Manage Award Billing LOC Accounts Desk Procedures

Manage Award Billing
LOC Accounts
Desk Procedures
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. 2
Overview............................................................................................................................... 3
Roles and Responsibilities Applicable to Business Process ................................................. 4
Financial Policies and Procedures ........................................................................................ 4
Evaluate the “Other” LOC Contracts ..................................................................................... 5
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................... 5
Query for OLT’s by LOC ID ........................................................................................... 5
Place Bill Plans on Hold...................................................................................................... 10
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 10
Update the Bill Plan General Page .............................................................................. 10
Process As Incurred Billing (LOC) CA_BI_INTFC .............................................................. 13
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 14
Process As Incurred Billing .......................................................................................... 14
Run the Billing Interface...................................................................................................... 20
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 20
Run the Billing Interface (BIIF0001)............................................................................. 20
Correct Interface Errors ............................................................................................... 24
Review the LOC Summary Page ........................................................................................ 27
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 27
Review the LOC Summary .......................................................................................... 27
Delete the Billing Worksheet ....................................................................................... 29
Generate and Print a Proforma LOC Report....................................................................... 30
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 30
Generate and Print a Proforma LOC Report BIJOB50 - draft ...................................... 31
Approve the Billing Worksheet............................................................................................ 35
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 36
Approve the Billing Worksheet .................................................................................... 36
Generate (Finalize) LOC Draw ........................................................................................... 37
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 37
Generate the LOC Draw BIJOB50 Finalize ................................................................. 37
Take Bill Plan off Hold Status and Release the OLT Transactions ..................................... 42
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 42
Reactivate Bill Plans and Release OLT Transactions ................................................. 42
Review/Update the Billing Worksheet ................................................................................. 50
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process ............................................................................. 50
Access the Billing Worksheet ...................................................................................... 50
Review the Billing Worksheet ...................................................................................... 52
Update the Billing Worksheet ...................................................................................... 52
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Some federally sponsored projects require that the University complete a Letter of Credit
(LOC) draw to receive payment for expenses incurred. For these accounts it is not
necessary to create individual invoices for submission to the sponsor. Each sponsor, or
division thereof, that requires LOC draws is assigned an individual identification number
that is known as a Letter of Credit ID (LOC ID). For these accounts a type of consolidated
invoice will be created for all contracts by this LOC ID. What this means is that a single
invoice will be created for all accounts, by sponsor and LOC ID, that have billable
There are 2 different types of LOC draws that will be completed by the University, Direct
and Preapproved or Non Direct and Non Preapproved. All DHHS and NSF accounts fall
under the Direct and Preapproved type of draw and all other sponsors fall into the Non
Direct and Preapproved or “Other LOC” category. The only difference between the two
types of draws is that the Direct and Preapproved process has the majority of the steps
automated. For DHHS and NSF LOC accounts the SFR A/R Accountants will start the
process with the “Generate (Finalize) LOC Draw” process in this document the “Other
LOC” accounts will need to complete this entire process.
This document will walk the user through all of the sub-processes that are associated with
the Manage Award Billing Letter of Credit Process
Process a Letter of Credit Contract
Billing Interface
Billing Worksheet
Process a Proforma Letter of Credit Summary
Finalize a Letter of Credit Summary
Nightly Batch Processes
Void an Invoice
Weekly or Monthly
Contracts and Billing
Documents Used
Letter of Credit Summary
Approval Points
As Required - Fiscal Officer, Principal Accountant (Manual
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Roles and Responsibilities Applicable to Business Process
Process a Letter of Credit Contract – SFR Accountants and A/R Accountants
Financial Policies and Procedures
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Evaluate the “Other” LOC Contracts
Letter of Credit processing will happen in 2 different manners. The first method will be the
Direct and Pre Approved invoicing process for all DHHS and NSF LOC accounts. These
LOC accounts will not have Billing Events established so will never display on the users
Invoicing Workbench. The CA_BI_INTFC for these Contracts will be processed through
batch jobs on a weekly basis and require no interaction from the SFR Accountants at
this point. For processing instructions for DHHS and NSF accounts move forward in this
document to the Generate (Finalize) LOC Draw section.
The second group of LOC accounts will require user intervention from the beginning. All
non DHHS and NSF LOC accounts, “Other LOC” will be processed in this manner. They
will be executed much like the regular invoicing is completed except that there will be no
billing events established for these accounts. The grant accountant will have the ability to
review limits, expenses and defer transactions where needed. This process will be
completed the last business day of each month.
