Additional Information” link on the Maintain Proposal Page. This will open the
Additional Information Page.
Page 44 of 86
Additional Information Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Additional Information Page
Values Entered
Previous Award
The Additional Information Type value will define the
additional information being entered.
Enter as needed
The Comments Box allows for more details to be
entered regarding the “additional information” type.
Additional Details Select to add
The additional details icon will open the “Previous
previous award
Award” page to cross reference the previous award
with this awarded proposal modification.
2. Select the “Additional Details” Icon on the Additional Information Page. This will open the
Previous Award Page.
Previous Award Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Previous Award Page
Values Entered
Business Unit
This field is the Business Unit value for Sponsored
Grants. This field is required. The U of M Sponsored
Business Unit is “UMSPR”.
Previous Award Select from Look Up The field is for the Previous Award number.
Renewal in
Select if applicable
This checkbox indicates that a renewal is in progress.
Page 45 of 86
Accomplishment Select if applicable
Based Renewal
This checkbox indicates that the renewal is based on
an accomplishment.
3. Once the values have been entered on the Previous Award page, click OK. This will
return you to the Additional Information Page.
4. Once at the Additional Information Page, select the “Return to Maintain Proposal” link.
5. At the Maintain Proposal Page, click “Save”.
Page 46 of 86
Manually update A-Version status to Awarded (not generated)
Detailed description: For an Awarded Proposal that is a modification to an existing Award, the
Proposal Status on the A-Version Proposal modification must be changed manually to
Important Note: Awarded Proposals that are modifications will not be processed thru
“Generate Award”. The existing Award will be updated with these modifications during the
“Modify Award” Business Process.
Navigation: Grants > Proposals > Maintain Proposal
Use the Maintain Proposal search page to access the Maintain Proposal Page (For the
Awarded/Proposal modification)
Maintain Proposal Page
Field Value and Description for the Proposal Status on the Maintain Proposal Page
Values Entered
Proposal Status
The proposal status displays the current processing status of
the Proposal/Award. This field is a required field on the
Maintain Proposal Page.
1. Once the Proposal Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 47 of 86
Update Existing Award (Related Proposal)
Detailed description: For an Awarded Proposal that is a modification to an existing Award, the
Contract Entry role will update the “Additional Information” link on the Award Profile Page of the
Existing Award to reference the Awarded Proposal modification.
Navigation: Grants > Awards > Award Profile
Use the Award Profile search page to access the Award Profile Page (For the existing Award)
Award Profile Page
1. Select the “Additional Information” link on the Award Profile Page. This will open the
Additional Information Page.
Additional Information Page
Page 48 of 86
Field Values and Descriptions for the Additional Information Page
Values Entered
Related Proposals
The Additional Information Type value will define the
additional information being entered.
Enter as needed
The Comments Box allows for more details to be
entered regarding the “additional information” type.
Additional Details Select to add
The additional details icon will open the “Related
Related Proposal
Proposals” page to cross reference the award
modification with this existing award.
2. Select the “Additional Details” Icon on the Additional Information Page. This will open the
Related Proposals Page.
Related Proposals Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Related Proposal Page
Values Entered
Select UMSPR
This field is the Proposal Business Unit value for
Business Unit
Sponsored Grants. This field is required. The U of M
Sponsored Business Unit is “UMSPR”.
Select from Look Up The field is for the Proposal ID number of the Award
Proposal ID
Modification Proposal.
Version ID
Select A101
This is the version of the Award Modification Proposal.
3. Once the values have been entered on the Related Proposal page, click OK. This will
return you to the Additional Information Page.
4. Once at the Additional Information Page, select the “Return to Award Profile” link.
5. At the Award Profile Page, click “Save”.
Page 49 of 86
Award Modification Recorded
Detailed description: Each Modification Request will need to have an “Award Modification”
recorded. The Contract Entry role will complete an “Award Modification” entry on the Award
Profile of the original Award.
1. Navigate to the Award Profile Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Award Profile
2. Select the “Award Modifications” hyperlink
3. Click on the Period
Icon to access the “Award Modifications for Period” page.
Award Modifications for Period Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Award Modifications for Period Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The system assigned sequential number value for
“+” additional mod) the Award Modification. As each modification is
added the “next” number is assigned.
Modification Type
Select Type
This field defines the type of modification. This is a
required field.
Reference Award
Enter Sponsor
This field is the Sponsor Award Modification
Award number
assign to
modification (if
Issue Date
Enter Date
This is the Date the Modification was issued.
