West Chester University Department of Campus Recreation Intramural Kickball Rules

West Chester University Department of Campus Recreation
Intramural Kickball Rules
West Chester University Intramural Kickball will follow the current rules of the NKA (National Kickball
Association) unless modified to accommodate facility or program needs. Those who are subject to the rules
are: team representatives (players, substitutes, coaches and spectators) and other persons affiliated with the
team are subject to the rules of the game and shall be governed by the decisions of the Intramural Staff
assigned to the game.
Player Eligibility
1. Participation is limited to all currently enrolled, fee-paying WCU undergraduate students. Graduate
students, faculty, staff and alumni are not eligible to participate and no exceptions will be made.
2. In order to be eligible to participate, each eligible player MUST present his/her current, valid RAMCard.
Check-in takes place at designed sign-in locations at the facility, field or court (usually at the
Scorekeeper’s table). Individuals who are unable to provide a current, valid RAMCard will not be
permitted to participate. No other forms of identification will be accepted (email, class schedule,
Driver’s License, etc).
3. For additional information regarding player eligibility, team rosters and participant check-in refer to
the WCU Intramural Handbook available online at the WCU Intramural Sports website and in the
Intramural Sports office in the Student Recreation Center.
Team Composition and Substitutions
1. Players can compete on only one team regardless of league classification. In addition, a player may
compete for one Co-Rec team during the same season.
2. A minimum of eight (8) players are required to register a team. All players must show their current,
valid WCU RAMCard at the game site in order to be eligible to participate.
3. A full team consists of eight (8) players on the field. A team must have six (6) players to start a game. If
a team does not have six players to start a game, it will constitute a forfeit. Teams may consist of more
than 8 players, but only 8 may play in the field and be in the batting order.
4. Team rosters will be formed based on the players who compete in the team’s first regular season game
and every subsequent regular season game. No new players can be added after a team’s last regular
season game.
5. In order for a player to be eligible for playoffs, he/she must participate in at least one regular season
game for that team. *No player may participate on more than one team*
6. Teams can make an unlimited amount of substitutions. Players who leave the game can re-enter.
Players who enter the game must participate in one full inning (team’s offensive and defensive halves
of the inning). In the event of an injury, a substitute may enter the game prior to the full inning period.
Ejected players may not be replaced in the line-up or field. An out will be recorded when an ejected
player’s turn occurs in the line-up.
7. Extra hitters or kickers in a game are not permitted.
Equipment and Playing Field
1. Kickballs are available for check-out at the Student Recreation Center. The Campus Recreation Staff
will provide game balls only; teams must furnish their own practice kickballs.
2. Teams are encouraged to wear their own like-colored jerseys.
3. Individual Player Equipment must meet the following requirements:
a. Shirts: Shirts must be worn throughout the game. Shirts must not have arm openings that are
larger than four inches. Referees will measure the arm openings with their fist. Shirts that have
been altered and are missing more than the length of the sleeve will not be permitted.
b. Pants: Players may not wear pants or shorts that have belt loops, metal, cargo pockets or
exposed drawstrings. Players may not wear towels that hang from the waist.
c. Headgear: Baseball caps or other rigid headwear is not permitted. Players may wear rubber or
cloth elastic headbands that are used to control hair. Bandanas with knots are prohibited.
d. Pads or Braces: No pads or braces may be worn above the waist. Leg and knee braces made of
hard, unyielding material must be covered on both sides and all edges with slow-recovery
e. Shoes: All players must wear shoes. Athletic/Tennis shoes are permitted. Any other type of
shoe that the official deem unsafe is prohibited.
4. Jewelry is NOT allowed to be worn by any participant during the game. Jewelry consists of visible rings
(wedding bands), watches, necklaces, earrings, studs (including tongue or lip rings), bracelets (metal or
cloth) and any other such similar jewelry. Medical alert bracelets must be taped to the body or
secured under clothing such as a sock to be worn during play. Taping of any other forms of jewelry,
other than a medical bracelet, is prohibited. Players are subject to ejection for failure to remove
5. Games will take place on the basketball court in the Hollinger Field House.
a. The Pitcher’s mound is approximately 30 feet from home plate.
b. Home plate will be placed on the corner of the baseline and sideline. The game will be played
diagonally across the basketball court.
c. All walls and bleachers are considered in-play. Any kick that rebounds off a wall, door or part of
the bleachers will be considered a live ball.
d. A ball that is caught after rebounding off one of these objects will remain live and will not count
as an out.
e. Any ball kicked that directly contacts an object hanging from the ceiling will result in an out and
the kicker will be issued a warning. If that player kicks another ball that hits the ceiling that
player will be ejected. Any player who intentionally kicks the ball to make contact with a ceiling
object will be ejected immediately. (Banners are exempt as a ceiling object)
f. A ball kicked over the far bleachers without contacting a ceiling object will result in a homerun.