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Query for OLT’s by LOC ID
Detailed Description: For an LOC account that is not set to Direct and Pre Approved
invoicing (DHHS and NSF) the Contracts Module must pass to the Billing Module all of the
expense lines in order to generate a LOC Draw report. The accounts will not be processed
on a contract by contract basis as with regular invoicing, but by LOC ID except in the case
where the LOC Contract is in overdraft and has Over Limit Transactions (OLT). This
means that when the Process Billing job is run it will pick up all contracts that have
expenses to be drawn on, which are assigned a particular LOC ID. The LOC ID is
assigned at the Contract level.
The first step that the SFR Grant Account will need to do is execute a query to determine if
any of the contracts associated with the LOC ID to be processed have overdrafts and then
those that do will have to be excluded from the processing. The accounts that do have
OLT’s will be dealt with on a contract by contract basis.
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Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager
1. In the begins with field enter “SFR_LOC_OLT”
2. Select the Search Pushbutton, this will populate the Search Results portion of the
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3. Select the Excel link to kick off the query, a new window will be opened requesting
the LOC ID to run the query against.
4. Locate the appropriate LOC ID from the table below for the sponsor that the draw is
being executed for.
Corp for Natl and Comm Svc
Dept of Commerce
Dept of Defense-ONR
Dept of Energy
Dept of State
Page 7 of 55
Dept of Treasury-IRS
DOJ-Off of Justice Prog
DOJ-Off of Justice Prog-Morris
Environmental Protection Agcy
Homeland Security-Payweb
Homeland Security-PMS
Phone in
Phone in
Phone in
Space Telescope Science Inst
USDA-Food and Nutrition Servs
USDI-Geological Survey
USDI-Geological Survey-WkOrder
USDI-National Park Service
5. Populate the LOC ID field with the LOC ID that was located in the above table
6. Select the View Results pushbutton, this will open up a File Download pop up
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7. Select Open on the File Download pop up window, this will open up the query result
in an Excel Document.
a. If there are no results displayed skip forward to the Process As Incurred
Billing (LOC) section of this document
b. If there is output as shown in the below screen continue on with the next step
8. Print the Excel Document
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Place Bill Plans on Hold
For the Contracts that were identified in the query process the Bill Plan needs to be put on
hold so the Contracts to Billing Interface will not pick them up for processing.
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Update the Bill Plan General Page
The Bill Plan General page will be updated to temporarily place the Bill Plan on hold so
when the Contracts to Billing Interface process is kicked off the Bill Plans that have OLT
transactions will not be picked up.
Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General
Use the General Information Search Page to bring up the Contract Header page for the first
contract number listed in the query output.
1. Select the Lines tab
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2. Select the Detail tab
3. Select the Billing Plan link, this will bring the Contract Bill Plan page to the screen
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4. Select the Hold check box, this will populate the current date next to the check box
5. Select the Save pushbutton
6. If the query results listed more than 1 Contract Number continue on with the next
step (7), otherwise move forward to the Process As Incurred Billing section of this
7. Select the Return to Search pushbutton, this will bring the user to the Define Billing
Plan search page
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8. Populate the Contract field with the next Contract Number on the query output page
9. Select the Search pushbutton, this will bring the user to the Billing Plan General
10. Repeat above steps 4 – 9 for each Contract Number listed in the Query output.
NOTE: Processing of the contracts that have OLT transactions will be continued later in
this document. The SFR Grant Accountant should now move forward to process the
remaining contracts for the LOC ID that do not have OLT Transactions.
Process As Incurred Billing (LOC) CA_BI_INTFC
The Contracts and Project Costing modules must send the billable transactions to Billing in
order to generate a LOC draw. The Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) will take
the Contract information and the transactional information from Project Costing and move it
to the Billing module for processing.
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
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Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Process As Incurred Billing
Detailed Description: For a LOC Contract where the draw is based on actual expenses
the Contracts Module must pass to the Billing Module all of the expense lines, BIL Rows, in
order to generate a Letter of Credit Summary/Draw.
 The run control for the CA_BI_INTFC has been created
Navigation: Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Billing >
Process As Incurred Billing
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Field Values for the Contracts to Billing Interface Process As Incurred Billing
(CA_BI_INTFC). Only fields that will be populated are listed, for full description see
previous section.