Modification Issued
Begin Date
Enter Start Date
This is the Start Date of the Modification. This is a
required field.
End Date
Enter End Date
This is the End Date of the Modification. This is a
required field.
Enter Amount
This is an Amount field representing the
Modification (if Applicable). Note: This Amount
value should be in sync with the Funding Awarded
Page 50 of 86
Enter Comments
as needed
This is a Comments box to add any additional
information regarding Modification.
Push Button
4. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” push button.
5. Refer to each specific Modification Request to complete entry.
Award Modification: Program Income
Detailed description: See the “Managing Program Income” Business Process Desk
Procedures. This document shows all steps related completing Program Income entry, including
the “Award Modification” entry.
Award Modification: Mod to Award Profile
Detailed description: Refer to “Managing Awards: Maintain Award Profile” Business Process
Desk Procedures to complete updates to the Award Profile.
Award Modification: Update Projects
Detailed description: Refer to “Managing Awards: Maintain Projects & Activities” Business
Process Desk Procedures to complete updates to the Projects and Activities.
Page 51 of 86
Award Modification: Update (KK) Budget Controls and Status
Detailed description: It may be necessary at times to restrict budget controls within
Commitment Control. The Contract Entry role will update the Commitment Control Budget
Controls and Status per the spending restrictions modification.
1. Navigate to the Budget Definitions Page for desired Ledger Group (KK_CHILD or
Navigational Path: Commitment Control > Define Control Budgets > Budget
2. Select the “Control Chartfield” hyperlink
3. Click on the
pushbutton to access “Correct History” mode.
4. Search for the Project; use “Find” option on the header of the Chartfield Values section.
Control Chartfield Page of Budget Definitions
Field Values and Descriptions for the Budget Definitions Control Chartfield Page
Values Entered
Range From and
Project number
This field is the Project Number.
Range To
(use “Find” to
locate Project)
Control Option
Enter as necessary This field sets the control for the project spending:
for each Ledger
KK_Child Ledger is at Budget Item Level per Project
KK_Parent Ledger is at Project Level
Page 52 of 86
Control: Strictly control transactions against budgeted
amounts. Error exceptions are logged when
transactions exceed the budgeted amount.
Tracking with Budget: Track transaction amounts
against a budget, but do not issue error exceptions
unless there is no corresponding budget row. Pass if
budget row exists, even for a zero amount, but issue
warnings when transactions exceed the budgeted
Track without Budget: Track transactions even if
there is no budget setup. If a budget row does exist,
warnings will be logged when transactions exceed the
budgeted amount. If no budget row exists, no warning
is issued.
No warnings are issued for commitment control detail
tracking ledger groups with the control option track
without budget.
Control Initial Document: Control expenditures
against the initial document only. Transactions are
stopped and error messages issued only if budget
constraints are exceeded when the initial document is
processed. Transactions that pass budget checking on
the initial document, such as a purchase requisition,
are automatically passed on all subsequent
documents, such as a purchase order or payment
voucher, even if budget constraints are exceeded
when they are processed.
Begin Date
Edit as necessary
End Date
Edit as necessary
Indicates whether the budget is Open, Closed, or on
Open: The budget can still accept transactions.
Closed: The budget is closed to transactions.
You cannot enter budget journals, and the Budget
Processor fails all transactions that impact the budget.
Hold: The budget is on hold.
The Budget Processor fails any transaction that
reduces the available balance, but you can enter and
post budget journals.
This is the Begin Date of the Project and should be in
sync with the Project Start Date in Projects.
This is the End Date of the Project and should be in
sync with the Project End Date in Projects.
5. Once the row for the specified Project is found, update the Project, as necessary.
6. Once entry is complete, click the “Save” push button.
Page 53 of 86
Award Modification: Add New Projects
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will make an “Award Modification” entry on the
Award Profile of the original Award. Refer to the “Adding New Projects to Existing Award” sub
process in this document to complete entry.
Award Modification: Update Contracts
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will make an “Award Modification” entry on the
Award Profile of the original Award. Refer to the “Contract Amendment” sub process in this
document to complete entry.
Award Modification: SubAward Needed
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will update the Resources Tab on the Award
Profile and add the Subrecipient information; Refer to “Managing Awards: Maintain Award
Profile” Business Process Desk Procedures to complete updates to the Award Profile.
