First Grade Newsletter Week of 4/11/16 Weekly Themes/Units:

First Grade Newsletter Week of 4/11/16
Weekly Themes/Units:
ELA- SKILLS- Students will spell and write one and two syllable words; Student will ask and answer
questions, orally and in writing, requiring literal recall and understanding of details and facts in a fiction
text; Students will read and understand decodable text. LISTENING AND LEARNING – Domain 9Fairytales: Students will identify the fairy tale elements; Identify fairy tales as a type of fiction; identify
common characteristics of fairy tales, such as “once upon a time” beginnings, royal characters, elements
of fantasy, problems and solutions, and happy endings.
MATH- (Module 4- Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 40)Students will add a pair
of two-digit numbers when the ones digits have a sum less than or equal to 10. Students will add a pair
of two-digit numbers with varied sums in the ones.
SOCIAL STUDIES- Students will identify examples of goods and services. Students will identify the good or
service provided by a community helper. Students will identify examples of a producer and a consumer.
4/25-4/29- Spring Recess-No School
- Please remember to send your child with weather-appropriate clothes for the playground. They will
need boots or old sneakers as we change over to muddy or damp conditions that come as “SPRINGLIKE” weather approaches.
-Please be sure your child is practicing their spelling words every night for 5-10 minutes. The words are
included in the homework packet, and the spelling test is every Friday.
-Please be sure your child is coming to school prepared each day. They should be bringing a backpack
and home/school folder with them every day.
-We will have our first “official” chorus rehearsal this week with Mrs.Wilson(Ms. Cheney’s married
name ) The kids are very excited about our First Grade Show this year. It is called “Pajama Party”
and will take place May 19th (evening performance) and May 20th (school day performance) Mrs.
Wilson will send more info. home as the date approaches.
First Grade Wish List:
Room 12- Mrs. Putt- Snacks
Room 13- Mrs. Sweeney-Lysol-style wipes
Room 14- Mrs. DiTucci- Snacks and Lysol-style wipes