Values Entered
UMSPR (Always)
Business Unit
This field will tell the page which Contracts
Business Unit run the process against. Field can
be populated by using the Look Up icon. The U
of M Standard will always be UMSPR for
Sponsored Contracts.
All (Always)
This field tells the process which Project Costing
areas to use. Since the LOC process will be run
by LOC ID specifics will not be selected in this
UMSPR (Always)
Billing Business
This field tells the process which Billing Business
Unit to assign in the Billing Module. Sponsored
Billing will always be assigned to Billing Business
Value Varies
Bill To
Use the Sponsor Code that is assigned to the
Sponsor that the LOC is being run for. The user
can search for the sponsor code by selecting the
look up and typing in the partial sponsor name in
the Name 1 field and selecting the Look Up
Letter of Credit ID Value Varies
Use the LOC ID used in the query that was
generated in previous steps or reference the table
All (Always)
Date Option
This field tells the process which transactions
dates to use for processing, options available are
Accounting Date, Transaction Date or All. The U
of M Standard for sponsored billing will be All
Value Varies
Event Date
Insert the date used to run the query that was
generated in the Review Billing Event and Bill
Plan – Update Billing Event LOC section of this
document. This date will be the last day of the
month for which the transactions to be drawn on
hit the Ledger
Current Date
Invoice Date
This date will be used for booking the receivable,
to populate the LOC Summary and update all
PeopleSoft modules.
Ignore Tolerance
For LOC processing this checkbox will be selected
Amount checkbox
because the draw is completed against multiple
contracts we don’t want to exclude any from the
1. Populate the run control as described in the table above, make note of the Letter Of
Credit ID used to run the job.
2. Click the “Run” pushbutton; this will bring the user to the Process Scheduler Request
Page 15 of 55
Corp for Natl and Comm Svc
Dept of Commerce
Dept of Defense-ONR
Dept of Energy
Dept of State
Dept of Treasury-IRS
DOJ-Off of Justice Prog
DOJ-Off of Justice Prog-Morris
Environmental Protection Agcy
Homeland Security-Payweb
Homeland Security-PMS
Space Telescope Science Inst
USDA-Food and Nutrition Servs
USDI-Geological Survey
USDI-Geological Survey-WkOrder
USDI-National Park Service
Page 16 of 55
Phone in
Phone in
Phone in
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Scheduler Request page
Values Entered
Server Name
Run Date
Run Time
Time Zone
Select Checkbox for
“Contracts to Billing
This field indicates the Server that the process should run on to
get the proper output. For this job the U of M Standard will be
This field will assign the Date Run to the Process Instance. The
U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field tells the system how often to run this process. This
field will only be used for batch processing. For Adhoc
processing The U of M Standard will be to leave this field
This field will assign the Time Run to the Process Instance. The
U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field will assign the Time Zone to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to leave this field blank.
Selected/Checked The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process to run.
This field tells the Process what type the output will end up
being, options for selection are File, Printer and Web. The U of
M Standard for this process will be Web.
The option chosen here directs the process as to what the final
format of the report will be. The U of M Standard for this
process will be TXT.
3. Click the “OK” pushbutton; this will bring the user back to the Process Other Billing
Methods run control page
4. Select the Process Monitor link; this will bring the user to the Process Monitor –
Process List page
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5. Locate the most recent process of the CA_BI_INTFC
6. Click the “Refresh” pushbutton until;
a. Run Status = Success
b. Distribution Status = Posted
7. Select the “Details” link at the end of the process row; this will bring the user to the
Process Monitor Details page
8. Select the Message Log link; this will bring the user to the Process Monitor Message
Log page
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9. In the Message Log locate the row that gives the INTFC_ID number. Make note of
this number as it will be needed to run the Billing Interface (BIIF0001) job.
Move to the Billing Interface section of this document to continue the LOC invoicing
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Run the Billing Interface
The Billing Interface (BIIF0001) process takes the data that was staged for Billing with the
Contracts to Billing Interface and moves it to the Billing Worksheet.
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
SFR Super User
Run the Billing Interface (BIIF0001)
Detailed Description: The Billing Interface processes the expense transactions or
Amount Based billing line and places them on the Billing Worksheet to allow the user to
analyze the transactions before the invoice is finalized.