Also to establish the Purchase Order for the Subrecipient; Refer to the “Managing Subrecipients:
Establishing Subrecipients” Business Process Desk Procedures to complete Purchase Order
Page 54 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (Contract Entry) updated to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will update the Negotiate Award Note “4ModJ
Mod Contract Entry” once Contract Entry is complete. The Negotiate Status is updated to
“Completed Negotiation” and details are documented in the “Comments Box”.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
1. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton
Page 55 of 86
Negotiate Award Note (NOGA Generation)
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will add a Negotiate Award Note of “4ModK
NOGA Generation” in the Financial System. This note indicates that the Modification has been
entered into the Financial System and the NOGA can be generated and distributed.
The Negotiate Award Notes are utilized to monitor and record the status of negotiations.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Descriptions for the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Defaults (with each The Sequential Number value of the Negotiate Award
“+” additional note) Note. As each note is added the “next” number is
assigned to the note.
Event Date
Current Date
Date the Negotiate Award Note was added.
Negotiation Type 4ModK NOGA
This field is the specific type of negotiation that is
being worked for Award. Provides a status of what
negotiation type (Action Item) is being processed
within the “Award Set Up” Business Process.
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Document the
This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
Action Item needed complete the negotiation. Add detailed comments
and details
regarding the Action Item. NOTE: These Comments
will appear on the Proposal & Award Tracking Reports.
Name of Contact
This field is for the name of the person that was given
for Negotiation
the “Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Job Title
Job Title of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
Phone Number
Telephone number of the person that was given the
“Action Item” to complete the negotiation.
Fax Number
Fax number of the person that was given the “Action
Item” to complete the negotiation.
Email ID
Email Address
Email ID of the person that was given the “Action Item”
to complete the negotiation.
2. Click the “+” plus button to add a new Negotiate Award Note.
3. Once all values have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 56 of 86
Adding New Projects to Existing Award
The current Financial System projects can be updated and/or new projects can be created. If a
new project is required, the preparer must also determine if a new award is also needed. An
example of each scenario is provided below:
Create new projects when the supplemental funding is restricted.
Create new award and project when the modification results in a new task order under
a Master Agreement.
This sub process will document adding a new project to an existing Award.
First half of the Adding a New Project to Existing Award Process
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Second half of the Adding a New Project to Existing Award Process
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Contract Entry
Page 57 of 86
Create New Project
Detailed description: To create a new project on an existing Award/Contract, it is necessary to
start in the Contracts module.
Important Note: During this step the Project Activity will also be created. The new
Project can not be saved without a Project Activity.
1. Navigate to the Contracts Header Page –
Navigational Path: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General
2. Use the Search Page to search for Contract
3. Select the “Lines” Tab
4. Select the “Detail” Tab in the Contract Lines section.
5. Select the “Contract Terms” hyperlink.
6. Click the “Create Project” pushbutton.
Create Project General Information Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Create Project General Information Page
Values Entered
Business Unit
This field is the Business Unit value for Sponsored
Grants. This field is required. The U of M
Sponsored Business Unit is “UMSPR”.
Defaults to “Next”
The “NEXT” sequential number value for Project ID
will be assigned. As each Project is added, the
“next” available number is assigned to that Project.
Select “Blank
This field is used to specify whether a Template or a
Blank Project should be used to create the Project.
Always use “Blank Project”
7. Click the “Add” pushbutton.
Page 58 of 86
Project General Information Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Project General Information Page
Values Entered
Enter Project
This field is for the Project Description or Title.
Start Date
End Date
Enter Date
Enter Date
This field is the Project Costing Integration
Template. UofM Standard is “PCINT”
This field is the Start Date of the Project.
This field is the End Date of the Project.
8. Once data has been entered click the “OK” pushbutton.
Page 59 of 86
Related Projects Page
9. Select the newly added Project radial.
10. Select the “Create Activity” pushbutton. (This will open the Project Activities page and
default in the Activity value of “1”)
Create Activity Page
11. Click the “OK” pushbutton. (Will be returned to the Relate Projects page)
12. Click the “Save” pushbutton at the Related Projects page.
Page 60 of 86
Define Project Departmental Information
Detailed description: During this step, select the institution ID, subdivision, department, and
contact ID for the project's primary department. Use the Department Info group box at the
bottom of the page to maintain F&A distribution information such as the department, subdivision,
and percentage pledged of the project F&A costs that should be distributed to each department.