6. The distance between bases shall be 50 feet. The pitching line shall be a dashed line connecting 1st and
3rd base and shall be approximately 35 feet from home plate. The kicking line shall be no more than 3
feet in front of home plate. The bunt line shall be 10 feet in front of home plate. The foul lines will be
the court baseline leading to and extending past 1st base and the court sideline leading to and
extending past 3rd base.
Match Time and Length
1. Game time is forfeit time. Any team that forfeits a game can jeopardize any playoff potential due to a
low sportsmanship rating. Teams who forfeit more than once will be dropped from the league.
2. Games will last for 35 minutes, or 6 inning limit. Any inning started before the 35 minute time limit will
be completed. No inning shall begin after 35 minutes.
3. Regular season games can end in a tie. Extra innings can be played, but only if they start before the 35
minute mark.
4. (Mercy Rule) After 4 innings of play (or 3 ½ if the home team leads), if a team is ahead by 17 runs or
more the game will end. After 5 innings (or 4 ½ if the home team leads), if a team is ahead by 9 or
more runs, the game will end.
5. (Insurmountable Runs Rule) If a team leads by 1 more run, then total remaining kickers of the opposing
team the game will end. For example, if in the final inning of the game a team leads by 7 runs and their
first two kickers get out, the game will be called as the team only as 6 kickers remaining/6 possible runs
can be scored.
1. Teams will pitch to their own kickers. A member of the defensive team can field a position no closer
than 3 feet from the pitch and cannot attempt to distract the pitcher.
2. Pitchers (of the kicking team) will not be responsible for playing defense. If the pitcher is struck by a
kicked ball, the kicker will be called out and runners must return to the base they occupied at the time
of the at bat. In all other situations, the pitcher must move clearly out of the way of a defender making
a play or the potential path of the throw. If in the umpire’s opinion, the pitcher interferes with any
part of the defense’s play, the umpire may declare “obstruction” and call out a runner or kicker as
3. All pitchers must participate as batters. There will be no “DK” (Designated Kickers) to kick in place of a
pitcher in the batting order.
4. Only two pitching changes per an inning are permitted. Changes can take place by either 3 different
pitchers or 2 pitchers with the first substituting the second to pitch again.
5. In the act of pitching, the pitcher shall maintain at least one foot in contact with the pitcher’s mound
until the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand. A legal delivery shall be a ball that is delivered underhand and
a slow to moderate speed. Bounces are permitted.
6. Each kicker will receive a maximum of 2 pitches. If the kicker allows 2 pitches to pass without kicking
he/she will be out.
7. The pitcher has 10 seconds between and to deliver the pitch. If this time is exceeded, the kicker will
lose a pitch.
1. All players in the field will kick each inning. Therefore, up to 8 outs may be recorded during a team’s
a. Teams who only field 7 players will only have 7 outs each inning or 6 if 6 players.
2. The kicking order may change each inning.
3. The offensive team is required to notify the umpires and defensive team when the last kicker is
preparing to kick. If the final kicker kicks without notifying the umpires and defense that it is their last
kicker, that kicker will be ruled out and the inning will be over.
a. When the last kicker of an inning kicks, the inning can end by:
i. The kicker being put out
ii. A base runner being put out
iii. A force out at any base (No runs will score if a force out ends the inning)
iv. When the defense is in possession of the ball while touching home plate.
No tag is necessary at home plate during the last kicker’s at-bat.
4. The kicker must contact the ball behind the kicking line which is approximately 3 feet in front of home
plate. If an umpire deems that the kicker contacted the ball beyond the 3-foot kicking line, he/she will
be called out and runners must return to their original base.
5. The kicker is allowed a foul ball on the 1st pitch (unless it is a caught fly out). If the 2nd pitch is fouled,
the kicker will automatically be out.
6. There are no walks.
7. Kicked balls must clear the 10-foot bunt line in front of home plate to be in play. Balls that come to
rest or are fielded by a defensive player short of the bunt line are considered foul and an out will be
recorded for the kicker. All balls fielded or fly balls caught in this area are considered dead when
touched by a fielder and all runners must return to their original base; runners do not have a chance to
tag up.
1. There is no stealing. Runners are not allowed to leave the base until the pitch is kicked. If a runner is
found off base before the pitch is kicked, the runner will be out and “no pitch” will be called.
2. The base path for a runner is a direct line between the player and the base to which he/she is running
at the time a play is being made on that specific base runner and the three feet to either side of that
direct path.
a. The exemption is if a base runner is advancing for multiple bases. Base runners may take a
more rounded path to maintain their speed, providing they maintain their established path
b. For plays between home plate and 1st base, base runners are encouraged to run on the foul
side towards 1st base.
3. A base runner who runs outside (more than 3-feet) his/her established base path in order to avoid a
tag shall be declared out.
4. Base runners must avoid all collisions with fielders anytime a fielder is making a play on the ball. Any
base runner who does not avoid the collision will be ruled out; he/she will be ejected immediately.