 The Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) has been run
 The user has the INTFC_ID that was assigned in the CA_BI_INTFC
 The Billing Interface run control has been established
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Navigation: Billing > Interface Transactions > Process Billing Interface
Billing Interface run control page
1. Populate the From Interface ID and To Interface ID fields with the INTFC_ID that
was noted at the end of the Contracts to Billing Interface process
2. Click the “Run” pushbutton; this will bring the user to the Process Scheduler Request
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Scheduler Request page
Values Entered
Server Name
This field indicates the Server that the process should run on to
get the proper output. For this job the U of M Standard will be
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Run Date
Run Time
Time Zone
Select Checkbox for
Description “Billing
Select Checkbox for
“Interface & VAT
This field will assign the Date Run to the Process Instance. The
U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field tells the system how often to run this process. This
field will only be used for batch processing. For Adhoc
processing The U of M Standard will be to leave this field
This field will assign the Time Run to the Process Instance. The
U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field will assign the Time Zone to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to leave this field blank.
Selected/Checked The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process to run.
Not Selected/Not
Sponsored awards to not include Value Added Tax so this
process will not be run.
This field tells the Process what type the output will end up
being, options for selection are File, Printer and Web. The U of
M Standard for this process will be Web.
The option chosen here directs the process as to what the final
format of the report will be. The U of M Standard for this
process will be TXT.
3. Click the “OK” pushbutton; this will bring the user back to the Billing Interface run
control page
4. Select the Process Monitor link; this will bring the user to the Process Monitor
Process List page
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5. Locate the most recent Instance of process BIIF0001 job
6. Click the “Refresh” pushbutton until;
a. Run Status = Success
b. Distribution Status = Posted
7. Select the “Details” link at the end of the process row; this will bring the user to the
Process Monitor Process Detail page
8. Select the “Message Log” link; this will bring the user to the Process Monitor
Message Log
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9. Verify that the Billing Interface was run for the correct INTFC_ID, that there are no
transactions in error, that a new bill header and lines were created
a. If there are zero transactions in error move forward to the Billing Worksheet
section of this document
b. If there are transactions in error move to the next section of this document,
Correct Interface Errors
Correct Interface Errors
Detailed Description: If the Billing Interface (BIIF0001) process ends with transactions in
error the data will need to be corrected and the Billing Interface run again. The data that
needs to be correct varies based on the error code received. The correction of the
interface errors will be executed by the SFR Super User.
 The SFR Grant Accountant will notify the SFR Super User that their Billing
Interface has transactions in error and provide the Super User with the
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The following steps will be executed by the SFR Super User
Navigation: Billing > Interface Transactions > Correct Interface Errors
Review Interface – Errors search page
1. The Super User will enter in the INTFC_ID number into the Interface ID field and
click “Search”. If the Contract is Rate Based a row will be delivered on the search
page for each transaction that was included in the interface that has an error. If the
Contract is an Amount Based there is only 1 data row that is in error so the Super
User will be brought directly into the Correct Interface Errors page. Note: For a
Rate Based Contract the error status may not always be the same for each row that
is in error for the interface
a. If it is a rate based contract and more than 1 row is returned for the search
select the first transaction that is listed, otherwise move to the next step
2. Locate the error message for the transaction. NOTE: Not all Error Messages are
clear and concise, refer to the table of errors and descriptions located at Home >
PeopleBooks > PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing 8.9 PeopleBook > Correcting Billing
Interface Process Errors
Error Message and Description from PeopleBooks
0411 - Missing Bill By Field(s) Value
One or more bill-by fields in the bill-by ID are missing values.
3. Based on the description and the configuration for the Bill-by-Identifier populate the
missing data on the Correct Billing Interface page for each transaction row that is in
error. Set Up Financial Supply Chain >Product Related > Billing > Bill-by-Identifier
Page 25 of 55
DO NOT use this
icon. The data
will not be
recoverable if it
is used
4. After each transaction is corrected be sure to save it prior to moving to the next
5. After all transaction rows have been corrected notify the SFR Grant Accountant to
repeat the Billing Interface (BIIF001) job.
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Review the LOC Summary Page
The Letter of Credit (LOC) Summary Page will give the user detail on each Contract that is
included in the draw that includes the funded amount, previously drawn amount, amount of
pending transactions and any unbillable amounts (OLT’s).
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Review the LOC Summary
Detailed Description: The LOC Summary is an online page within the Financial System
that will give the user details regarding the draw to be generated.