The F&A process uses the departments in this group box to retrieve revenue offset ChartField
information from the F&A Offset page.
The Contract Entry role will update this Project departmental Information for the newly added
Project; See “Managing Awards: Maintain Projects & Activities” Desk Procedures to complete
Assign Project Team
Detailed description: Use the Project Team page to add project team members and their
project roles and schedules; add and remove project team members by using job codes, and
add and remove individual project team members. The Project Manager will also be assigned
during this step.
The Contract Entry role will assign this Project Team information for the newly added Project;
See “Managing Awards: Maintain Projects & Activities” Desk Procedures to complete entry.
Assign Project Activity
Detailed description: All project-related transactions are captured at the activity level. These
transactions provide the basis for project reporting, analysis, billing, and asset capitalization.
Therefore, at least one activity is required for use on any given project. The University will use
one standard Activity ID value, “1”, for all projects.
The Contract Entry role will verify that the Project Activity has been established (during Create
New Project step) and verify the Project Activity dates; See “Managing Awards: Maintain
Projects & Activities” Desk Procedures to complete verification.
Page 61 of 86
Assign F&A Rate and Base
Detailed description: In post-award processing, the award F&A rate and bases are stored at
the project activity level. This enables a single award to apply multiple rates and/or bases as
When creating new projects for an existing award, the user must assign the F&A rate and base
to use for the project. The effective dates and rates appear by default based on the rate type
that the user selects.
The Contract Entry role will established the F&A Rate and Base for the new Project; See
“Managing Awards: Maintain Projects & Activities” Desk Procedures to complete entry.
Add Project to Existing Contract
Detailed description: Use “Related Projects” to associate the new project with an existing
contract line. In doing so, the project will also be included in the corresponding Award Profile,
making it eligible for award-level updates within Grants. This association has already been
achieved during the “Create a New Project” step.
Note. Multiple projects can be added to a rate-based contract line. However, fixed-amount
contract lines can have only a single project.
The Contract Entry role will verify that the Project has been assigned to a Contract Line per the
“Create a New Project” step; See “Managing Awards: Maintain Contracts – Set up Billing Event
(step)” Desk Procedures to complete verification.
Page 62 of 86
Update Contract Billing Limit
Detailed description: For any modification to the funding, whether a supplement, next
increment, or reduction of funding, the Contract’s billing limit will need to be adjusted to match
the approved funded amount.
If the new project introduces a change in the overall funding for the award, the contract billing
limit will need to be updated accordingly. The contract billing limit must match the approved
funding amount for the given budget period, otherwise the system will allow an overdraw or over
bill situation. NOTE: Billing Limit changes require a contract amendment.
If the new project is not changing the overall funding for the award, the new project budget is
being taken from the funds currently budgeted for existing projects; See “Managing Awards:
Maintain Projects & Activities” Desk Procedures to complete entry.
The Contract Entry role will update the Contract Billing Limit for the Contract Line with the
associated new Project; See “Contract Amendments” sub process within this document to
complete entry.
Page 63 of 86
Create New Project Budget Plan
Detailed description: The award generation process creates budget plans (header) for
sponsored projects that are associated with the proposal. Therefore, when adding new projects
to an existing award, the user must manually define the budget periods (i.e. dates), using the
Funding tab of the Award Profile; doing this automatically creates the project budget plans.
The Contract Entry role will update these dates for the new Project on the Award Profile Page.
1. Navigate to the Award Profile Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Award Profile
2. Use the Search Page to search for Award
3. Click the “Funding” Tab
Award Profile - Funding Tab
Click “View All” to
view all projects for
the Award
New Project – Note:
that the Start and End
Dates need to be
Field Values and Descriptions for the Funding Page
Values Entered
Start Date
Enter Date
This field is the Start Date of the Project.
End Date
Enter Date
This field is the End Date of the Project.
4. Once dates have been entered, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 64 of 86
Create and Finalize New Project Budget and Update Commitment Control
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will create the detail budget rows for the each
budget period for the new project. Once the budget has been defined, the user invokes the
budget finalization process to send the budget transactions to PROJ_RESOURCE and
Commitment Control. The new Project will then have a Project row in the Control Chartfield page
in Commitment Control (KK). This Project row will need to be updated in KK to reflect the
Control Option, Status, Start Date and End Date.
