TIME Collaborative Implementation Plan – Draft #1 I. School Information School Name: Dr. King Elementary School District: Principal: Dr. Sheadric Barbra Application Contact + Title: Syracuse City School District Kristin Corcoran, Literacy Instructional Coach School Address: 416 E. Raynor Avenue Application Contact Phone: 315-435-6000 ext. 5543 Syracuse, NY 13202 Application Contact E-mail: kcorcoran@scsd.us Final Plan and attachments must be submitted no later than Plan For High-Quality Expanded Learning Time A. Please describe the two focused school-wide priorities, including your instructional focus, that are driving your school redesign plan. Please be sure to describe: 1) what challenges you are trying to solve by focusing on these priorities, 2) how these priorities were developed and what data was used to identify them, 3) how you will use time in your new school day or year to prioritize these two areas, and 4) what your school, teachers, staff and partners do to improve in these two priority areas? As part of our partnership with National Center on Time and Learning(NCTL), Dr. King Elementary School used the the following procedures and criteria to develop and create our school-wide priorities. These priorities are based on data from our student demographics, historical data from the New York State Assessments, AIMSWEB, Student Reading Inventory (SRI), and Pearson Assessments. We have been identified by NYS as a Priority School. The school population consists of 10.2% English Language Learners and 17.7% Special Education. 100% of our students receive free lunch. Instructional Focus: A coordinated, whole school effort at Dr. King Elementary to have all students show measurable growth in their ability to comprehend and respond in writing to various texts using evidence across all subject areas. This will be measured by a common school-based rubric scaffolded across the grade levels to assess daily/weekly assignments in addition to standardized state and district assessments. In order to meet the rigorous demands of the CCLS and increase the number of students showing academic growth, as well as reaching proficiency on the NYS assessments, Dr. King Elementary will implement structured data cycles and instructional planning by incorporating a minimum of 120 minutes of collaborative professional development each week. This extra time will provide teachers with opportunities to analyze data and collaborate both horizontally and verticially in order to improve instruction and intervention. The students will receive at least 120 minutes of intervention in addition to a Blended Learning model during core content areas utilizing specific Computer Assisted Instructional programs (Compass Odyssey, Gamestar Mechanics,…). This will create individualized learning paths based on students’ NWEA data and will be aligned with the CCLS. 1 The second priority will support our students’ social and emotional needs. **insert DATA here** A coordinated whole school effort will be made to build a school culture of positive behavior which will allow us to focus on the education of the whole child so that students are healthy, physically and emotionally safe, actively engaged, supported and challenged by a well-balanced curriculum. This will be done using P.B.I.S., PATHS (Providing Alternate Thinking Strategies) 2nd Step, and PAX Good Behavior Game. By incorporating these strategies into our extended day it will provide additional opportunities for our current supports (psychologists, social workers, and ARISE counselors) to push into classrooms for any necessary interventions. All students will be provided with at least of 90 minutes a week of enrichment. This will support the social emotional health of our students because it will aid in teaching skills such as sportsmanship, cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork. This will also provide students with experiences that they may not otherwise have access to. This will be done through the use of staff as well as community-based organizations to accomplish this. B. Please list the major changes for students and teachers that will result from your redesigned school calendar and schedule. Please be specific and concise. Changes for Students Increase student day from 6 hours to 7.40 hours a day. Changes for Teachers Increase teacher hours from 7 hours to 8 hours a day. No afterschool program – decreases the student’s current day…only here until 4 instead of 5. 120 minutes of Intervention and 90 minutes of Enrichment 10 additional minutes a day added to time for teacher collaboration and data analysis making it 40 minutes a day instead of 30 minutes a day. Use of Community –Based Organizations to facilitate some enrichment opportunities. Teachers have the option to interact with students through enrichment opportunities. 2 High Quality Blended Learning Program to utilize Computer-Aided Instruction Opportunities for targeted small group instruction based on student data. 30 minutes of daily targeted Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Opportunity to build a positive classroom climate that fosters safety and positive teacher to student as well as student to student interactions. C. Please use a bulleted list to describe how the Essential Elements of High-Quality ELT will support the two you have picked as your Schoolwide Priorities. The goal is to demonstrate that your redesign plan is coherently and purposefully supporting your two School-wide Priorities. For your reference, the TIME Collaborative Essential Elements are listed on the last page of the template. 