 The Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) has been run
 The Billing Interface has been run successfully without errors
Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Letter of Credit
1. Populate the begins with field with the LOC ID used to run the CA_BI_INTFC
2. Select the Search pushbutton, this will bring the Letter of Credit Summary to the
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3. Review the report for feasibility and make sure that no bill plans were missed in the
Hold process. If any were, the amount of OLT’s would display in the Unbillable
Amount column. Make sure that all rows are reviewed by using the View (All) and
arrow links in the blue header row.
a. LOC Doc ID = The identifying number for the Contract (is equal to the
Contract Number)
b. Limit Amount = Approved funded amount
c. Previous Amount = Previous amount drawn
d. Unbilled Amount (Temp Bills) = Amount of transactions that is included in
temporary/draft draws (includes OLT’s)
e. Unbilled Amount (Real Bills) = Amount of transactions that have had the
billing worksheet approved but the Finalize LOC Draw process has not been
run for
f. Allowable Draw = The amount of both Unbilled Amounts that can be drawn so
as not to draw more than the funded amount
g. Unbillable Amount = The amount of both Unbilled Amounts that is greater
than the Limit Amount
4. Make note of the Total Draw Amount for future use
i. If report looks good and there are no amounts in the Unbillable Amount
column proceed to the Generate and Print Proforma LOC Report
section of this document
ii. If there are amounts listed in any of the Unbillable Amount fields make
note of all LOC Doc ID numbers associated to the row(s) that have
Unbillable Amounts, this is achieved by exporting the document
to Excel. Pproceed to the next sub-process in this section, Delete the
Billing Worksheet.
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Delete the Billing Worksheet
Detailed Description: Because the Financial System does not complete any sort of
complicated analysis on transactions that are marked as OLT the SFR Grant Accountants
must execute their own analysis to ensure that the appropriate transactions, in alignment
with the business process, are not included in the draw (i.e. include Salary and Fringe
before supplies, the Direct to Indirect ratio is correct). The most efficient way to handle this
is to remove the contract from the draw and analyze it on its own. This is accomplished by
deleting the Billing Worksheet.
Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Update Billing
Field Values and Descriptions for the Worksheet Search Page
Business Unit
Letter of Credit
Value Varies
Value Varies
This value will always be UMSPR
Input the LOC ID that was used for the query or locate the
number by sponsor from the table provided earlier in this
Use the LOC Doc ID that was noted in previous steps where the
LOC Summary showed an unbillable amount
1. Populate the fields as described above to reduce the selection that is returned
2. Select the Search pushbutton, this will populate the results section of the page with
the output requested
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3. Verify that the returned row is correct
4. Select the drop down next to the Worksheet Action Field and choose Delete
5. Select the Save pushbutton, this send all of the transactions for the specific contract
back to Project Costing for future processing.
6. Repeat steps 1 – 5 for each LOC Doc ID that had Unbillable Amounts. Once
complete move forward to the next section of this document, Generate and Print
Proforma LOC Report
Generate and Print a Proforma LOC Report
Prior to the generation of the draw (much like the finalization of an invoice as it is writing
transactions to history) it is important to run a proforma version of the LOC Report or
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Page 30 of 55
Generate and Print a Proforma LOC Report BIJOB50 - draft
Detailed Description: The LOC Report or BIGMLOC is a system generated report that
gives the detail for the draw that is to be generated. This proforma LOC Report will be the
users final place to view the draw to check for errors.
 The Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) has been run
 The Billing Interface has been run successfully without errors
 All Contracts that have OLT transactions have had their Billing Worksheet
record deleted or updated
Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Letter of Credit
1. Populate the begins with field with the LOC ID used to run the CA_BI_INTFC
2. Select the Search pushbutton, this will bring the Letter of Credit Summary to the
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3. Select the Generate Proforma Icon, this will kick off the BIJOB50 process
Navigation: PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor
4. Locate the most recent Instance of the BIJOB50 in the Process List and select the
Process Name (BIJOB50) link. This will open up a Process Detail page
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5. Periodically click the Refresh pushbutton until all of the processes listed have a
status of Success
6. Select the process link that states xxxxxx – BIGMLOC Success, this will bring the
user to another Process Detail page
7. Select the View/Log/Trace link, this will bring the user to the View Log/Trace page
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8. Select the link that states BIGMLOC or bigmloc and ends with the file type of PDF.