To create and finalize the new Project Budget and Update Commitment Control; See “Managing
Awards: Maintain Projects & Activities (Update Project Budget, Finalize Project Budget and
Update KK Budget Definitions for Project”) Desk Procedures to complete entry.
Assign Project Chartfield Attributes
Detailed description: The University is capturing the Function Code as an attribute of the
Project and Program chartfields. Therefore, as new sponsored Project IDs are created, the
Contract Entry role also navigate to the Design Chartfields page for Projects and assign the
appropriate Function Codes as an attribute of the Project chartfield.
NOTE: The Contract Entry role will only have access to update data for the Project chartfield.
Financial System security will be used to ensure that that they will not have access to any of the
other chartfields, as Accounting Services is responsible for chartfield maintenance.
The Contract Entry role will add the Chartfield Attribute (Function) and Attribute value to the new
Project ID; See “Managing Awards: Maintain Projects & Activities (Assign Project Chartfield
Attributes)” Desk Procedures to complete entry.
Page 65 of 86
Contract Amendments
A contract amendment is any change made to an active contract where the user is altering the
fundamental obligations and entitlements of the contract; that is, the user is changing or adding
to the contract values that were specified in the Contract Entry component or on the Related
Project page. Users make amendments to a contract by using the Amendment Processing
The edits that a user can make through Amendment Processing include activating pending
contract lines, cancelling active contract lines, changing amounts on active contract lines, adding
new contract lines, specifying new early out options, and so forth. Use the Amendment Details
page to make changes to the contract’s negotiated amount.
Other contract-related modifications (i.e. billing/reporting events, new forms, etc.) will require
changes to the Bill and or Report Plan as appropriate. These changes do not require contract
Portion of Business Process
Flow covered in this section
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
Contract Entry
Page 66 of 86
Access the Contract Page to be Amended
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role will access the Contract page that requires
updates. Continue as follows:
If the modification requires a Contract Amendment, go to “Create New Contract
Amendment” step within this document.
If the modifications DOES NOT require a Contract Amendment; continue with
“Updating Existing Contract”.
Page 67 of 86
Update Existing Contract
Detailed description: A Modification Requests that would not require a Contract Amendment is
a “No Cost Extension”.
The Contract Entry role will update the Contract Line Date fields for the modification; See
“Managing Awards: Maintain Contracts" Desk Procedures to complete entry.
Page 68 of 86
Create New Contract Amendment
Detailed description: A contract amendment is any change made to an active contract where
the user is altering the fundamental obligations and entitlements of the contract; that is, the user
is changing or adding to the contract values that were specified in the Contract Entry component
or on the Related Project page.
Once a contract is active, the user can create a new amendment or retrieve an existing pending
amendment for additional editing by clicking the Amend Contract button on any page within the
Contract Entry component or Related Projects page. By clicking the Amend Contract button, the
user accesses the Amendments page. If a pending amendment exists, the user’s changes are
added to it. If there is no existing pending amendment, the system creates a new amendment.
Steps included are:
Amend the Contract - Once the amendment has been created, the user navigates back
to the page that needs to be updated. For example, to increase the contract billing limit,
the user would navigate back to the Related Projects page. Now that the amendment is
open, the billing limit field is editable. The user enters the new billing limit and saves the
page. When you save contract amendments, the system saves the new data in separate
amendment tables and assigns the amendment an amendment number. The amount
fields are updated with any changes that you make to the amended amount on the
Amendment Amount Allocation page.
Set the Amendment Status to Ready – This will allow the Contract Amendment to be
picked up for processing. After entering the amendment data, the user must set the
status of the amendment to ready. If the amendment’s process date is less than or equal
to the amendment processing run date, the amendment is eligible to be applied by the
Amendment Processing engine.
Processing the Amendment - The user can process an individual amendment by
clicking the Process Amendment button on the Amendment Details page, or the user can
process multiple amendments through the Amendment Processing page. When an
amendment is processed, the system sets the amendments status to completed, and the
values that the user specified for that amendment become the current active contract
The Contract Entry role will update the Contract using a new contract amendment for either a
Rate Based Contract or an Amount Based Contract – See below:
Page 69 of 86
Rate Based Contract Amendment:
1. Navigate to the Contracts Header General Information Page –
Navigational Path: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General
Information – use Search page to the access Contract
2. Then navigate to the Contract Terms Page by clicking on the “Lines” tab, then the
“Details” tab in the Contract Lines section, and then select the “Contract Terms”
Related Projects Page
3. Select the Amend Contract
pushbutton (this will take you to the
Contract Amendment page).