1. Focused School-Wide Priorities Aligns direct explicit core instruction, teacher placement, resources, safety networks, and professional development based on student specific needs Engage, motivate, and improve student achievement Develop the social and emotional health of all students through a research based, curriculum aligned program (PATHS) 2. Enhanced School Culture Provides monthly celebrations for faculty, parents, and students Implements PATHS, PBIS, PAX Good Behavior Game Creates a culture of positive student learning 3. Frequent Data Cycles Supports 100 minutes of weekly collaboration for all core academic staff to analyze data, create individualized learning plans, formulate small group instruction, and discuss/track progress monitoring Teachers have 100 minutes per week compared to 75 minutes in their current schedule 4. High Quality Instruction Facilitates implementation of NYS Common Core Learning Standards through the use of Reading Street and EnVision Math Provides blended learning model (Compass Learning, Gamestar Mechanic (writing)…) Instruction aligned with student driven data (NWEA, AimsWeb, SRI, Pearson Assessments, and NYS ELA & Math Exam) 5. Targeted Intervention and Acceleration Provides 135 minutes a week of intervention/acceleration for all students Interventions will be based on student data (NWEA, AimsWeb, Pearson Assessments, Formative Assessments, Progress Monitoring) Having both teacher and support staff will allow for a smaller teacher to student ratio 6. Engaging Enrichment Provides 90 minutes a week of enrichment opportunities for all students Based on hobby and interest with the capacity for mastery Build school culture through school-wide assemblies to showcase student learning Build capacity between teacher, students, and community 7. Teacher Collaboration & PD All teacher schedules includes time to collaborate with peers to strengthen instruction and student achievement. Teachers have 100 minutes per week compared to 75 minutes in their current schedule 3 Teachers will meet with Instructional Coaches weekly Allows time for grade level team meetings in addition to school-wide professional development Could include mentoring and peer coaching D. Show how your redesign plan meets the time and implementations requirements of the Time Collaborative Essential Elements. (Type response here) E. Describe how your redesigned school day will provided targeted supports to meet the individualized needs of each student, including how your schedule allows you to maximize supports for struggling students. (Type response here) 4 F. Please describe in the space below how your school will prepare staff this spring and over the summer for the changes that will take place at your school next year (e.g. new responsibilities, new programs, etc.). (Type response here) III. Overview of Redesigned School Calendar + Schedule A. STUDENT SCHEDULES Complete the following table for your current and proposed student schedule. CURRENT PROPOSED DIFFERENCE Student Start and End Time - Full days 9:00 – 3:00 8:00 – 3:40 1 hour/40 min. Student Start and End Time - Early Release days n/a n/a n/a Number of Full Days per Year for All Students 180 180 0 Number of Early Release Days per Year for All Students n/a n/a n/a Total Hours Per Year for All Students (Hrs/day X #days/yr) full days + (Hrs/day X #days/yr) ER days See Jason!! 5 Please attach four sample student schedules(representing different grade levels, student subgroups, etc.) and complete the table below for two sample schedules. Specials only include traditional offerings (e.g. Art, PE, Music, etc.). Weekly Student Minutes Grade/Subgroup: Current (SY13-14) # of Minutes Proposed (SY14-15) # of Minutes English Math Science Soc Stud Acad Sup Specials Elective/ Enrichment Other Total English Math Science Soc Stud Acad Sup Specials Elective/ Enrichment Other Total Weekly Student Minutes Grade/Subgroup: Current (SY13-14) # of Minutes Proposed (SY14-15) # of Minutes 6 B. TEACHER SCHEDULES Please complete the following table for your current and proposed teacher schedule. CURRENT PROPOSED DIFFERENCE Teacher Start and End Times - Full days* 8:15-3:15 7:50-3:50 Teacher Start and End Times - Early Release days* n/a n/a n/a Total Hrs Per Day – Full days** 7 hours 8 hours 1 hour Total Hrs Per Day – Early Release days** n/a n/a n/a Number of Full Days per Year for Teachers 188 188 None Number of Early Release Days per Year for Teachers n/a n/a n/a Total Required Work Time Per Year for Teachers** (Hrs/day X #days/yr) full days + (Hrs/day X #days/yr) ER days Jason *If you are staggering staff schedules and will have different shifts of teachers, please describe the staggered schedule in the space below, including the number of teachers on each shift, who will be on each shift (ie. K – 2 teachers on the early shift and 3 – 5 teachers on the late shift), and how this will alter teacher schedules on early release days, if applicable. **If the total