This will open a new window that will display the report
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9. Verify that the Allowable Draw amount was decreased by the same amount as the
sum of LOC Doc ID Billing Worksheets that were deleted due to OLT transactions.
10. Print out a copy of the report to review one last time for reasonability prior to
Approve the Billing Worksheet
In order to Generate (Finalize) the LOC Draw the Billing Worksheet for each of the LOC
Doc ID’s that is included in the draw for the LOC ID must be approved. This approval
process assigns each LOC Doc ID that has an amount that is being drawn a Real Invoice
Number. The finalization process will not work if the Billing Worksheet is not approve and a
Real Invoice number is not assigned.
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Page 35 of 55
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Approve the Billing Worksheet
Detailed Description: Each individual LOC Doc ID that is included in the draw will have a
billing worksheet that needs to be approved prior to the final generation of the draw.
 The Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) has been run
 The Billing Interface has been run successfully without errors
 All Contracts that have OLT transactions have had their Billing Worksheet
record deleted or updated
 The proforma LOC Report (BIGMLOC) draft version has been run and
Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Update Billing
1. Populate the Worksheet Search page by Business Unit and by the Letter of CR
(LOC ID) that the draw is being processed on, this will populate the page will all of
the Contracts that are included in the page.
2. Select the drop down on each Worksheet Action field and select Approve. Make
sure that all are being select by using the View (All) and arrows located on the blue
Header Level Detail row
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3. After all Worksheets have been approved select the Save pushbutton. The draw is
now ready to be generated
Generate (Finalize) LOC Draw
The Generate LOC Draw process is much like finalizing an invoice. It will commit the
expense transactions to history and create receivables. This is also the place where the
Direct and Pre Approved LOC process begins. The Direct and Pre Approved LOC process
is specific to NSF and DHHS LOC accounts.
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Generate the LOC Draw BIJOB50 Finalize
Detailed Description: This process will archive the report to history and provide the user
with the amount to be drawn from the sponsor’s bank account.
 The Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) has been run
 The Billing Interface has been run successfully without errors
 All Contracts that have OLT transactions have had their Billing Worksheet
record deleted or updated
 The proforma LOC Report (BIGMLOC) draft version has been run and
 The Billing Worksheet for all Contracts included in the draw has been
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Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Letter of Credit
1. Populate the begins with field with the LOC ID that the draw is being generated for
2. Select the Search pushbutton, this will bring the Letter of Credit Summary to the
3. Select the Generate Draw Icon, this will kick off the BIJOB50 finalization process
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Navigation: PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor
4. Locate the most recent Instance of the BIJOB50 in the Process List and select the
Process Name (BIJOB50) link. This will open up a Process Detail page
5. Periodically click the Refresh pushbutton until all of the processes listed have a
status of Success
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6. Select the process link that states xxxxxx – BIGMLOC Success, this will bring the
user to another Process Detail page
7. Select the View/Log/Trace link, this will bring the user to the View Log/Trace page
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8. Select the link that states BIGMLOC or bigmloc and ends with the file type of PDF.
This will open a new window that will display the report
9. Print a copy of the report for the file(s) if necessary and a copy for the person that
will be generating the draw.
10. For the Direct and Pre Approved LOC Processing save a copy to the respective
folder location with the naming convention of DHHS MM-DD-YYYY Draw.pdf or NSF
MM-DD-YYYY Draw.pdf
a. P:\SFR\Accounts Receivable\DHHS DRAW
b. P:\SFR\Accounts Receivable\NSF Draw Detail
11. For Direct and Pre Approved LOC accounts the system processing is now complete
please execute the actual draw process according to the business procedures
12. For Other LOC accounts;
a. If there were no accounts that had overdrafts/OLT transactions the system
processing is now complete please execute the actual draw process
according to the business procedures
b. If there were contracts that had unbillable amounts and their billing
worksheets were deleted or their Bill Plans were put on hold please continue
with the next section of this document
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Take Bill Plan off Hold Status and Release the OLT Transactions
The contracts that were not included in the overall draw by LOC ID due to Unbillable
amounts/OLT expenses needs to be updated and analyzed on a Contract by Contract
basis. Once the updates have been made the LOC proforma and generation can again be
completed by LOC ID. Before any data can be sent to billing the Bill Plans need to be
taken off of hold and the transactions that are putting the account into overdraft need to be
released for further analysis in subsequent sections.