4. Click on the “Related Projects” tab to navigate back to the contract terms page and
the Billing Limit amount field will be open. Increase the amount of the Billing Limit.
5. Navigate back to the Contract Amendment Page by clicking on the “Contract
Amendment” tab.
6. Complete the Contract Amendment page; see below:
Page 70 of 86
Contract Amendment Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Amendment Page
Values Entered
Defaults (display
Displays an amendment number. Upon the initial
entry of a new amendment, the system
automatically assigns the amendment a value.
Amendment Type
Select Type
Displays an amendment type, which is a high-level
category of amendments.
Select Reason
Displays an amendment reason, which provides
viewers with a quick reference as to why an
amendment was initiated.
Processing Date
Defaults Current
Displays the date on which the amendment is
eligible for processing.
Amendment Status
Defaults (display
Displays the Amendment's processing status;
available values are: Pending, Ready, Completed
and Cancelled.
Detail hyperlink
Select and add
Opens the Amendment Details Page. Click to enter
detail if necessary
details, such as the negotiated amount and discount
per Modification
change of the contract attributes that are being
This page is where the “Amend Status” is
changed and the Amendment in Processed.
Review notes
Add Notes (if
Click to review notes attached to this amendment.
These notes can be standard notes or custom.
7. Click on the “Details”
hyperlink (this will open the Amendment Details Page)
Page 71 of 86
Amendment Details Page – Amendment Status Pending
Note the old and
new value for the
Billing Limit
8. Change “Amend Status” to “Ready” (“Process Amendment” pushbutton will appear)
9. Click the “Save” pushbutton.
Amendment Details Page – Amendment Status Ready
10. Click on the “Process Amendment”
Page 72 of 86
Amendment Details Page – Amendment Status Complete
Contract Amendment Page – Amendment Complete
11. Update Billing and Reporting Events as necessary, See “Managing Awards: Maintain
Contracts" Desk Procedures to complete entry.
Page 73 of 86
Amount Based Contract Amendment:
1. Navigate to the Contracts Header General Information Page –
Navigational Path: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General
Information – use Search page to the access Contract
2. Click the Amend Contract
pushbutton (this will take you to the
Contract Amendment page and display the Amount Allocation hyperlink)
Contracts Amendment Page
3. Click on the “Amount Allocation” hyperlink to access the Amount Allocation Page.
Page 74 of 86
Amount Allocation Page
Allocation will change to
complete when the
Adjustment Amt is
allocated across contract
4. Enter the Amount of the Adjustment in the Adjustment Amount field.
5. Enter the New Total for the Contract Line in the Negotiated Amount field.
6. Click the Recalculate
Field Values and Descriptions for the Amendment Allocation Page
Values Entered
Adjustment Amount Defaults 0.00
Displays the total amendment amount. This total
Enter Amount of
can be an amount increase or decrease. The
amount in this field must equal the sum of the
Adjustment Amount values for all contract lines
before you can select Complete in the Allocation
Discount/Surcharge Display only
Displays the total discount or surcharge amount for
this amendment. Will not be used with Sponsored
Net Change
Display only
Displays the net amount, which the system
calculates by subtracting the discount amount from
the adjustment amount.
Display only
Displays the total contract negotiated amount that
Adjustment Amount
you have not allocated to a specific contract line.
When you have finished allocating the negotiated
contract amount to the contract lines, the value of
this field equals zero.
Defaults – will
Select the status of amount allocations. Values
change to
Complete if
 Incomplete: This value appears by default and
allocation correct
Page 75 of 86
Click pushbutton
when ready
Contract Line Amendment Amount Amounts
Display only
indicates that amount allocation has not been
completely performed for amended amounts.
Complete: Select this value once you have
allocated any contract line amount changes across
all eligible amount-based contract lines. Selecting
Complete initiates system edit checking to ensure
that you have fully allocated all adjustment
amounts and discounts to the amendment contract
products. An error message appears if the page
fails edit checking.
When you click Recalculate, the system calculates
the adjustment amount by summing the gross
amounts that you have allocated to the individual
contract lines.
Displays the contract line number for each product
that you selected onto a contract line and saved
with an active status.
Current Amount
Display only
Displays the contract line's current amount.
Negotiated Amount
Enter the Total
Amount for
Contract Line.