The batter will be awarded 1st base and runners will return to their original base unless forced to the
next base. (If a runner occupies 1st he/she will be awarded 2nd so the kicker can be awarded 1st)
5. Defensive players may not intentionally stand or obstruct the base path of a base runner unless he/she
is fielding the ball. If a defensive player intentionally obstructs a base runner, the umpire shall award
that base runner and all others the bases they would have reached had there been no obstruction.
a. Obstruction is also called when a fielder without the ball fakes a tag in which the umpire will
award bases as a normal obstruction and eject the fielder from the game.
6. A runner who is in fair territory and not in contact with a base that is struck by a kicked ball will be
declared out except if:
a. The ball has passed an infielder and no other fielder had a chance to make a play
b. A runner is hit with a fair kicked ball in foul territory and no other fielder could make a play
c. A runner is touched by the ball after it is touched by any fielder
If an exception occurs, all runners must return to the base they originally occupied and the kicker is
awarded first base unless forced to the next base.
7. If the defense is attempting a double play, base runners must get out of the way of the thrown ball.
Base runners who fail to make an attempt to avoid obstruction will be charged with interference and
both the base runners and kicker will be called out.
8. Sliding into any base in kickball is prohibited. Base runners that slide will be called out.
9. Base runners may not attempt to jump over, hurdle or intentionally collide with a defensive player in
possession of the ball attempting to make a tag on the base runner. Players who violate this rule will
be ruled out, ejected and base runners will return to the original base they occupied.
10. There is no out-of-play in IM kickball. Balls that travel behind or in the bleachers, from a kick, will be
declared dead and runners will be given two bases (ground rule double). If the ball was initially thrown
before obstructed, runners will be given one additional base.
11. All bases awarded are based on the lead runner.
12. Courtesy or pinch runners are not allowed in kickball.
1. The defensive players are restricted to the following position rules:
a. No more than 6 players may be positioned in the infield before a pitched ball is kicked including
the pitcher and catcher.
b. Each team must field a catcher. The catcher is required to remain behind the kicker and may
not cross home plate until the ball is kicked.
c. If the defense elects to field a pitcher, he/she cannot take a position in front of the pitcher’s
mound until the ball is kicked.
2. Kickers and base runners are out in all situations similar to softball: force out, fly out, tag out. Runners
can also be put out if he/she is hit by a thrown ball below the shoulders, regardless if the ball bounces
after the throw or not. Balls kicked or contacted in any other way other than a throw that hits the
runner will not result in an out.
a. Runners hit in the head will be safe unless the runner had attempted to duck moving their head
in the path of the ball
b. Any player who intentionally hits a runner in the head will be ejected. That runner and any
others in front of the runner hit will automatically score.
3. There is no infield fly rule.
Appeal Plays
1. Appeal plays are plays that an umpire cannot make a ruling until a request by a member of the
defensive team has been made. All appeals must be made before the next pitch or before the
defensive team leaves the field.
2. Appeals can be made once the ball has been returned to the infield and time has been called. Any
infielder with or without the ball may make a verbal appeal on: a runner missing a base, a runner
leaving a base too soon or a batter batting out of order. The plate umpire will acknowledge the appeal
and the appropriate umpire will rule on the play.
Co-Rec Modifications
1. A team is composed of eight (8) players, four (4) men and four (4) women. Play may start with no less
than six (6) players, three (3) men and three (3) women. A team may also play with 7 players. At no
time may there be more than four (4) players of a gender on the field for a team. Therefore, the only
legal combinations are 4 males + 4 females, 4 males + 3 females, 3 males + 4 females, and 3 males + 3
females. Substitutions may only take place as a male for male or female for female.
2. The defensive team is restricted to a maximum of 3 males and 3 females in the infield. This restriction
includes the pitcher and catcher. No exceptions will be made.
1. The Sportsmanship Rating System is intended to be an objective scale by which teams' attitude and
behavior can be assessed throughout the intramural sports league and playoff seasons. Behavior
before, during, and after an intramural sports contest is included in the rating. The team captain is
responsible for educating and informing all players and spectators affiliated with his/her team about
the system.
2. A team is responsible for the actions of the individual team members and spectators related to it.
Additionally, WCU Intramural Sports does not recognize the use of coaches. Only the team captain
shall speak to the officials regarding administrative matters (ejections, disqualifications, etc).
Furthermore, the team captain's efforts in assisting Intramural Staff to calm difficult situations and to
restrain troubled teammates are key to controlling team conduct.
3. Sportsmanship is vital to the conduct of every Intramural contest. In order to encourage proper
conduct during games, officials, administrative personnel, and supervisors shall make decisions on
whether to warn, penalize or eject players or teams for poor sportsmanship. These decisions are final.
The Intramural Sports administrative staff will rule on further penalties as a result of unsportsmanlike
4. Each participant should choose his or her team members carefully, as all team members will suffer the
consequences of any disciplinary action taken by the Intramural Sports staff against that team for
violation of the intramural rules and sportsmanship guidelines. Protests or appeals of sportsmanship
ratings will not be recognized. The Intramural Sports administrative staff reserves the right to review
any rating given to a team.
5. Additional information regarding team and participant sportsmanship including the rating method,
factors, and scale is available in the Intramural Sports Handbook, available online at the WCU Campus
Recreation web site.