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Reactivate Bill Plans and Release OLT Transactions
Detailed Description: This process will make the bill plan ready to send transactions to
billing and release the OLT expenses so that when the CA_BI_INTFC process is run the bill
plan will be recognized and all transactions that have hit against the account will be
included so they can be analyzed in the billing worksheet.
 All processing of the draw by LOC ID has been completed
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Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General
Use the General Information Search Page to bring up the Contract Header page for the first
contract number listed in the query output.
1. Select the Lines tab
2. Select the Detail tab
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3. Select the Billing Plan link, this will bring the Contract Bill Plan page to the screen
4. Select the Hold checkbox to remove the check mark, this will make the bill plan
available for processing again
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5. Select the Save pushbutton
6. Select the Return to General Information link, this will bring the user back to the
General Information Lines tab
7. Select the Detail Tab
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8. Select the Contract Terms link
9. Select the Review Limits link
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10. Select the Search pushbutton
11. Verify the Remaining Amount = $0.00 select the Excess tab
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12. Select the Excess Amount link
13. Click the Search pushbutton
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14. Select the View All link
15. Select the checkbox before each transaction, if there are many use the Select All
16. Click the Release pushbutton, all transactions have now been released and will be
sent to billing for analysis to be described in the following billing sections
17. Repeat all of the steps in this section for those Bill Plans that were put on hold. For
the Contracts/LOC Doc ID’s that had their billing worksheets deleted only repeat
steps 7 – 16 of this section. Make sure that the steps are executed on all of the
contracts from the initial query output.
18. Execute the steps in the “Process As Incurred Billing (CA_BI_INTFC) By LOC ID”
section of this document
19. Execute the steps in the “Run the Billing Interface” section of this document
20. Execute steps 1 – 3 of the “Review LOC Summary” section of this document, export
the report to Excel and print a copy for use in the next section of this document.
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Review/Update the Billing Worksheet
The Billing Worksheet is the area of the Billing Module where the SFR Grant Accountant
will do the analysis of the expense transactions that were marked as Unbillable or OLT’s
during the LOC process. Each individual Contract will have to be analyzed separately to
split transactions, make transactions billable and mark others as OLT’s. Because the
draws are based on actual expenses now this analysis needs to be completed to ensure
that the correct ratio of direct to indirect is being processed and that other business rules
are being followed such as picking up salary and fringe before supply expenses.
Portion of Business
Process Flow
covered in this
Roles Applicable to this Sub Process
SFR Grant Accountant
Access the Billing Worksheet
Detailed Description: Each individual contract that had Unbillable Amounts (OLT’s) will
need to be analyzed separately. For the purposes of the LOC processing there will be only
three billing options used; Bill, Split and Over Limit. The user will need to search for their
specific LOC Doc ID to gain access to the Billing Worksheet for the analysis process to
All Bill Plans were taken off of hold
All OLT expenditures were released
The CA_BI_INTFC was run
The Billing Interface was run
The LOC Summary Report was created, exported and printed
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Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Update Billing
Billing Worksheet search page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Billing Worksheet search page. All fields are
used to broaden or narrow the search results returned
Business Unit
Value Varies
UMSPR is the Business Unit for all Sponsored Activity
Use the LOC Doc ID (Contract Number) that needs to be
1. Populate the search fields based on the descriptions in the above table
2. Click on the “Search” pushbutton; this will populate the Header Level Detail section
of the page with the Contract and Invoice information
3. Verify the LOC Doc ID is correct
4. Select the temporary invoice number link that is in the Billing Worksheet column;
this will bring the user to the Line Details page of the invoice (Review the Billing
Worksheet section of this document)
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Review the Billing Worksheet
Detailed Description: The Line Details Page is where the SFR Grant Accountant will
analyze the transactions for the LOC contracts that had OLT expenditures. The page can
be exported to Excel by selecting the export pushbutton for easier analysis.
 All steps in the previous (Access the Billing Worksheet) have been completed
Export Icon
1. Verify the Contract Number is correct
2. Select the “View All” link to bring all transactions to the page for viewing (increments
100 rows per page but the user can easily move from group to group)
3. Sort the data by clicking on column headers or export the data to Excel for analysis
4. Review transactional information to determine what changes need to be made. The
user will need to split transactions to ensure the appropriate ratio of direct to indirect
is being included, they will possibly have to change some BIL rows to OLT and vice
Update the Billing Worksheet
Detailed Description: Once the analysis of the transactions is complete the user will need
to update the Billing Worksheet to tell the Financial System what to do with each expense.