If the value of a contract line is equal to a fixed
amount, enter that amount. When you first access
this page, the negotiated amount is set to the
current amount that you defined for the product.
Adjustment Amount
Display only
Displays the amount adjusted for the contract line.
The sum of the adjustment amounts for all contract
lines must equal the amendment's negotiated
Adjust Billing
You can select this option when changing an
amount or percent-based contract line. When
selected, this option updates amounts that have
already been billed, and sets the bill plan status to
Action Required. When this option is not selected,
the system does not touch already billed amounts,
and updates percentages for Completed bill plan
events. Any bill plan event that is In Progress will
prevent the amendment from being processed. The
option can also be selected at the business unit
level, and overridden at the contract line level.
Page 76 of 86
Adjust Revenue
When selected, this option enables the system to
update revenue plan amounts. The revenue plan
status for events is set to Action Required. You
must then manually update the revenue plan. When
this option is not selected, the system does not
touch already recognized revenue amounts.
Percentages are updated for Completed revenue
events. For pending and ready events, the system
will not change percentage amounts calculated on
the new amount total.
Reverse Amounts
Display only
This option is only available when canceling an
amount- or percent-based contract line. When
selected, the contract line is brought down to zero.
The system cancels discounts and surcharges for
the contract line, the system puts the billing plan on
hold and updates the bill plan event status to Action
Required. Finally, adjustments are made to already
billed amounts. When this option is not selected,
and a contract line is canceled as part of an
amendment the system checks whether there are
any bill plan events in progress and whether the
revenue plan has been completed. Amounts are
adjusted accordingly.
Display only
Click to access the Line Discounts and Surcharges
page, where you can assign line-specific discounts
and surcharges to the contract line. You can add
discounts and surcharges only to new contract lines
added through the current amendment.
Net Amount
Display only
Displays the net amount, which the system
calculates by subtracting the total discounts that
you specified for an product from the negotiated
amount that you allocated to that product.
Click pushbutton
when ready
When you click Recalculate, the system
recalculates the adjustment amount, net change,
and line total adjustment and discount amounts.
7. Click the “Save” pushbutton.
8. Select the “Return to General Information” page.
9. Click the Amend Contract
pushbutton this will open up the Pending
10. Complete the Contract Amendment page; see below:
Page 77 of 86
Contract Amendment Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Amendment Page
Values Entered
Defaults (display
Displays an amendment number. Upon the initial
entry of a new amendment, the system
automatically assigns the amendment a value.
Amendment Type
Enter Date
Displays an amendment type, which is a high-level
category of amendments.
Enter Date
Displays an amendment reason, which provides
viewers with a quick reference as to why an
amendment was initiated.
Processing Date
Defaults Current
Displays the date on which the amendment is
eligible for processing.
Amendment Status
Defaults (display
Displays the Amendment's processing status;
available values are: Pending, Ready, Completed
and Cancelled.
Detail hyperlink
Select and add
Opens the Amendment Details Page. Click to enter
detail if necessary
details, such as the negotiated amount and discount
per Modification
change of the contract attributes that are being
This page is where the “Amend Status” is
changed and the Amendment in Processed.
Review notes
Add Notes (if
Click to review notes attached to this amendment.
These notes can be standard notes or custom.
11. Click on the “Details”
hyperlink (this will open the Amendment Details Page)
Page 78 of 86
Amendment Details Page – Amendment Status Pending
Note the old and
new value for the
Billing Limit
12. Change “Amend Status” to “Ready” (“Process Amendment” pushbutton will appear)
13. Click the “Save” pushbutton.
Amendment Details Page – Amendment Status Ready
14. Click on the “Process Amendment”
Page 79 of 86
Amendment Details Page – Amendment Status Complete
Contract Amendment Page – Amendment Complete
15. Update Billing and Reporting Events as necessary, See “Managing Awards: Maintain
Contracts" Desk Procedures to complete entry.
Page 80 of 86
Process Multiple Amendments
Detailed description: The Contract Entry role can process an individual amendment by clicking
the Process Amendment button on the Amendment Details page, or process multiple
amendments through the Amendment Processing page. When an amendment is processed, the
system sets the amendments status to completed, and the values that the user specified for that
amendment become the current active contract values.