required work time and/or hours per day vary for some teachers please describe in the space below. (Type response here) 7 8 Please attach five sample teacher schedules (a combination of core academic teachers, self-contained classrooms, specialists and interventionists across grade levels) and complete the table below for two sample schedules. If there are additional professional development days that do not appear in your sample teacher schedules, please briefly describe them in the space below. Teacher Role/Subject Area: Current (SY13-14) # of Minutes Proposed (SY14-15) # of Minutes Teacher Role/Subject Area: Current (SY13-14) # of Minutes Proposed (SY14-15) # of Minutes Instruction Collaboration Data Review (beyond collab.) Individual Planning/Prep Professional Development Other Total Instruction Collaboration Data Review (beyond collab.) Individual Planning/Prep Professional Development Other Total 9 IV. Sustainability Plan A. RE-ENGINEERING STRATEGIES 1. Please describe in the space below how the attached schedules utilize the sustainability strategies described during TIME Collaborative Technical Assistance including any/all of the following: flexible approaches to staffing, technology and digital content, community-based partners, or schedule flexibility. 2. Please also describe any changes that have been made or will need to be made to collective bargaining agreements and district policies to enable implementation of your school’s plan. (Type response here) 10 B. BUDGETING Projected Costs 1) Please describe in the space below the major changes to your budget that are related to your school’s implementation of your new school day and year. (Type response here) 2) If applicable, describe in the space below any anticipated changes to your school’s budget that may not be related to implementing your new school day and year (e.g. changes in student population requiring new staff, curriculum changes requiring substantial investment, etc.). (Type response here) 11 V. Building Support for Your School Redesign Plan Please provide evidence in the table below of how you reached out to the community, leading to support and engagement for your school redesign plan among stakeholder groups. Attach any supporting documentation if applicable. STAKEHOLDER EVIDENCE OF OUTREACH, SUPPORT, AND ENGAGEMENT Staff Parents Students School Board Community Stakeholders 12 VI. Reflection and Looking Forward (Unscored Section) The question below will not be scored during the plan review process. They will be used internally by NCTL to refine our technical assistance. A. Please reflect on the planning process, including your successes, challenges, and valuable lessons learned. (Type response here) 13 Effective Practices School –wide Approaches The Seven Essential Elements: Requirements and Flexibilities Element 1. Focused Priorities New school day/year driven by two priorities to improve student achievement Requirements Flexibilities One school-wide priority around high quality instruction, including an instructional focus One other school-wide priority, chosen from the other essential elements Time to recognize achievement and reinforce positive behavior at least monthly Individual priorities Methods to monitor progress towards goals 3. Frequent Data Cycles Systemic approach to analyzing and responding to data to improve instruction At least 60 minutes of weekly collaboration for all core content teachers to analyze and respond to data School-wide protocols for analysis 4 to 6 interim ELA and math assessments yearly Types of data protocols Types of interim assessments 4. High Quality Instruction All student schedules include challenging ELA, math, science, and social studies course Time allocated to academic instruction reflects the needs of students High quality instruction driven by a school-wide instructional focus, with a common set of instructional strategies At least 120 minutes weekly Students grouped based on data identifying academic needs Specific time allocations Curriculum The specific instructional focus and instructional strategies All students receive at least 90 additional minutes each week for enrichment Enrichment offerings are based in part on student interests and choice, with opportunities for mastery Staffing and program offerings Time allocated for each student may exceed 90 minutes based on individual academic needs At least 60 minutes weekly grade level and/or content area collaboration for all teachers, in addition to 60 minutes each week for data analysis School-wide protocols for collaboration Administrators participate in and support collaboration Types of collaboration protocols 2. Enhanced School Culture School-wide plan to build a culture of high academic and behavioral expectations 5. Targeted Intervention & Acceleration All student schedules include academic intervention or acceleration taught primarily by certified teachers 6. Engaging Enrichment All student schedules include enrichment courses beyond traditional district offerings 7. Teacher Collaboration & PD All teacher schedules include weekly opportunities to collaborate with peers to strengthen instruction Approaches to recognizing positive behaviors and academics Types of social-emotional supports Instructional approach Curriculum 14