Because the volume of transactions can be large the user should make sure that they are
saving their changes as they go to ensure that the system does not time out during the
update process.
 All steps in the Access the Billing Worksheet sub-process have been
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 All steps in the Review Billing Worksheet sub-process have been completed
Tools to use to
locate individual
1. Update the Billing Option for each transaction row that was analyzed by selecting
the drop down next to the Billing Option field and assigning an action to the expense.
Transactions can be located within the grid using the tools such as “Find” or “Next
Page”. The options available for selection are;
a. Bill – Default Value. Choose this to include the transaction on the invoice
b. Over Limit – If during the analysis of transactions the user finds that the
system did not mark the correct transactions as Over Limit (Analysis Type of
OLT) some manipulation may need to be done to make currently selected
Over Limit transactions into “Bill” and vice versa. See below detailed
description of the Over Limit Functionality
c. Split - Use this option if only part of the transaction should be included in the
current invoice. See below detailed description of the Split functionality
Bill Transaction Detail
All transactions will default in with a Billing Option of “Bill” or “Over Limit”. For transactions
that are to be included on the draw the Billing Option should be left as “Bill”. When
expenses exceed the billing limit (Approved Award Amount) the system will change the
analysis type to “OLT” to mark the transaction as unavailable for invoicing. The system will
perform calculations to select transactions to leave as BIL rows and make others OLT rows
in order to get the billable transaction amount as close to the billing limit as possible. This
will not necessarily coincide with what should actually be included on the draw and
excluded based on the analysis completed (i.e. direct to indirect ratio, payroll vs. supplies,
etc.). So analysis types may need to be changed for certain transactions to make them
“Bill” transactions instead of “Over Limit” transactions, and vice versa (see Over Limit
Transaction Detail section below), this is done by selecting Billing Options.
1. Select the drop down in the Billing Option field of the transaction that should be
made into a billable expense “Bill” from an “Over Limit” expense
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2. Save Changes often to avoid timing out
3. Repeat Steps for each transaction that needs to be billed that does not already have
“Bill” as the Billing Option
4. Do a final Save to make sure that all updates are saved
Over Limit Transaction Detail
When expenses exceed the billing limit (Approved Award Amount) the system will change
the analysis type to “OLT” to mark the transaction as unavailable for invoicing. The system
will perform calculations to select transactions to leave as BIL rows and make others OLT
rows in order to get the billable transaction amount as close to the billing limit as possible.
This will not necessarily coincide with what should actually be included on the invoice and
excluded based on the analysis completed (i.e. direct to indirect ratio, payroll vs. supplies,
or late transactions, etc.). So analysis types may need to be changed for certain
transactions to make them OLT transactions instead of BIL transactions, and vice versa
(see Bill Transaction Detail section above), this is done by selecting Billing Options.
1. Select the drop down in the Billing Option field of the transaction that should be
made an Over Limit Transaction
Select the Billing Option of “Over Limit”
Save Changes made often to avoid timing out
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each transaction that needs to be made an OLT
Do a final Save to make sure that all updates are saved
Split Transaction Detail
When only part of an expense can be included in the invoice, the Billing Option of “Split” will
be selected
1. Select the drop down in the Billing Option field for the transaction that is going to be
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Close up view of a transaction row that is being split
2. Select the Billing Option of “Split”, the Gross Extended amount field will be opened
up and available for edit.
3. Enter the amount that is to be included on this invoice into the Gross Extended field.
Note that the Billing Options is now equal to Split, the Gross Extended amount is
now equal to the value entered to be included on the invoice and the Net Extended
amount is equal to the Gross Extended amount
4. Save Changes made often to avoid timing out
5. Repeat Steps 1 - 3 for each transaction that needs to be split
6. Do a final Save to make sure that all updates are saved
7. Compare the Allowable Draw Amount from the LOC Summary Report to the Billing
Amount for this LOC Doc ID to verify that they are equal
8. Repeat all of the steps in this section for each LOC Doc ID that had OLT expenses
9. Complete steps 1 – 8 and step 10 for the “Generate and Print a Proforma LOC
Report BIJOB50 – draft” section of this document
10. Execute all of the steps in that “Approve the Billing Worksheet” section of this
11. Execute steps 1 – 9 in the “Generate (Finalize) LOC Draw” section of this document.
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