After entering the amendment data, the Contract Entry role must set the status of the
amendment to ready. If the amendment’s process date is less than or equal to the amendment
processing run date, the amendment is eligible to be applied by the Amendment Processing
1. Navigate to the Process Amendments Page –
Navigational Path: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > Process
Amendments – use Add a New Value page to add the Run Control to Process
Process Amendments Run Control
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Amendments Run Control
Values Entered
Process Frequency
This is field is the frequency at which the Process
should run per Run Control. Available values:
Always, Don’t and Once
Process all Ready
This field defines which amendments to process.
Select the range of amendments on which this
process will run:
All: Include all contract amendments with an
amendment status of ready and a process date that
Page 81 of 86
is less than or equal to the run date.
Value: Include only a specific contract. If you select
Value, you must then specify a contract number.
The process then includes only all amendments
belonging to the specified contract number, with an
amendment status of ready, and with a process
date less than or equal to the run date.
2. Enter the Run Control values then click the “Run” pushbutton. The Process Scheduler
Request page will appear. Make sure the process is checked then click “OK”.
3. Monitor the process via the Process Monitor hyperlink.
4. Verify that the Process ran successfully.
Page 82 of 86
NOGA Generation
The SPA Support Staff will generate and distribute the NOGA and file the modification and other
Roles Applicable to Sub Process
SPA Support Staff
Page 83 of 86
Generate Notice of Award (NOGA)
Detailed description: The NOGA should be generated after the Modification Contract Entry
has been completed. The SPA Support Staff will be able to identify which Modifications are
ready for NOGA generation by referring to the SPA Support Staff Management Report for the
Negotiate Award Note “NOGA Generation”.
The SPA Support Staff will generate and distributed the NOGA to the Academic Unit and PI to
convey the terms of the Modification Request.
The SPA Support Staff will also update the Negotiate Award Note “4ModK NOGA Generation”
once the NOGA and been generated and distributed.
Navigation: Grants > Awards > UM NOGA Report
Use the Negotiate Award “Add a New Value” Tab to add a Run Control for the NOGA Report
UM_RUN_NOGA_RPT “Add a New Value”
1. Enter a New Run Control ID value and “Add” OR search for an existing NOGA Run
Page 84 of 86
NOGA Report Run Control
Field Values and Descriptions for the NOGA Report Run Control Page
Values Entered
Business Unit
This field is the Business Unit value for Sponsored
Grants. This field is required as part of the search
criteria. The U of M Sponsored Business Unit is
This is the Grant Administrator and not required to run
NOGA Report. It is use here as a dynamic prompt key
to limit the Contract Number selection.
Sponsor ID
This is the Sponsor ID Number assigned to the
Sponsor. It is use here as a dynamic prompt key to
limit the Contract Number selection.
Contract Number Contract Number
This field is the Financial System ‘system assigned’
value at time the Contract is created and is the same
value as the Award Number. This field is required on
the Run Control.
From Date
Enter if Applicable
This is the “From Date” for Comments. This date field
will limit the Comments on the NOGA; only comments
after the From Date will be included on the NOGA.
2. Enter the Run Control values then click the “Run” pushbutton. The Process Scheduler
Request page will appear. Make sure the process is checked then click “OK”.
Monitor the process via the Process Monitor hyperlink.
3. Once the Report Process has completed, retrieve the Report from Report Manager
and print.
File Modification Request and response or other documentation
Detailed description: The SPA Support Staff will file the Modification Request and all other
documentation related to the modification.
Page 85 of 86
Distribute NOGA to PI and Academic Unit
Detailed description: The SPA Support Staff will distribute the NOGA to the Principal
Investigator and Fiscal Monitor via email.
Negotiate Award Note (NOGA Generation) updated to A-Version of Contract
Detailed description: The SPA Support Staff will update the Negotiate Award Note “4ModK
NOGA Generation” once the distribution of the NOGA is completed. The Negotiate Status is
updated to “Completed Negotiation” and details are documented in the “Comments Box”.
1. Navigate to the Negotiate Award Page –
Navigational Path: Grants > Awards > Negotiate Award
Field Values and Description for the Negotiate Status on the Negotiate Page
Values Entered
Negotiate Status
This field works with the Negotiation Type as it shows
the negotiation processing status. The are 2 valid
values “Working Negotiation” and “Completed
Update Comments This box is to document the “Action Item” needed to
as needed
complete the negotiation. Update details as needed.
NOTE: These Comments will appear on the Proposal
& Award Tracking Reports.
1. Once the Negotiate Status has been changed, click the “Save” pushbutton.
Page 86 of 86